Reclaiming Gilneas!

Not sure what delusion you are referencing.

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last information regarding that was that gilneas is in the hand of the forsaken, soo…i expect forsaken to be there, maybe sylvanas loyalists.

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Interesting. Wonder if that’s just going to be a game mechanics thing or if that maybe tells us something about what force is actually occupying Gilneas. Something that both Horde and Alliance would want to get rid of? Could mean just some monsters or such that took refuge there, or maybe even that Scarlet revival that attacked the Forsaken in their heritage questline. Those troops were portaling in from somewhere and Gilneas would be close enough to keep an eye on Forsaken movements but not so close as to be discovered.

It felt awkward but not pandering at all imo. Genn was suspicious and wanted us to take a look but was not there to be super hostile and you end up helping out.

I didn’t enjoy helping out as Forsaken is dead last in my list, but it wasn’t pandering at all and I don’t think that a similar approach would be bad for the Gilneans – though hopefully not a direct copy paste.


How I imagine most the worgen fanbase reacting right now. :stuck_out_tongue:


I wonder what rewards will be available for this?

Probably a new toy, MAYBE a title and some sort of new Mog I’m hoping

Top hats for everyone!


That would be awesome actually :blush:

It be super cool if Worgen players could earn the “Greyguard” as a title.


Yeah, that would be awesome too.

I imagine it’s going to play out like Lordaeron etc did.

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Nothing wrong with that. And that’s fine, horde players need something to do to also :blush:

It’s a crime how underused the Gilneas theme has been in the game. The Dark/Victorian theme is something i’ve always loved and i thought it could fit well in a lot of areas but it was so neglected.

As for Stormwind, they really need to do something with that to give it some degree of flavor because it’s getting left in the dust. Kul Tiras really blew it away in BFA but in TWW i think the Arathi Tribe’s aesthetic is going to really overshadow Stormwind.


Are you going to switch back to worgen before the patch?

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I actually been leveling a worgen druid funny enough. Got him to lvl 56. Should hit 60 probably tomorrow or the next day. And than just need to get to 70 after that :blush:


Nice! I hope this Gilneas quest is everything we hoped for.

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So from what can be seen right now it looks like Glineas got cleaned up. All the forsaken plague stuff and feral worgen damage to the city has been reversed.

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Wait, is ptr up already?

Hope it’s great the Worgen really deserve this, and I don’t mind at all “hiding” in disguise to help out, since all these Reclamation quests appear to be cross-faction.

No idea why any Sylvanas loyalists would still be in Gilneas, since the end of the Forsaken Heritage questline implies that non-imprisoned Loyalists reintegrated back into the Forsaken with the holo-message from Sylvanas encouraging them to just be loyal to the Desolate Council and Horde.

I’m going to bet that it’s Scarlets. They appeared in force in Silverpine just to the North, there’s no reason they wouldn’t show up and set up shop if Calia made the Forsaken pack up and abandon their posts. A conflict that gets Tess bitten on accident would probably be a great finale.

Gosh, I wish they could update Silverpine at the same time. The Worgen need to retake all their land below Shadowfang Keep as well. But that might be asking too much of a mini-patch.