Reclaiming Gilneas!

First, it’s worgen. Not worgens, just worgen.

Second, and who were Sylvanas’ Val’kyr in service to beforehand? The Lich King. Who COULD raise worgen as undead? The Lich King. How come they could raise worgen when in service to the Lich King, but suddenly couldn’t raise worgen when serving Sylvanas?

I don’t know about you, but that seems to imply to me that someone with strong necromancy powers is needed to raise worgen as undead.


I feel old. I was just doing a wrath dungeon and asked “anyone excited for getting Gilneas back” only to be asked “what is that, is that a new zone”. Like, are there people who have never done/heard about Gilneas?


It’s more likely now than ever before. You can just skip that entire quest chain by going to Exile’s Reach, which always seems to have people doing stuff on it so is probably many people’s default choice. I know there’s people Hordeside who haven’t heard of Kezan because they just went Exile’s Reach instead of any racial zones.

We’re a dying breed, Zerde.


This doesn’t surprise me. I once had a friend who hated on Genn Greymane and was like, he’s just a warmonger that wants to kill Sylvanas for no reason. He deserves to die. And I explained how she attacked Gilneas and killed his son. My friend had no idea what I was talking about, they never did the Gilneas starting zone.

I’m willing to bet there are a lot of people like that, sadly. Gilneas is one of the best zones and has an awesome story.


Auuughhhh I felt that in my Vanilla Collector’s Edition bones.

Maybe it’s a good thing though, I keep telling myself. It means this game has new blood in it. It can’t just be people like me, who have been playing MMOs since dial-up.

Yeah, yeah it’s a good thing. Get on this lawn kids, and let us tell you a story about a Kingdom behind a Wall


See, I’d be the one going all like:

“Well back in my day, you had to walk to the dungeon!! No, I don’t mean fly!! I mean walk, because you didn’t even have a mount yet!! You walked and you fought your way, all the way to the summoning stone because yo- What do you mean ‘what’s a summoning stone’??? Why, kids these days… They are stones near dungeons that you use to summon the rest of your party so you could- No, we all didn’t just get teleported there!!! Gosh-dang whipper-snappers…”


Yeah… I hate to be pessimistic, but usually the obvious answer is what happens. I don’t think we ever got bait and switched by datamining. Remember “Sylvanas doesn’t burn the tree?” and other wait and sees?

There’s at least some chance it’s EXACTLY what it looks like or worse. The Forsaken and Worgen team up and Scarlets attack Worgen in some forced conflict. I’m afraid Greymane might even be out of character entirely and lose that hardline nationalist edge he had.

Seen this quite a bit on Horde fyi.


The truth is, this game has hundreds upon hundreds of hours of quest content alone.

I started playing this for real in bfA and I still dont know what was the cata leveling path for humans, as I mostly done leveling on Kalimdor.

I read all i could on pandaria lore, but I havent done many zones besides jade forest.

Is a weird catchup game, though the Worgen starting zone is one of the easier things to go through.

I help!!

Elwynn Forest to Westfall to Redridge Mountains to Duskwood to Strangethorn Valley, both North and Cape.

STV is a skip if you’re just wanting the “Stormwind story”.

Alternatively, if you want the actual play human leveling path from Cata: Elwynn to Westfall to Dungeon or BG Queue to back to Westfall to Dungeon or BG Queue to abandone the last 2/3rds of Westfall to Duskwood to Dungeon or BG Queue to abandoning the rest of the Duskwood quests to STV to Dungeon or BG Queue to giving up on questing entirely and just killing random mobs in whatever zone is in your level range while waiting for the Dungeon or BG Queue.




The day has come, my friends. Whatever happens, happens. I’ll just be happy to set my hearth to Gilneas even if the story ends up being weak.

But please please let us have a cool cinematic fit it in the budget pleeeeease


Alright Good Boys and Good Girls. This is your day. You know what that means…

Crisis counciling in the event things turn out for the worst will be held in Duskwood, by the Emerald Dream portal. Our hours will be extended for today, starting at 6pm Eastern and ending at 12AM Eastern. Please remember to bring your own snacks, because they will not be provided. Also, remember to reach out to each other. If Genn and Calia end up making out in the end cinematic, this will be something we all went through, so be each others’ support.

In the event things go well, I just need someone to tell me where we’re having the dance party.


I don’t think the Worgen and Forsaken teaming up to take Gilneas would be so bad. I view it less like “we’re all best fwiends now!!” kind of thing and more like a “this situation is your fault in the first place. It’s YOUR job to help fix it” kind of thing.

I don’t think something like this will come up, but I could imagine Genn demanding Horde/Forsaken military aide as a prerequisite to helping them with something. “I won’t send you an ounce of support until I have my city back!” or something of the like. With how much the Horde and Alliance isolate themselves from each other I can’t imagine what they’d have to offer each other in exchange, but you could come up with something.

Actually, the Alliance helping retake Lordaeron might be enough of a bargaining chip to demand support. “We got you YOUR city back, now pay up!”

You have some strange ideas.


That isn’t even top twenty strangest things I have suggested in these forums. Not even for this year alone, and we’re only 16 days into it.

I am a strange elf.


I will pitch a fit. Mia is great and one of the few wives allowed to live and sometimes have opinions.

Maybe a throuple.


Even if the quest line ends up being awesome, if they harm Mia, or do anything stupid with her, I swear I’ll riot just on principle.


So they released a trailer for today’s patch, and it seems there will be pre rendered cutscenes in Gilneas.

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Well time to log off from the forums until I do that questline to make sure I dont get spoiled. Salut everyone.

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I must warn yall I have Very Strong Opinions about this questline lol