Reclaiming Gilneas!

its only impossible cause they make it that way, cause they wont try and they just want to pretend stuff didnt happen, they cant make everyone happy but they can make things make sense in the story, killing belmont for what he did in darkshore would do wonders


I saw you, you were the only one who stopped to walk with me, and I thought I was gonna have a buddy. Man they should have phased the area immediately around the NPCs because I couldn’t even tell Tess apart from every other rogue woman.


I was going to stick around you and make a whole forum story about it, but at that time I had wrongly expected a whole proper quest chain, and I was all excited.

In retrospect, had I stopped and stuck with you, it might have been almost as long as a short quest chain.

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Man, I didn’t see any of you.

Unless you saw an angry dwarf blitzing through punching everything in the face, in which case, hi, I guess. I will… take it slower on Sceo so I can get the Horde viewpoint, and maybe my worgen. Though my magpie instincts are a lot less piqued for YET ANOTHER HEARTHSTONE TOY.

Got my tauren to 70 through bloodshed, so I can do Baine’s quest on her finally.

Gave up on the “not archeology” quest because it was busy and glitched.

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At least that’s finally over.

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I just resent the decay of uniqueness. The worgen capital loses something in becoming a playground for the enemy faction, the same way the blood elf capital will lose something if/when it suffers the same fate. The night elf one loses a little less for limiting its Horde presence to the Runetotems and an explicitly distrusted PC, and the undead one loses nothing, because Alliance players get killed if they go there.

I’ve done my share of complaining about faction wars in my time, but if the alternative is an Azeroth so blandly neutral that even racial capitals are FFA, maybe it’s time to roll on the next evil Warchief. The Metal Horde and the Scourge Horde were kind of rubbish but maybe we blood elves can head up a Blood Hor- wait, no, that one’s patented now…


Calling myself a RPer is a stretch, I don’t really RP. But ever since I joined this game I’ve gotten into the Faction pride thing. I like the Faction Identity in this game. I like being a part of the Alliance, I like how different and unique the factions feel and how Blizzard has fostered this sense of faction pride since I joined in Wrath.

How many Horde have I killed in BGs? How many times has a Forsaken Rogue ganked me in Darkshire? How many times have I assembled in Stormwind Keep to defend the King from Horde players? How many times have I ran ICC for Invincible and had to do the Gunship battle?

The Alliance and Horde are literally as old as Warcraft itself. There were no Void Lords, No Scourge, no Burning Legion. All there was were Orcs vs Humans. Alliance vs Horde.

I have no problem talking to, and grouping with, and even being in the same guild as Horde players. This is both natural for gameplay purposes but also it’d be realistic that adventurers of both factions would occasionally team up to take down dungeons or common foes during peacetime.

But cities are our “safe space”, where we know we’re surrounded by allies, this is our space, this is our tribe, our aesthetics, our heroes, our faction leaders, etc.

It’s the last aspect that retains Alliance and Horde faction identity, and I don’t see what value it adds to the game to break down that last barrier. What? So Orcs can go stand in front of the Stormwind bank for no reason? Grouping up together makes sense, talking to each other makes sense, being in the same guild even makes sense. But keeping players out of eachother’s capitals maintains the faction identity this game is built on and removing it doesn’t have any obvious benefits.


I’m fine with the neutral vibe everything has. I think it could use some work, like maybe you can grind rep with the faction’s cities to be able to go there. There’s a lot of ways they can do competition between the factions without it being a war. There’s a lot of ways to have conflict in the game without it being divided along racial lines.

Plus, if I want faction conflict, I think that space should be reserved for War Mode. If you can’t PVP, then you don’t have space to complain about it.

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I’m just amazed they managed to make a worse archeology.


Maybe it will be good when I can play it.

But I was way too cranky and sleep deprived to tolerate SHENANIGANS from my artifacts today. Whatever. The tauren is probably a better investment because mogs are the real endgame… Granted, there’s some sweet mogs behind that, so I’ll come back around.

One of these days. Probably tomorrow. And maybe I’ll give Gilneas a chance to be interesting, too.

are the NPCs seriously gone forever if you tell the lady to clear out?

I wonder if actual archeology now that dragonriding is possible might be less tedious nowadays

Can’t imagine that it would hurt it. Still gonna be way too much nelf trash in the main world.

Baine’s “I will learn a valuable lesson in this afterschool special” quest is longer and more involved than Gilneas by… like, a lot.

Maybe I’m muzzied, but I’ve already spent a bigger chunk of time on it. And I’m just in the village staking corpses for VICTORY and stuff.

Man, Gilneas was anticlimactic.


It seems Blizzard doesn’t want to do anything with the Scarlet Crusade and their offshoots other than use them as punching bags. What a waste.

It helps roleplayers.

On Moon Guard, basically the last RP server left since WRA is dead, it’s a 85-to 15 Ally/Horde split. Being able to hang out in Stormwind would, at least, allow people to RP Horde characters instead of sadly sitting in the squalid dustbowl that is the Valley of Honor with like 10 people around on WRA, half of which don’t RP.

I don’t think you’d see a lot of Horde or Alliance congregating in faction cities if this were the case. People will still continue to congregate in whatever the neutral hub is like we have for half of this game’s runtime, and will just stop by whatever city is most convenient to where we need to go. Like, on non RP servers, how many people really hang out in Stormwind? Heck, even on RP servers, how many people hang out in IF? The answer is basically 0.

I see where you’re coming from. But personally speaking I don’t think it hurts anything. At the very least I think you should be able to grind rep with opposite faction cities to at least prove that you’re there as an emissary.

Been at it since 2006. I’m ready for the faction stuff to be over with. Especially as the playerbase dwindles and we all get older and WoW settles into its role as a boomer game that only the addicted who have been at it so long that the sunk-cost is impossible to escape, it makes sense to consolidate the playerbase.


I think one reason I bang on with this is because my main since Cata was a DK, and the story for DK has long been that the DKs see themselves are a company across lines at least as much as they are members of the specific faction, which I think is something really only Druids had previously, and is something hopefully everybody got a taste of during Legion.

When war got intense under Garrosh, story character DKs were faced against each other and had sort of a cordial battle where they’d let the defeated opposition get away with their lives instead of taking their lives. You know who had a problem with that? Sylvanas. If you played Horde you watched Sylvanas imprison your side’s DK and Blizzard then forgot about it until Legion (and even then, it was kind of a “let’s never speak about that” conclusion.)

I wonder if that’s partly why all this “Horde players should be punished since Sylvanas did (mess)” talk bothers me. Sylvanas being a very obvious roadblock to cooperation who was going to have to either get hit with the villain bat or change dramatically was something I was aware of for a lot of years. The story has been set up for a long time that a really diverse force (DKs are almost everyone) can cooperate in a different context. The story has been hinting at it long before the gameplay was ready.

I feel more association with my characters job class, or even their race, than their faction. I’m up and down on the various Horde races, I won’t even log into my orc anymore after Blizzard made them Naturally Born Tyrants in WoD.

The fight for the Wrathgate, the front door of ICC, had far better writing, impact, and story-telling than this garbage questline that offered barely any payoff for what should be a large piece of the story for the Worgen and Humanity in WoW.

  1. The Quests - Nothing put this entire chain into more focus than the act of chasing rats through a tunnel with a torch. Once you hit that quest, you could tell that this ride was quickly coming to a laughably bad conclusion. The rest amounted to a simple zerg fest of killing some randos in the streets.
  2. The “Plot” - What really stuck out was Tess Greymane, a member of the Uncrowned, failing to know even basic details of the Scarlet Crusade. A faction who has been around since the inception of WoW and yet the supposed ultimate spy faction couldn’t…what? Be bothered to do basic research? Then after that, Genn Greymane, mastermind behind some of the worst decisions in all of Warcraft, just hands over his rule to his daughter. She was scolding him for his disdain and then goes weak in the knees with love for him cause this coward cannot ever be held accountable for his actions. There is no grand scheme, no maneuver, just terrible get along gang vibes as you fight a half-hearted battle. What happened to the ferocity of the Worgen? Where were the shadows in the windows, stalking a moonlit city?
  3. That final boss - I don’t even remember her name because she served no purpose, offered no resistance, and was not a threat in the slightest. Common elite spawns in the Isles offered more challenge than she did. And then you just walk out, holding hands and singing a tune.

This entire story felt like it was crafted the night before by an intern, showing no care or craftsmanship for the lore of this game. Shadowlands was bad, but holy crap Blizz is doing everything they can to phone this stuff in with the most uninspired, lazy, and undercooked story in all of WoW.

At this point, they may as well use AI to write the story because the stuff ChatGPT comes up with would at least have a spark of inspiration and storytelling. People are looking for the next game, they are at the door waiting to leave WoW and this is what is offered. It’s a sad, sad look at what the future holds for WoW where we’ll probably beat Iridikron in a game of hearthstone and call the War Within a draw.

tl;dr: For a story focused on Werewolves, this entire thing felt toothless.


I will do the quest later but can we get this toy for every race of the Alliance please? :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

It’s a very good teleporation toy for the North of the Eastern Kingdoms if we are Alliance. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


Why isnt there a belameth one


So uh, I guess I was mostly just confused by the whole story more than anything.

Why were we retaking Gilneans from the Scarlets? Did the Scarlets take it from the Forsaken? It seems like they entered after the Forsaken left but if that’s the case… why didn’t the Gilneans do that first?

Why did Genn randomly decide to abdicate at the end? I feel like because he’s old but he’s also fighting on the front lines of the battle just fine so he can’t be all that senile.

What was up with Tess claiming Genn built the Wall to hide from his pain? Last I checked the canon reason he built the Wall was because he was mad the Alliance weren’t exterminating the orcs after he sat out of the Second War.

Just a very bizarre questline. Felt very last minute.