Reclaiming Gilneas!


I’d be glad the worgen got Gilneas back if it wasn’t made a neutral hub. And that blight-bombing seems to be swept under the rug.

Hopefully Blizzard will get over their Scarlet Crusade-killing addiction now, at least. (let’s try deradicalizing them instead). Their inclusion in the plot was nonsense.

A carriage mount would be top tier, imagine being able to customize it similar to dragon riding mounts, and when holidays come around they add holiday themed customizations…BLIZZARD make it happen!


I think that should happen in Midnight. The Horde can have the Ruins of Lordaeron/Undercity as their capital, the Alliance can have Gilneas as theirs, and then we go about invading the void infested Quel’Thalas.

The Alliance have a quest after the cinematic where they met with Genn at Liam’s grave and during it, Genn says the following: “Your sister will lead the kingdom, now.”


Again, Blizzard doesn’t have Horde content, instead we do Alliance content. Then we hear complaints from Alliance players that we get to play the game.


I have to admit that I’m not a fan of the opposite side being able to just freely visit a race’s capital. I also find it rather bizarre that it happened with the Alliance twice before the Horde was even touched with that once.


Right now it feels unfair that important night elf and worgen territory is neutral but in Midnight it will make more sense.

You will plant your banner in Quel’thalas and that will make me and people like me blood boil.

With these writers it may be better to be forgotten in obscurity.


I have no issue with the Horde participating in the quests. We helped the Horde retake Undercity. The issue is after that, the Horde shouldn’t be allowed there because it should be an Alliance city. Just as the Alliance isn’t allowed to Undercity even though we helped.


It’s not part of the questing, like they dont point it out, but it is absolutely happening off to the side if you go look. And they just never acknowledge it at all. Makes 0 sense.


Don’t care about that city nor do I want to plant my banner there.

For the record, nobody uses the new Undercity, there isn’t one., Blizzard has given the Alliance two capitals, and the Horde none.

But even then, the Alliance had their own content. Suppose a “.5” patch comes out and the only content for Alliance players is helping clear out the Undercity? The salt would be endless… And then, Horde players are yelling that you can use some vendors during the quest you really didn’t want anyway as if it were the only problem.


I believe the Forsaken are working to rebuild Capital City and I bet come Midnight it becomes neutral with an Argent wing for all the Light worshipers and Alliance sympathizers. The Horde gets Gilneas, and Amirdrassil. The Alliance should get Silvermoon and Lordaeron City.

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Granted, I blank out as much of Shadowlands as possible, but … that… happened.

Blood elves got a long quest chain, dark irons got a fetch quest, both got ponies and beat sticks, then we all helped clear up Undercity. In a crafty disguise lest we get our cooties all over stuff.


You mean like in 9.2.5 that we got in Shadowlands… to help the Forsaken clean up Lordaeron so they can reclaim their home…


That already happened during Shadowlands. The Horde retake Undercity and clear it of blight, the Alliance help undercover during a quest. It’s how both sides get the Undead Elf skin.

There’s no new Undercity yet but it’s implied it’s on the way, it just made sense to do the Night Elf one first I guess because it was tied to Dragonflight more than the Forsaken.


Silvermoon well forsure be netural 100% probably with a sector for every elf, they did say the elves will unite

As a Scarlet fan I’m feeling a specific kind of feeling.

I think it’s schadenfreude.

In all seriousness, I really do feel bad for people who were wanting and hoping for more. I haven’t done it yet (already intentionally spoiled myself because I don’t care that much) but I’ve heard mixed things, mostly negative.

Edit: At least there’s opportunity for RP’ers

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No. We didn’t recover the Undercity. There is no new updated zone.

Both sides got a “lay the groundwork quests”. Then we spend a_whole_patch where the Horde does Alliance quests to give the Alliance their brand new city… And then all we here is “Oh no! There are Horde characters here!” "Vendors got used!

Give me a break.

If Blizzard had Alliance players spending an entire patch helping the Forsaken, for the “huge reward” of getting to use a vendor the few times you are there, the salt would endless.


The zone is actually updated if you do the quest! I know because you have to do it before you can get your undead heritage armor on your undead if you did it as any Horde besides your undead due to lack of foresight. Not that I would know anything about that, HAHAHA.

Granted, you can’t go there if you’re Alliance, but details.

The salt is there, but it was more “potato chip for cretins” than endless, to be honest.


I’m missing something.

So I did the quests. Sidenote: Hi Nezmith, that was me, the worgen hunter (Keshla) who ran by, stopped, ran back and walked next to you in the tunnel!!

Anyway. I’m missing something. Because all I did was kill scarlets, killed scarlets while opening boxes because forsaken said to, killed scarlets while blowing stuff up, killed a single scarlet who turned into a light puff, then…

It was over?

I’m wandering Gilneas right now, and I must be missing a portal to at least Stormwind.

EDIT: I did find the scarlet RP guild hanging out in the city tho, so that’s good. Gotta have scarlet RPers in a city that just kicked the scarlets out.


Scarlet RPers are the daffodils of WoW. First to show up in spring and bafflingly persistent, yet somehow satisfying in a “this is kind of bad for the environment” way.