Reclaiming Gilneas!

If not a bug, that’s certainly where they’re going with all this, yeah. Grim.

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It’s still ruins of Gilneas and it’s actually still pretty damn empty. This is more like the prologue to a proper revamp than an actual reclamation. Basically it’s just the opposite faction version of Lordaeron being left to the Forsaken. I was expecting more like the Arathi overhaul.

The problem is Horde got Brill back along with Horde aligned NPCs, while Gilneas has basically nothing yet. You get a RP area that is also Horde friendly for some reason. Most of Gilneas is as empty as ever.

Another topic:
I don’t see Tess being queen at all on Horde side. It’s implied she is the one to lead but she never took the title of “queen”. Was that in the Alliance ending or is it fake news? Nothing said Genn is retiring or anything like that. Just that he sees Tess as the future.
Im not sure how much the Alliance side differs, I guess I will play through on a worgen for the toy if that’s real.


Seriously hoping that everything you care about horde side gets destroyed in the name of neutrality so everyone has access to it going forward

It’s the ONLY option going forward.

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I am laughing so hard, it seems most of you dont get this neutral business, its not just gonna be gilneas and belameth, Silvermoon in midnight and soon ALL cites are going to be neutral

They clearly did minimum work on the city as you can see. No real guards and the NPCs aren’t flagged to a particular faction, that’s why they are friendly. The Horde ending even said to leave them alone kek
You guys are overthinking the neutrality thing in lore. Its no more neutral than the Sunwell at the end of the BC raid.

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The least they could have done is give a single reply option in the form of:



nah I am 100% sure that when undead get undercity back it will be neutral thats why they havent done it, cause its gonna be the first major faction city to become neutral

I guess that means my days on WoW are limited. If the iconic Horde and Alliance become a big grey faction blob then I’m out.

It’s one thing to allow us to group together, talk, and do dungeons/raids/join guilds.

But faction capitals are the essence of each faction’s identity.


I agree! I feel like its half done which makes sense since Northern Eastern Kingdoms are going to be revamped in Midnight with Forsaken getting an update for Lordaeron and Silvermoon finally getting out of the TBC era. That said. Gilneas needs more updates as the map is showing its age. Here’s hoping for some actual updates come Midnight. Is it sad I wanna skip the next expansion because it feels lackluster?

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Meh it can be good or bad, as long as blizzard is going to write the factions and war like in bfa I’ll be glad its gone, this no one can lose, no one can win is killing the story

Tho I should say them hand waving all the problems like they been doing, is not the way forward either

I think there’s a difference between Faction conflict and Faction Identity.

The Faction conflict is a separate thing that people can like or hate or criticize the writing of or gameplay purposes of.

But I love WoW’s faction identity, I feel like it’s a big reason why a lot of people play this game. People get Alliance tattoos or hang the Horde banner in their room. Even willing to put their faction symbol on the back of their car.

I don’t mind working with the Horde…most of the time, and I don’t mind grouping with them, talking to them, and doing other stuff. Realistically that kind of stuff would naturally happen anyways during peace time. An Orc and a Dwarf bump into each other in the Barrens and decide to go take care of Wailing Caverns or Razorfen.

But we’re still separate factions with a lot of bad blood and I think it’s best to keep Faction cities off limits to preserve Faction Identity.

No matter whether you just fought an Undead Rogue in Stranglethorn or grouped up with an Orc and Troll to go to Blackrock Depths, you can return to Stormwind, Ironforge, or others and be “safe”. Around your fellow Alliance members who share similar values and goals. Or vice versa with the Horde.


I rather have racial identity its more interesting than the factions, thats my one hope if they get rid of the factions and focus on the races, in my opinion the faction removes so much of what makes all the races special, tho that said removing the factions while a good step towards this doesnt mean blizzard will start writing the races well


Instead of blaming writers, people need to realize, same as in the NE thread, that the in-game faction split is ending. Cross-faction account trading like never before is a feature of the next expansion. Which parliament your chosen race belongs to is one of flavor and aesthetics and less one that defines the particular bend to the story that you see.

Personally, I’m all for it and it’s a big factor for why I came back to the game. Not Gilneas specifically, but the end of different experiences for different teams.

The Worgen can still distrust the Horde without NPC attacks on players.

What if I told you … conflict and teaming up aren’t mutually exclusive.
I always see people talk about how it has to be one or the other.

We have traitor humans that helped orcs in early WC history, neutral heroes in WC3 along with the many many neutral groups in WoW. We also had conflicts. There’s a lot of groups that hate each other. Even groups like the Ebon Blade that raided Lights Hope in Legion.

Opening BfA with Horde hunting civilians and laughing as Teldrassil burns is bad, so is the entire world teaming up for world peace.


Going to echo my feelings from the Bel’ameth thread. Neither of these has been in any racial city after TBC. Goblins had to lose Kezan to echo the doggos losing their kingdom, but even the militarized port town in Azshara that they got kind of left with does not have these things. Neither did Echo Isles which got advertised as some sort of troll headquarters in Cata.

In terms of in-game services, only classic WC3 civilizations (Human/Dwarf/Orc/Tauren/Elf/Undead) towns matter in the base world. After Silvermoon and the Exodar went empty it was like the devs realized that time spent on racial capitals was time wasted.


Just say you’re one of the hack writers that made this patch man LMAO

But seriously, this is crap cause the Alliance still can’t go to Lordaeron or any other Horde city, meanwhile Horde can go to 2 Alliance cities. It is not an even trade and it’s BS, and it shouldn’t be a thing to begin with.

We don’t need faction wars, but racial capitals should remain locked from the other faction.


I don’t work for Blizz, and I think cities affiliated with Horde races (new Silvermoon instance, and if they hear my prayers maybe the Undermine??) will be visitable by Alliance in the next chapter.

The Night Elves had a Bank and AH.

I get the Worgen never had one before…but just do it, they know that what we’ve wanted since Cata. A fully functional Gilneas. What is it? You put down a Worgen NPC and assign them as an AH. It’s not hard.

And I’m not opposed to the Goblins getting some in the Harbor OR the Trolls getting some in the Echo Isles.

Katiera was just talking about how they prefer racial identity over faction identity, giving each race fully functional cities with different things to do and see would be a great way to elevate all of the races while also not destroying faction identity.

All races should have fully functioning capitals. It’s even more annoying because Blizz mixed and matched certain amenities with both cities.

Bel’ameth got Portals and a Flightpath, Gilneas didn’t. Gilneas got a Banker, Bel’ameth didn’t. Neither got AH. Bel’ameth got Profession Trainers, Gilneas didn’t. I haven’t been able to find either Faction Quartermaster either. (I stand corrected, Bel’ameth has a Night Elf Quartermaster. However, I’ve also only been able to find Fishing, Cooking, Alchemy, and Herbalism trainers. I don’t see the others.)

Why is a major faction’s city one Banker away from having as many amenities as Goldshire?


I knew it would suck from the get-go, but even I didn’t think it’d suck this bad.

By the way, were the Forsaken launching blight barrels into Gilneas? (I don’t care about spoilers, I’m not playing this tripe).

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They might have been but I didn’t notice tbh. The questline is so short, like literally 6 or 7 quests. And the Forsaken role is mainly to distract the Scarlets from the North. So they could’ve been pounding the city the whole time and I just didn’t notice. The only Forsaken you actually notice are Calia and Voss, which I thought was a good call to keep their involvement minimal.