Reclaiming Gilneas!

Not true! Belysra is fighting off to the side outside the church if you go out of your way to look for her! :upside_down_face:

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Ah jeeze, I totally missed her in the sea of… mundanity that was unfolding before my eyes. The first time in WoW’s history that I had zero desire to explore beyond the confines of the immediate questing area.

LOL @ one NE NPC though.


Not that you see anything new. Like Alysna said in the community lounge, it’s just the post worgen zone The Ruins of Gilneas with a few vendors added in the initial market area you start in as a worgen.

The whole thing is trash and someone seriously needs to be fired for okaying this entire heap of garbage


Pretty much this. There’s no reason for the average Horde player to stick around. It’s the same for Bel’Ameth once we find all the new transmog items. Actually, even worse with the new NE area. Horde can’t interact with any vendors or the innkeeper there.

Sure, being able to interact with the vendors, banker, and innkeeper was odd and they should correct that. But people are acting like hordes (hah hah) of Horde players are going to stick around ruining everything. We’re not. We’re just going to do the quest stuff, get our rewards, and then leave.


Sorry, we’re apparently becoming a core part of War Within according to this questline. ‘This won’t be the last time we see them’.

While nearly everyone has a reason to hate Arthas, I think people, especially Genn, consider him the exception and not the rule. For the most part, people like Terenas are still considered beloved.

And Calia does throw out her Menthil heritage when it suits her.

After exploring Bel’Ameth, and while the town is small, it’s beautiful and does feel like it’s at least lived in. Now compared to Gilneas and the reclamation questline?

It feels like they purposely screwed the reclamation up on purpose so we would stop bugging them about gilneas and really just half baked the entire thing to distract people.

If so, i should remind them that doesn’t justify to do some trash level works to achieve this goal.

A simple peace treaty party would have been far better than this! On a second though, even that they would have rushed it instead to do it right.

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Did I ghost write this post because holy moley is it activating latent resentment of Cata Era storytelling.

The Idea that Horde players with no Agency should suffer also rubs me wrong when I was sharpening my Tyrant Stabbing knives the minute news got out that Sylvanas was pulling the same Fearmongering Justification that Garrosh was before he dropped the Bomb in Mists.

My Biggest “Horde Fantasy” is the same exact scenario happening but we stop it before it even gets off the ground because that’s just how sick of it I am. A flat rejection that the Horde should be ruled by base fear and impulses like a bunch of Orcs being easily swayed by a bunch of shiny guns. The next Anger-Merchant or fearmonger that tries to rise up needs to get immediately dumpstered and hung out to dry.


What killed me was the whole Scarlet Crusade at the church grounds. Of all the hamfisted enemies to bring back and to do dirty. Why bring them back? Why not do an epic quest chain where the leaders of the Crusade each fight against us in each section of the city. Voice acted with cinematics. Each explaining why they chose Gilneas.

Maybe even give them Gilnean accents. Saying, “the impure worgen are mongrels at best.” Something to really deserve the ire of the Gilneans. No they just cry about the Light and don’t really feel racist. Like Garithos level racist.

They then get cleaned up in 10 minutes and they all disappear. Why not have them captured and interrogated by Ivar Bloodfang or Crowley? There should have been so much more potential, but nope. Gilneas was taken by the Scarlet Crusade who didn’t even put up a fight and then died, disappeared, and story’s over folks. Oh Tess a human is now the leader of the Worgen.

They could of at least given Tess Greymane a new model. We waited 15 years for this…


But the stans here on the forums said they were so excited to beat up the scarlets again le epic style! Who could have forseen this.

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I did the same when I swapped to this Mechgnome ages ago. Because I already know Blizzard is going to ignore them and the regular gnomes for the rest of time, and never do anything with them again. So at least this way I am not setting myself up for disappointment.

I was a huge Night Elf fan since Warcraft3. I was a Worgen fan since Vanilla and one of the people who pushed for them to be added as a playable race. I am dreading The War Within because I am a Dwarf fan as well.


On the bright side, Earthen are probably a safe bet, as Blizzard historically just drops in neutral races then forgets about them completely within the same expansion they released.


Am I the only person who didn’t mind the Worgen heritage armor? Sure, it’s not my first pick for a worgen, but it’s neat looking enough and works with the theme they’re going for.

The reward armor for this quest is terrible, though. Very tacky. Even on a twinkle-toes elf body it looks ridiculous. The head piece is awesome but the rest makes me gag. A homophobic teenager would call it “gay”, but I’d say any self-respecting gay gentlemen would burn it on sight.

It looks like someone glued action-figure accessories to the puffy pirate shirt from Seinfeld. It looks like someone got tarred and feathered but still had to go into work the next day. It looks like someone tried to retrofit grandma’s nightgown into armor. It looks like a fancy pillow that got ripped open. It looks like someone made it as a mean prank for a guest they invited to a fancy dinner. It looks like something the villains from the Hunger Games would wear if the movie’s budget got slashed.

Eh. It’s not armor, that’s my issue. It’s a heritage fancy outfit, but not armor.


It’s not bad, but it’s not great. The coat and such are fine, but the shoulders don’t really match, they are out of proportion. But the main issue is it looks okay to good on Humanoid forms, but when you change into a Worgen it gets stretched and weird, and it throws the shoulders even further out of proportion. Yea; armor does that since the Worgen have a different model, but you’d think the armor specifically made for the Worgen heritage would fit on a Worgen model better.


A patch devoted to recovering Undercity? I’ll believe it when I see it.

But the point isn’t some claim about number of cities. I have no problem with Teldrasil and Gilneas being restored. (Even if they have mostly ignored undercity).

It’s about the fact that Blizzard put unprecedented resources into Alliance lore, to the point where the Horde has to play thought it because they used an entire patch. And some still find some minor things to play the victim over.

Yes, I know these people likely don’t represent the majority of Alliance players, but it is part of the same old “the Alliance deserves everything it wants” meme.


Is not heritage either.

Any race can use it.

I’m doing some tests with it on my worgen alt, but not sure yet

No, nobody but the worgen can use the heritage quest armor. Your confusing the latest armor with the heritage one, that’s unique to just the worgen

Only the newest one can be used by everyone else


You are thinking of the new, Reclaim Gilneas armor.

I’m talking about the heritage “armor” party suit from the heritage armor quest.