Reclaiming Gilneas!

A metal wolf skull helmet, metal wolf skull shoulderpads with candles flickering in the eye sockets, a chest piece with the Gilnean emblem carved into it surrounded by thorns and roses, a belt with a Gilnean lantern hanging off of it, the entire set would have intricate thorns and roses engraved into it to all match, etc.

Only if you include a witch hunter hat.


We’re acknowledging the truth of the monkeys paw, fren.

For every revamp of a city we get that is desperately needing it, it turns neutral.


Yup, Keel Harbor has ONE female Worgen there after the quests are done. Emberstone has like 3. There’s a handful of nice touches, Tobias Mistmantle is on top of the prison. There’s a fishery on the island off the coast that has the owners return, some of the foxes have been replaced with the Shadowlands Fox model (but others aren’t updated), and a few other things. But it all just feels so half baked.

What was the point of any of this if there’s not even a flightmaster, portal, or boat? To appease RPers? Aside from RP, why would anyone go out of their way to go to a half baked zone that still uses janky Cata level graphics and doesn’t have the amenities of at least a secondary capital city?


For Gilneas, brothers and sisters.

I also noticed the new transmog set is bugged a little, the boots are supposed to be big 3D boots based on the icon but it’s display as a skintight painted on sock which you can tell is a bug cause the textures are broken and warped on it and the texture of the bottom of the boot are on the side

Big copiun but hopefully that’s a sign that everything is a little bugged and broken and some things, like horde being able to use city facilities are unintended…maybe? Hopefully? Ya I know probably not, I’m reaching here


Also worth mentioning, worgen players get a unique toy that acts like a hearthstone to Gilneas city.


That’s something I guess. I’m assuming you can’t use it on non Worgen characters once you get it?

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Well we can say that at least they tried?? Or is that too much? Cuz well… I really don’t see how this was even a major content for the patch, I mean it failrd to deliver almost in everything players were expecting.

I hope the horde stuff is just a big and will be fixed in the near future.


I pray your city turns into a neutral hub as well.


I mean they’re all but guaranteed to neutralize Silvermoon with Void and Alliance garbage so you’ll probably get that wish come Midnight. Gilneas at least has a grand total of zero Horde NPCs littering the place.


This is a perfect example why encrypting story is great in theory but awful in practice


This is something that I think we should discuss. It’s basically has the same problems that the Forsaken being led by Calia has: the racial leader does not actually use the race’s model, and the racial leader cannot sympathize with the plight that the race has gone through. Unlike Calia though, there’s an easy fix for Tess: make her a worgen. Yeah it would undo her decision in the heritage questline, but when has undoing a plot point ever stopped Blizzard’s writers before?


I’m just gonna assume the worst every time from now on.


And so you have reached enlightenment.

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Ok I finished it. I think people are overhating it. The cutscene was good and it seems like Gilneas is Alliance in canon, its just neutral in gameplay.

It’s disappointing if you wanted a proper city reclaimation with bank and everything. It could be updated again alongside Undercity and made truly Alliance I guess.


I mean, it’s about what I expected? They can’t do the grand army of the Alliance, spearheaded by the Gilneans, coming home to drive off a Horde reinforced Forsaken and reclaim their homeland. TTW is on the way after all. And Midnight and TLT after that. 4 and a half years, at best, of neutral cosmic world building/apocalypse expansions that are locked in. Can’t have Genn and the worgen running off to break the armistice and start a new faction war now.

But content like this is just empty calories at this point. Fine enough to idle away the hours (or minutes really) but nothing behind it to make it feel truly exceptional. No weight of a long overdue storyline finally coming around, no surprising or all that interesting character shifts or dynamics; I hope you enjoyed Tess here because she’ll be parked in Gilneas never to be seen again. It’s a win for RPers who are tired of the Park but that’s about it. For all the worrying and the gnashing of teeth in threads on this board and others I’m just left… bored by it all.


Fyi the guards won’t help either side as far as I can see. I killed a worgen in another window before typing this.

Guess you can say it’s a dog-eat-dog world.


It’s a simple enough fix: just flip the same switch that turned the Overcity hostile to the Alliance after its reclamation. Hordies getting full access to Gilneas’s amenities and its guards’ lobotomized behavior are so ridiculous that a Horde-friendly Gilneas can’t possibly be intentional.


I’m gonna hit the other switch that turns off Lordaeron’s guards.