Reclaiming Gilneas!

Excuse me, WHAT?!?!?!?


It’s neutral and horde players can interact with the limited vendors that are there

I loathe the hack writers at blizzard


I left as soon as I turned in the quests can Horde really just hang out there

after being the ones who kicked them out in the first place???

This is insane.


That’s it. I’m done. Seriously.


I demand Capital City and Silvermoon as compensation… The Alliance has two capitals that are now neutral to the Horde… Seriously, all’s forgiven, then y’all have no problem with us squatting in Lordaeron and Silvermoon! We besties riiiight Horde?


Wish I was joking. Horde players don’t even get a You’re being watched/stalked while in gilneas. It’s beyond pathetic


world of peacecraft

Neutral Gilneas
Neutral Amirdrassil
Neutral Quelthalas up next


What’s even more fun is that you can literally kick out the NPCs from Genn’s mansion as Horde (alliance too) after speaking with an NPC, sure I know it’s to allow for NPC free areas to be used for RPers but damn if it isn’t funny to just tell Gilneans to go away as a Horde.


Okay but like, genuinely. If they’re going to do this for Alliance cities they need to for Horde cities too or else there’s a clear double standard going on.

I want to reiterate what I said earlier in the thread, I hate the faction war and never want a third go around, but people’s reactions to what happened should be realistic instead of being best pals with the people who turned you into refugees.


I noticed that… ugh… Why?! I get the why, suppose, but dammit Blizzard! Why?! I cant wait for Midnight making Horde cities neutral Capital City on the list for revamp for the Forsaken and Silvermoon will be central to the Void’s corruption of the Sunwell. Least we know that Silvermoon will be Alliance shared… Us Void Elves will be making a point of making OUR PRESENCE just to put a smile on the Blood Elven players faces. Best part we’ll be speaking in Thalassian just to be sure they know exactly how we feel about it!

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Just wait for Midnight.

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Well, I WAS excited for gilneas, but honestly? They can keep it. I don’t want it. I’ll find somewhere else


At least Bel’ameth has that debuff of us being watched and Hamuul saying Tyrande won’t regret letting us in. Christ almighty.


The Good:

I thought the end cinematic was nice.

All races of the Alliance are there to support their allies.

The Forsaken presence is very minimal, basically just being Calia and Voss within eyesight.

Gilneas is reclaimed, with and Innkeeper, a Bank, and Mailboxes.

I liked the Fox mount.

The Bad:

Regardless of how logical the decision, Gilneas is now led by a non-Worgen Human. The Worgen already get so little focus, having a non-Worgen as the racial leader only hurts more.

Gilneas as a city is half baked and does not even have a flightmaster, portals, or a boat that a lot of people thought that dock was for. Nor does it have an Auction House, Transmog, or the Gilnean Faction Quartermaster (honestly not sure on the last one but I didn’t notice them).

Gilneas is effectively neutral and Horde can do whatever they want.

I like the transmog set for what it is, but by principal, the joke of a Worgen heritage armor set already covers “Ballroom attire” and it would’ve been nice to get an actual armor set that you’d actually wear in battle. So while I like the set, it only confirms that Blizz views the Worgen as nothing more than fluffy british doggies who like to wear top hats and monacles.

Chat GPT and I came up with a better Worgen set in 5 minutes. A metal wolf skull helmet, metal wolf skull shoulderpads with candles flickering in the eye sockets, a chest piece with the Gilnean emblem carved into it surrounded by thorns and roses, a belt with a Gilnean lantern hanging off of it, the entire set would have intricate thorns and roses engraved into it to all match, Wolf claw gauntlet/gloves etc.


You know it! I just feel that after 15 years that the Worgen should at least have been given something more. Instead it’s Scarlet Crusade and rolling my eyes Horde sharing their city even able to use the bank, and everything! Just feels so peachy if you’re a worgen with an undead squatting in your inn. Smiling at your stable master and even going to church dilly dallying about town.


That set sounds metal as hell. I would have loved that over what we got…

And while we’re rattling off things that sucked about the questline, where the heck was Crowley? Did I just miss him?


To be fair, I presume this is a bug. Voss, Calia, and the Horde PC skulk off at the end because they know they’re not welcome. Gilneas really should be as hostile to the Horde as Forsaken Lordaeron is to the Alliance.


I saw him doing the Worgen cheer at the end in the courtyard to the Cathedral. And then you can find him in front of the fireplace at the Inn I think? But yeah he didn’t do much…

I get they wanted Voss to be there to help mend ties but maybe it would’ve been better for him to replace her.


Darius Crowley completely forgotten and his town of Pyrewood left abandoned as well as Ambermill. The Gilneas Gate has no soldiers manning it and half of Gilneas is left empty. Bereft of npcs to show its being resettled. Worse part on my server I saw Horde players dancing all over Pyrewood. Just rubbing the salt in on Worgen players who discover half their holdings are left abandoned and worse de facto left to the Horde…


I helped the Forsaken to take back their home. After they did, I was not welcome there anymore.

And yet I am allowed to roam freely with my Forsaken toon, both in Bel’ameth and Gilneas. The same toon that participated in the burning of Teldrassil and kicked the Gilneans out of their home.
Apparently, I can even set my hearthstone in Gilneas City! AS A FORSAKEN! Do you understand what I’m saying and how crazy it sounds?

What the hell is this? Someone hold me, honestly. If this is not a bug, then I feel like this is the last straw for me.