Reclaiming Gilneas!

Oh I’m sorry my post crossed you guys the wrong way, I forget to edit some things sorry.

I said that I hope the horde stuff( the horde acess to the bank, vendors and the city itself as neutral) being just a mistake and soon to be fixed in the coming days

And I sympathize with how bad things turned out, thats I what meant when saying " can we say they tried?" Cuz it does not look like they really tried, and they failed to deliver in everything the worgen players were hoping and expecting for this content.
(Perhaps a language barrier from my side)

As for everything I love to be burned down… it already has, this wish of yours was already realized since at least 2018.


I think they will go further than “visitable” regarding horde cities. I doubt the Void Elves and the High Elves will unite around King Lor’themar. I fully expect Silvermoon to be carved up and for Blood elves to actually surrender territory to the alliance elf variants and give them co-equal governance of the city.

While the Horde can visit Gilneas, there is no doubt that it is an Alliance city run by Tess. While the Horde can visit Amirdrassil, there is no doubt that it is a city run by Tyrande (or maybe Shandris now).

Mark my words come Midnight, Silvermoon will not be seen as a Horde city that the Alliance can visit but a neutral one that the Blood Elves don’t even solely govern.

Personally, I enjoyed most of it but yes it was too short for what it was suppose to be.

First, we had an entire debate of the Alliance not being part of it. Well sorry to people who wanted no Alliance participation but the Alliance had a decent spotlight, even had a semi cinematic scene when we open the gate and the entire Alliance forces rushes in behind Genn. Also, they made sure to include EVERY Alliance race, including pandaren and the allied races(I wish they added a dracthyr as well but oh well)

Second, Tess was always going to lead Gilneas. That was never a question of if but when. Now Genn gets to hand off the reigns while still having his own continued part in the story as a guiding voice to the Alliance which is terribly ironic considering his initial position towards it. With the bonus of Genn expressing his regret about walling his own people and how maybe had he decided different both Lordeaeron and Liam might still be alive.

There is an entire expansion dedicated to Quel’thalas. I expect the city will become neutral. I mean, this is effectively the same thing that happened with Lordearon. They got their reclamation quest before us but the Alliance ultimately got one.

I’m sorry if I came off as hostile towards you yesterday. I was Soooo mad about how everything turned out. Especially because this isn’t the first time blizz has done this to the worgen community.

They didn’t even try with the questline. It’s soo bad, the armor looks like it was made in MS Paint and the fox is an outdated and recolored legion model fox that they thought looked good enough to release.

I sincerely apologize


I have my problems with it, but thankfully, nothing that can’t be fixed in a patch. Except the transmog, it sucks lol. I actually like the fox tho.

Horde should not be running around willy-nilly in Gilneas. I know Blizz probably wanted both factions to experience the new content, but as of right now there’s nothing so outrageously cool in Gilneas that Horde players “have to” be there too. At least give them a “you are being watched” debuff.

So uh, yeah, just add some more services to the town and fix the weird neutrality nobody likes, or at least mitigate it, and you’re good.


Because we have a portal directly to it?

With Bel’Ameth, Horde players running around made a kind of sense. There’s new cosmetics to be gathered, and you really shouldn’t be barring a whole faction from the new endgame of WoW; making toon look maxi pretty.

But Gilneas? Once that cutscene ends and Calia goes away, we should be going with her. Say, just to the outskirts of the city, where we get a dialog about how we kept a whole promise to give the worgos their city and left.

There isn’t a reason to be there, there’s nothing to get from being there, so… Yeah.


Oh don’t worry, even with two neutral Alliance racial capitals (which does suck ; that may very well be a temporary situation though), the amount of utter narrative and character destruction BFA brought to the Horde will remain unsurpassed. You guys are still leagues ahead in terms of narrative health and integrity as far as factions are concerned.

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You can disregard that comment. I only made that comment to Syiax in a fit of anger because I furious about the gilnean questline and the utter garbage that EVERYTHING came from it and about it.

I’m soo over it all. Really am. Blizz showed that they’re nothing but a bunch of hacks and so is Metzen


Fair enough :ok_hand:

(ah yes I hadn’t read your previous post, sorry about that)


Gilneas neutrality can be fixed in a patch.

Honestly, I am more worried by a Cataclysm quality level zone not getting new assets. The assets are not on the quality set post MOP.

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I finished the questline and have some thoughts… So here is my brain vomit that no one asked for:

  • I like Mia Greymane’s voice actor? I don’t recall her having a unique one before but I haven’t interacted with her in so long I can’t remember.
  • Calia Menethil saying ‘I swear as a Menethil’ made me cringe, like… girl, Menethil meant nothing as soon as your dummy brother desecrated his own kingdom and started this mess in the first place. What happened to it being ‘just Calia now’? Saying that means absolutely nothing to anyone. Eyerolls ensue.
  • Forsaken feel hamfisted here, I love Voss but her being there meant next to nothing. I think having them undercover like the Alliance were in reclaiming of Lordaeron would’ve made more sense.
  • I always love seeing more Scarlet stuff (hot take, I know) but I would’ve liked more on why they were even here. No, ‘cleansing the dead Gilnean bodies of the curse’ is not enough. Most of the Gilneans in the GY wouldn’t even be Worgen anyway, lmao.
  • The scene where they storm into the gates was dorky. Like everyone in dog ugly Stormwind Guard armor, galomping in like a bunch of bumbling idiots. This would’ve been the perfect opportunity to show a ‘cool Worgen moment’ by having a bunch of Worgen blast open the gates and running in on all fours with the iconic deep howl. Massive missed opportunity.
  • … Wait that’s it? Seriously… it’s over?

It was… SO short. What the heck? I thought I had missed something until the cinematic started to play.

  • This set is so ugly.
  • Since when do Gilneans have symbology with white foxes? (Janky re-skinned ones at that!)
  • Why isn’t Tess a Worgen yet? I don’t HATE her but… she NEEDS to be a Worgen.
  • Was this really for Worgen fans? It felt like another story for MHP players.

Anyway, I’m glad I didn’t get my hopes up because this whole thing felt like one massive afterthought and I’m sad.


There’s a lot that’s upsetting about this but just in terms of utter bafflement, utter bewilderment, I do not understand how there’s no portal. Gilneas is so far from any Alliance hub! You opened a whole new floor in the Stormwind portal room for the Bel’ameth port! Why is there no Gilneas port?!


We were able to reclaim Gilneas in the most anticlimactic way possible against the Scarlet Crusade (and only because the Forsaken withdrew their forces in the first place, so basically they did us a favor). Not only that but the Forsaken army had to help us.

  1. You can complete the quests in literally 10 minutes.

  2. No flightpath/port.

  3. No portals.

  4. No ‘of Gilneas’ or ‘Greyguard’ title.

  5. Genn, Mia or Tess nowhere to be found after the questline.

  6. Gilneas still being mostly empty outside Gilneas City.

  7. Forsaken banners / camp still present near the gate.

  8. An atrocious new transmog, even worse than the original heritage armor. Now that’s what I call an achievement.

  9. A recolored fox as a mount instead of the carriage.

  10. No new faction tabard or cloak. Not even the Gilnean quartermaster is there.

  11. The name of the zone remains the same. Ι was hoping for ‘Gilneas’…

  12. Genn gives away the throne to Tess, so now we are being led by a non-worgen and kinda underdeveloped character.

  13. Gilneas is neutral.

  14. Horde players can make Gilneas City their home.

I hate myself for being a Gilnean fan. Can we go back in time, please?


Because blizzard hates the worgen and the worgen community. Always have, always will. Everything they do with the worgen is an afterthought, they don’t even TRY to make anything cool with them

I’m race changing when I settle on a new druid race I wanna play.

Congrats blizzard, your hack writing team, and your hack story leader, Metzen, thoroughly killed my love for gilneas and the worgen.


Yep, I’ll do the same. I am changing my main.


I would also add that no Harvest Witches or Bloodfang pack development (if only a few flavor NPCs and lore crumbs) is a gigantic missed opportunity, since those are also what sets Gilneas apart from the other Human kingdoms.


The more I think about it, the more depressed and angry I get over it. I don’t know why anyone at blizzard thought this was a great quest line


Agreed, and something I noted as well. I was excited to see some iconic characters like Lord Crowley and Celestine of the Harvest. To have them serve as little more than wallpaper was disappointing to say the least.

The absence of Ivar was also pretty glaring, being one of the few ‘true’ Worgen in my eyes.

I know the last few patches were extremely Night Elf heavy, but having absolutely zero NE help/presence was also weird considering they’d built pretty good relations and the Gilneans helped pretty heavily in Darkshore. I really liked their racial connection so it was sad to see it being abandoned.


I’m currently boiling with rage, i have not enough harsch words to express how much i despise their work, if we can call this “work”.

Everything is wrong and other players expressed why better than me.
So much hype for a complete betrayal: Take a look at the taurens, the forsakens and the night elves this expansion and dare to tell me that we are on an even ground.