There’s screenshots of the forsaken literally using catapults to launch blight canisters into gilneas.
Metal Gear Solid 2 pre-release screenshots showed Snake running around Big Shell.
If you’re right, you’ll have all the years in the world to crow about it. I’m just asking you to wait three more days.
That would be awesome, but making the two cities faction hubs during midnight might focus too much on northern EK and leave Kalimdor with nothing to do
Y’know, while the revelation that forsaken will be helping reclaim Gilneas by throwing blight is just… A whole lot of things…
At the very least I’ve gotten to see so many worgen avatars that I barely ever see anymore!! And even some new ones!!!
Welcome back or just plain welcome, worgos!! Arooooo!!!
Karebear will attest, I speak very fluent worgen, guv’nah. Blimey, I’ll glady pour you a nice spot of tea if’n ye stay, guv’nahs. Aroooooo!!!
You’re an adopted worgen. We’ll let the others know soon!
I mean Midnight is going to be focused on the Eastern Kingdoms, so I don’t see anything wrong with it.
I feel that the Worgen are going to side eye them so hard.
If we’re going to be fighting the Scarlet Crusade, it would be nice if the Ebon Blade were involved. Maybe they could act as a mediator between the Worgen and Forsaken or something. I just want them to do something with Whitemane. I’d like to see what she thinks of the Crusade rising again, or see her have a conversation with Voss since she’s the one who put her down for good(before she became a DK)
How I imagine every worgen after the forsaken start using their catapults. Side eyeing like Really? Really really? Didn’t learn after round 1? You wanna go for round 2?
Sounds like something a dev for WoW would say because they worked on the questline and are upset people hate it.
Even though she said she was done with the SC I got the feeling that wasn’t entirely true.
I’m honestly trying not to be upset, but we all know how the devs feel about the worgen. They made the abundantly clear when they made the worgen heritage armor and basically told the entire community we suck for picking them.
At least we’ll have gilneas, even if the quest line ends up being subpar. We just have to keep that one positive thing in mind
About the help from the forsaken:
It may be unsatisfying from a player perspective, but if I squint I can see how this narrative choice could work as a character development piece for Genn.
If they make sure to show that the forsaken soldiers helping out are the lordareonians that died screaming at the Greymane Wall begging for help as Genn turned them down while the scourge decimated the population and raised them as mindless undead, that is.
Genn learned to cooperate in Wolfheart and applied this knowledge when he joined the Alliance and later when he left Anduin to help out in Darkshore.
The next step is to look at the people that died because he refused to help and later turned on him, leaving his people homeless for over [?] years (how long has it been ingame, considering the DF timeskip?) and realize that, with the common scarlet enemy, he can do it differently this time. Help and accept help. Seeds of Renewal and such.
Tail and puppy ears.
I am not sure why the Apothecary’s Guild would waste perfectly blight on the kennels, and as a Forsaken I actually don’t care about the mutts that much, BUT…
I can see a slightly reasonable scenario where forsaken are chasing scarlets and find a major strong hold. They start bombarding it and the they assault it, only to find a bunch of shackled Worgen at same time the Gilnean People’s Party or whatever shows up for the Alliance. Together the two forces defeat a crusade counter attack, and after a tense face off, the forsaken withdraw without trading blows with the worgen, but the worgen commander lets one champion stuck around.
I spend most of my time on these forums praising it’s closest competitor and saying I didn’t play for eleven years.
Come to think of it, have any Forsaken ever even brought this up in-game?
That would be nuanced and clever and open opportunities to flesh them out… Blizzard seems to prefer to use them as punching bags.
It also furthers how I can no longer say my Death Knight and others wiped the Scarlet Crusade out in Legion (as per the lore at the time).
The fact that this scenario still gets enough hate that even trying the “common enemy” ploy and appealing to a juvenile power fantasy doesn’t stop it says a lot.
I’d love to see the Worgen reclaim Gilneas, but I do not support how it’s being done at all.
Regardless of what happens during the quest - in about 48 hours-(ish) we will officially have Gilneas back…thats something I dont think I’d ever get say
At what cost? We have to swallow more bad writing? We have to encourage the same kind of story approach that gave us Shadowlands? While I share the enthusiasm for Gilneas reclamation, there’s a whiff of copium in this thread.