Reclaiming Gilneas!

Well, this is really funny. Seems they heard the complaints about the new armor at least


I’m glad they adjusted it a bit, it looked very ‘painted on’ for a modern WoW set.

It’s still quite horrendous though.


Yeah, the overall design is horrible. But at least now it doesn’t look like an amateur made it in MS Paint in 5 mins.

It’s something at least. Least blizz is listening, if they can fix the other issues with the post reclamation quest that people been complaining about, than that’ll be a good start


I’m going to be honest, it looks like some Valentine’s Day set. And that’s not because of the roses. I mean the NPCs aren’t even wearing it, and plenty of them are dressed as nobility.

Not quite. I can also sympathize that the Horde (apart from the Forsaken, who don’t have my sympathy in this situation) got table scraps there.

Silverpine is Lordaeron. Gilneas back behind the Wall.

Silverpine is decidely not behind the wall and now that the wall is permanently broken Crowley will likely take back posession of his lands.

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Crowley is a filthy war criminal. No one agrees with you.

I see you have become a night elf.

Once you kaldorei you never go backdorei.

I’m sorry…


Thanks for the laugh friendo. Yeah, it’s a temporary change, nothing permanent. I’ll be back to playing a worgen in a couple weeks or so. I just need to get away from playing one for a while you know? :wolf:


Also big lol bilgewater is the worst City… Goblins never got anything. Undermine is the og including all of Kezan.

Its okay, i know the feeling, I have 6 monk alts.

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I liked you before.

Now I like you even moredorei.


That just sounds like a couple fun activities I can’t partake in. What a shame.

Well, the Horde does have a whole bunch of Dollar Store discount bin night elves…

I’m not saying it’s remotely the same, but just don’t look at them too closely (or closely at all) and it could work, Nez!!

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Oh my sweet, innocent, Mocha goddess you—

–are right. Carry on being your amazing self.

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Imagine making a questline so bad it pushes a fan of that race to race change, if only temporarily, just to get away from it.
It’s actually quite impressive.


I mained my warrior since TBC, he turned Worgen the moment they became available.
I’m done after this, I am playing my pala now.

I will either race change my warrior at some point or continue with paladin for good.

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I do really want to go back to my worgen eventually, but I also kind of want to save my race change for the day the rest of the alliance races get druids.

I’d have soo much fun playing as a Draenei druid, with the dark skin man’ari option :heart_eyes_cat:


The short questline Baine got being compared to an entire patch of Alliance content is an example of what I’m talking about.