I’m still in favor of them hiding as many questline as possible. I like the idea that we will all be collectively surprised tomorrow and not have this spoiled months in advance.
I will put money down right now that these capabilities are new, and we’ll learn they are in contact with a group of the new Arathi. That or the light crystal that’s a big new thing in Season of Discovery will be in the Scarlets’ control in Retail, and they’re using that after having just figured out (probably through the Arathi) for to access it.
This isn’t gonna be a thing they could always do. It’s gonna tie into TWW somehow.
Frankly Blizzard can’t be trusted with hiding quests. They write too much stupid crap to ever assume they’re going to get it right. We’re already seeing evidence of this with Gilneas being plague bombed again by the “heroic” Forsaken.
Like, imagine if they’d tried to hide the Malfurion dies quest, or the keep Alexstrasza enslaved quest. The fact that they had players to point out how awful that was and were able to walk it back before the official release was the only reason it was “merely” a controversy and not a total disaster. Sure, in an ideal world they’d just get better at their jobs and not pull dumb stuff like that, but that isn’t the world we live in.
While I don’t mind brand spanking new questlines being hidden. This really shouldn’t be one of those times. Blizzard should have given us something that gets us excited, some of us are anxious about tomorrow and not in a good way, given blizzards history and how they handled the worgen up to this point
I’d rather hiding questlines was something saved for big, expansion-wide events than small things like this.
Reclaiming Gilneas is gonna be something we do in an afternoon. It’s probably not timegated, so by this time tomorrow Karebear and other worgen will probably already be running all around the city (assuming this ends with a city to run around in), so the secrecy only matters for pre-launch.
Hide things like the ED campaign. Let that be a surprise every week until the finale.
“Listen brothers and sisters, I’ve had a vision!” The speaker stood upon the edge of an old damaged fountain. “Go forth and gather the dead, bring out the necromancers and collect the recovered forsaken arms and armor. We will show the alliance what happens when they permit the inhuman to exist.”
Lilian Voss looked at the monsters. Even for her there were too many. She slid back into the shadows and returned to the lines. “Scouts were right, bad things happening. Got a bad feeling those monsters are going to try a false flag to paint us as the bad guys.”
“We don’t have the numbers to make a frontal attack right now though and doing so would just risk pissing off the Gilneans and possibly both the Alliance and the other Horde races. I advise we wait, try to anticipate the attack then move to strike it down. If we are lucky, we end it before it can end any chance the Gilneans have of recovering their home. At worse we blunt it and die true deaths trying to make amends.”
Voss looked around as the general stopped speaking. “So, we are in agreement then?” She already knew the answer.
I agree. Wish we could see the rewards, tho.
Also i want a nice cinematic to finish things off. Maybe Genn having a cool moment.
Also, going forward, if Tess gets the curse, maybe she could become the Worgen leadership for Alliance and gilnean foreign affairs while Genn stays in Gilneas to oversee and run the kingdom while it rebuilds. Could be a breath of fresh air, bring a younger character to the spotlight and leave Genn in the fridge for a while
If I were to let my super cynical and pessimistic side show, I think the only reason why they would never turn Tess Worgen is because they don’t want to go through the effort of making a Unique female worgen model for her. Nor would they want a female worgen model be prominent in any way, especially next to Genn’s model. I feel they are still embarrassed about how they turned out even after the rework.
Then they should just go back and redo female worgen.
They can’t be any worse than the perma-snarl, Bratz doll eyeshadow wearing chihuahua they were before.
I could totally see Genn abdicating the throne to his daughter once the Kingdom is reclaimed and fixed up. With his and his wife’s age, I think they are due a peaceful retirement after everything
I hope that’s more “rituals to prevent them from being reanimated”. Those sort of rituals (whether they worked or not) were done in real-life in places believed to suffer from vampire attacks, and would be a good idea when fighting undead. Because it makes no sense whatsoever for them to use undead when their creed is “no undead” (unless Blizzard is going to play the “Dreadlord manipulation” card yet again).
This scenario’s plot is getting worse all the time.
The light can also fully ressuscitate someone, so yeah, the scarlets could be doing that.
Also, aren’t dead worgen immune to being “forsakened”?
Correct, worgen can not be raised into undeath unless it’s by someone incredibly powerful with necromancy, like the Lich King.
You are wrong. I assume you are referring to this:
However, there was never any lore about needing powerful necromancy to ressurect worgens. Its just that Sylvanas’ Val’kyr could not ressurect them with necromancy, or any non-human for that matter:
They need to demonstrate they can go more than a few questlines without setting off the “What the mother forking shirtballs is going on here” alarm before I feel confident allowing them to do quests fully Blind.
Which, given we nearly had what we did with the Alexstraza quest, I don’t feel they’ve earned it yet.
While they might have thought they couldn’t at the time, they clearly could. Not only does Sylvanas mention doing that with blood elves during SoO (but that could’ve just been an offhanded taunt to Lor’themar), they use a valk to raise Sira and Delaryn in Darkshore.
I never understood why the Val’kyr couldn’t raise non-humans. I guess it’s so they can hand-wave away the question of why there are no non-human Forsaken(other than the dark rangers). Guess they also forgot that rule in BfA when they started raising Night Elves.
While I don’t think we ever got a canon answer, my head-canon would be that during Cata, we still assumed Val’kyr were a thing the vrykul created or became. Humans, being descended from vry’kul, would be similar enough metaphysically to raise.
Again, pure head-canon, but it’s how I made sense of things.
I am just going to assume she and her Val’kyr got more powerful(possibly due to Zovaal). I mean, we did see her creating undead skeletons during Seige of Lordeaeron. Still, we have never see intelligent undead dwarves/gnomes for example being resurrected into her service.