Reclaiming Gilneas!

You know, I have very strong feelings about troll beards.

Vol’jin has one. It’s ridiculous my boy trolls can’t have a beard. Just unacceptable all around. HARUMPH.

However, my boy troll now has a brand new top hat and monocle combination from the worgen. So there’s that.


The Gilnean stagecoach is such a wanted mount, you know that would be a shop mount. No way they would just give us something that cool for free

Heck look at the transmog set, all skin tight painted on textures with no 3D meshes outside shoulders, helm and belt buckle.


Liked how it ended, not much else to say, not much happened.


Much as I like Tess, Genn turning Gilneas over to the only notable non-worgen in its character roster (sorry Mia) rubs me the wrong way, as does Gilneas being a neutral city. Unlucky. For devs cognizant enough of player concerns to have Tyrande grab the cameraman and practically scream “WE’RE NOT ABANDONING KALIMDOR SWEET ELUNE PLEASE SHUT UP” at the night elf audience, this worgen content feels oddly out of touch, at least to me.


Wish I had taken your advice because….I have words. And…yeah, it went as badly as I figured it would. The armor is garbage, someone should be fired for even okaying that monstrosity and than we get a low poly count fox as a mount

Gee Blizz, thanks for reminding us YET AGAIN how much you despise the worgen


Blizz may not love you, but I love all of the very good boys and girls. :heart:

I was extremely whelmed by the whole questline. The Forsaken weren’t nearly as a big deal as we all worried, that was something. Was anyone else just confused by the ending though? Genn making it very clear he’s stepping down and passing the reins over to Tess, which I don’t hate even if she should have become a worgen at the end, but then after that with Genn at Liam’s grave he makes it very clear that he still has a lot left to offer the alliance and will be putting all of his focus into that. The cutscene made it seem like they would be fridging Genn for the time and thrusting Tess into a more prominent position, but the conversation afterwards makes it seem like they’re doing the exact opposite.

Tess’s glow up in that cutscene was amazing at least. I wish my human characters could look that good. To heck with that armor though, what were they thinking?


aw man, you have to be level 70 to start this quest? What a bringdown ):

guess I’ll have to go level.

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I took as more Genn can now devote himself more to the alliance cause now he doesn’t need to sit on a throne back in Gilneas to run/rule the place


Genn steps down? That’s like Donald Trump conceding and endorsing someone else

Wow what a super short and anticlimactic questline lmao.

I did like how Genn’s speech to Tess at the end echoed “I should have told you I loved you every day” to Liam in the Curse of the Worgen comic though.


They gotta keep Genn in the Alliance licking Anduin’s boots somehow. Also, he’s the only way worgen will get any kind of representation, they can’t have him living back in Gilneas just ruling his kingdom, no no no.

And please! PLEASE!! Someone tell me that the rumors that Gilneas is neutral are not true!


At this point, I honestly don’t care anymore. I’m over all of it


There are no guards that aggro onto Horde characters automatically, rolling around there currently. Not sure if they’ll attack Horde players who attack a flagged Alliance player.

I really hate Blizzard and these hack writers man.


It is, fully interactable for Horde players, even the banker and everything


at least his disregard for his children is consistent

mental image of dogs chewing shoes
worgen are canine. the urge to lick to strong in them, they’ll find something

I was told they’ll attack any player engaging in pvp, kinda like the booty bay guards, yes that includes the Alliance.
However, I’ve not seen it with my own eyes so take it with a grain of salt.

I REALLY hate Blizzard and these hack writers. This is a total joke.




All of that is probably after Worgen tails and new scar options not tied to faces and/or skin colors.

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