Reclaiming Gilneas!

They open back up the old one. I wouldn’t call it an update. It certainly isn’t a new one.

But my main gripe is Horde players being forced to play Alliance content for a whole patch and the having to listen to Alliance players find minor things to complain about as if they were the victims.


brah the alliance has lost multiple cites, the horde lost one, that forsure is going to come back in a patch where you get it and we get nothing chill


The thing is that your example of “wouldn’t that be terrible if it happened to you, blueside? WOULDN’T IT?!” was literally the thing that already happened.

And this is my dwarf bias, but MAN, that Dark Iron quest was pretty sparse compared to the blood elf one. Mount’s better, though.

Granted, in Shadowlands, so again.

And we didn’t even get the reward of “using a vendor”!



I like to think of ourselves as a weed.

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Well thats the thing isnt it, 9.2.5 for shadowlands was heavy in favor for the horde, they got bigger quests and the alliance got tiny ones

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Knowing the city is neutral kills any and all vibes to want to RP. It’s such a joke.


Is it seriously?

Like with Bel’Ameth there’s at least the canon that it’s only druids and Horde who specifically helped with the tree allowed but with Gilneas it seemed as if the Forsaken left after they felt no longer useful/welcome, thus leaving it entirely to the Gilneans (Alliance).

Maybe it’s a bug and the new NPC’s haven’t been set to attack Horde like any other Alliance NPC.

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still hoping its dalaran style and the sides hate each other


why would they hate each other if all of elven kind is uniting under one banner

honestly the faster you accept its happening all this netural stuff the faster you can either A. get over it
B. complain enough that maybe blizzard reverses course

The warden armor didn’t get changed cause people coped about it changing color

Really. As of right now gilneas is friendly to Horde, they can use the vendors, bank, and even set their hearth there!

We can only hope that this is a bug because otherwise this is just completely absurd that the Gilneans would be cool with Horde just hanging around. Its a slap in the face really.


I finished the questline and I have thoughts.

I won’t say that I hate it, but I am displeased with what we received.

The biggest point for me was that it was not instanced/solo scenario with just NPCs - really killed the immersion and vibe of it. It felt just like a regular open world quest, just set in the ruins of Gilneas. Swarms of people of both factions just killing enemies and looting objects. At no point did I feel like I was taking back my characters city, but rather just completing a World Quest.

Second, as i did it on my Worgen Warrior who also did the Heritage armor - it didn’t really acknowledge the player as being Worgen. Nothing really… unique in dialogue except for three times. Genn tells the player to use the secret tunnel to sneak into the city, explaining it and all - but as a Worgen player we already knew and experienced it. The only time Genn seems to acknowledge that you (the player) are Gilnean is at the very end, the literal last quest.

Thirdly, it was just brief. 4 Kill quests and 1 pick up object quest with dialogue in-between before fighting the final boss. Thats it. Just…that.

I did laugh at how all the Worgen/Members of the Greyguard were wearing the Worgen Heritage armor, it looks so stupid. They tried, but man it sucks. Darius shows up to fight, but you wouldn’t even know it unless you went over to the gates. No Ivar, no Bloodfang Pack.

The mount is the same model that was on the trading post a few months ago, etc…

I am disappointed. I tried not to be pessimistic but… man, I didn’t think it would be this lazy.

But at least I was right about Tess and Voss having the connection through the Uncrowned and asking for help, so score one for me.

Oh yeah, Blight bomb catapults. Literally just re-used assets with no mention or acknowledgement of their existence. Simply backdrop decoration.


Again, don’t be too sure it isn’t this way due to laziness, lack of testing, etc.

  • The blight barrels actually come out of nowhere. There’s barrels firing at a barrier of light but no catapults firing them and the light barrier isn’t mentioned in the questing either. It’s like a random doodad left in the questline that phases out later.

  • The Gilnean kid NPCs are actually unfriendly (orange) to me as Horde while the rest of the NPCs are friendly (green).

  • Most of the city is still empty and I showed the innkeeper earlier speaking incomprensible common to Horde.

Another fun fact my character got stuck in the moat when I was running from gankers and I had to use the character unstick service, which may be a coincidence but yeah.


Like all this “wouldn’t it be bad if it happened to Horde” talk presumes I’m against the Alliance moving into Silvermoon or somewhere.

Don’t get me wrong, some Horde bias would. I wouldn’t. If Kezan comes back I expect the Alliance to show up and get fleeced by some enterprising goblins. Even if all the other cartels joined the Horde (not a bad idea since Gilneans have a history of steam engineers) and the Alliance could show up and use the hearth I would shrug.

I don’t know where all this anxiety comes from. I suppose it helps that I don’t RP, find RP kind of strange, and think RPers are second-class citizens in this game and will be without player housing. (But even if player housing existed, players are going to need to be not attacked by guards to access your house.) It seems the most “this must be a bug nooooo” type posts come from MG/WRA.

I just don’t understand this idea that the story needs to be reinforced to the extent of punishing actual players. Or that because your Horde alt isn’t KOS means the Gilneans must be happy to see them. (That is the future of the game, after all; people with many alts of different races across factions experiencing hardly any inconvenience for their choices.)

Ok, so I didn’t actually miss anything. I honestly believed until seeing this post that I somehow missed a majority of the quests. Like, I wasn’t making a funny when I said that; people are talking about things I did not see (because how could I see anything in the mob?) and I felt like I barely did as many tasks as I do at the Darkmoon Faire every month.

This… This sucks. It plain sucks. I don’t know what I expected, but I certainly expected a little more than the same level of engagement I put into my weekly crafting/gathering quests. And all for… THAT transmog and THAT finale scene?




RPer here, I’m kind of in the same boat.

We’ve been funneled in to the notion that Getting KOS being reinforced by Gameplay over hte course of 15 years that when it doesn’t happen we think that Gilneas is a Horde city now or something when…that’s…not how towns work?

The only thing I’d raise as objectionable is Horde players being able to set their hearthstones there the moment Gilneas got Liberated. At least give it a month or two before stuff like that becomes available.

Beyond that, I can’t really muster the sound and fury for the co-faction co-habitation spaces.

Orcs in Stormwind, Humans visiting Orgrimmar, Dwarves in Thunder Bluff, sure, why not.
Lets get some trade routes going, lets get some tech nerds collabing. Lets get some Spiritualists pontificating.

Because, and this is just me going stream of consciousness at this point-there can be no way on this earth that During Legion people didn’t end up forging bonds of Brotherhood with at least one person across the isle. Those bonds that wouldn’t just evaporate even as a war was called-bonds that would have been sought for once the war was ended.

It’s a genuine disappointment that they missed certain beats with certain characters. But as for the growing trend of Faction Neutrality spaces? Slap a Rocket booster on that sucker.


I agree with this but i just want blizzard to do something to actually fix the relationships between them like the horde really screwed things up, and right now its a bit hand wavy maybe things are going to be addressed later but one doesnt know with how blizzard tends to write


I walked it because I didn’t want to accidentally miss any details or progress too quickly. And I still feel like Tess Greymane promised to knight me for ten minutes of effort.


If I had to take a guess? They’re going the handwave route because trying to untagle the mess they wrote themselves into is just straight up impossible.

So they’re putting all their weight into the cutting of the Gordian Knot with Writer’s Fiat as their blade.

I know, I saw you!! The worgen hunter who ran past you, stopped, turned around and walked with you in the tunnel? That was me!!



Does anyone know if the NPCs come back if you ask that woman to empty out?
That’s one way to get me out of the alliance city, whole thing is phased empty now and I can’t turn it back?