Reclaiming Gilneas!

You are welcome. That is the whole point of Calia. She bends over backwards just like Baine to hate on her own faciton and making allies with Stormwind and lackes.

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-gets new nelf city.
-gets whole patch dedictaed to nelves
-worgen can reclaim gilneas.
-all alliance leaders matter
-Horde got nothing sinc eMoP.

somehow Horde bias.


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Evien somehow seeing a post that doesn’t mention the word “Horde” once and decides it’s all about the Horde.


Oh ok.

I thought you were talking the new one.

Yeah, the heritage set is complicated, because you kinda has to use fhe cest, belt and pants together and the chest messes up almost every glove. I can basically rock it with 2 pieces of the season 2 monk pvp armor, looks decent, some clipping on the right shoulder though.


When you can point to anything about horde bias in that post, than I’ll consider taking your clown response seriously

You clearly understood nothing that you quoted and just decided it was all about the horde.


I have seen twitter and MMO. The most extreme partisans love to dunk on the whole Horde community. And this patch is just the whole proof of pretty much everything I accues Blizzard of ever.

I am very proud you have seen them.

This is not Twitter, and while we’re on the forums talking about an MMO, Story Forums are not “MMO”, and Karebear did not post on “MMO”. Therefore you are imagining the word Horde in a post where that word was not used.

Stay in school, Evien.


I actually really like the heritage armor as long as the shoulders are hidden.

Not this armor though no.

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I like the hat.

With a clearer head, I’m still a little annoyed that the quest for Baine Bloodhoof, a character they’ve (to put it kindly) STRUGGLED with, was more involved, detailed, and had more righteous stomping and cultural tidbits than reclaiming Gilneas.

I spent 35 minutes on it instead of 10! And it ended with a little conclusion of the whole thing instead of “wait okay I guess that was it”.

I did get a mount, though, so that’s nice. A mount that, like the rest of the quest, has a lot of lore implications and precious little depth or explanation.


The complaints are still there despite Blizzard dedicating all of Dragonflight to the alliance alone while just in Legion they forget the Horde even exists.

Yup, it sure all is a vast conspiracy against the Horde, who never ever get anything nice.

You’re a brave little soldier for playing Red, despite all the biases against you.

Moving on.


Silly Everine, the Alliance are not dragons!!!


did you miss the epilouge with all the stay a while and listen or Baine almost dying to a noname Khan while failing to save Bovan?

Oh, that’s right! There was stay a while and listen!

And an established enemy with ties to the tauren! And call backs to their history besides just… chasing rats out of a tunnel.

I’m not quite salty enough to race change my worgen warrior, but she might be in danger of getting replaced by a tauren for the two handed mace alone (not as useful on my shaman, tragically, and it looks so good).


and then he forgave them all and disappeared.

There’s a lot of that going around lately.


Forgive me if this was discussed, but what the hell is Calia referring to when she says the Alliance assisted with reclaiming Lordaeron, so our presence in Gilneas is to repay that debt…?

When did the Alliance assist in Lordaeron?

Shadow lands story. Gen sends alliance PC’s to Investigate and eventually help the Forsaken clean up the plague. PC’s wear a disguise, but Calia and a couple others see through it. Alliance side I believe ends with Calia sending a message to Gen that the Forsaken are returning Gilneas… or something like that.

Their presence was supposed to be them making good on that promise.


Shadowlands, alliance assists in cleaning the blight.


Blueside was all dressed as undead so as not to get cooties over things, but it’s the same quest and Genn sent us to help out.