You guys hear that the forsaken are helping the worgen
Yes, and some of us hate it.
No, saying humans are equal and selling them like property is bad isn’t particularly dogmatic to me. It’s an accepted truth (well, largely accepted).
Likewise, I don’t think 99% of religious believers are particularly dogmatic in their approach or beliefs. They have them, they understand others don’t, they might hope to bring you to their side, but they aren’t going on a full religious crusade against you, personally, to forcefully convert you.
And you can absolutely, 100% replace religion with politics in there. And too often they’re comingled anyway.
and people still think the factions arent going to be removed soon
Dogmatic means considering a principle undeniably true or as being from a creed of tenets. It’s not tied to politics, religion (or atheism), philosophy or any one creed. It’s not just about how forceful one is with their views.
For that reason, saying “humans are equal and selling people like property is bad” is a dogma. Dogma can be right.
Ok, so just replace my use of the word dogmatic for fanaticism. I used the wrong word.
Didn’t mean to seem like I was having a go at you, I just see “dogmatic” gets a bad rap these days.
No, no, it’s fine. I know this wasn’t any kind of mean-spirited anything. We good!!
About Horde helping.
I have to see how this plays out. It feels weird because not because It is the horde helping, but the forsaken in specific, the group that basically pushed Gilneas to its downfall in the first place.
Now Is this just a gesture of good will from Calia, or is this motivated by something else? And what kind of argument would they have that Genn of all people would accept their help?
There is a lot that can be done here, I’m not hopeful or worried, I’m merely curious.
The Forsaken really, really should not be involved here. Obviously the Horde player should be able to do it, but just like the Alliance player did the Undercity reclamation without any Alliance involvement, the Horde shouldn’t be here storywise either. They were the ones who took it from the worgen in the first place! That’s so humiliating to need their help to reclaim it.
I hate the faction war, am glad it’s over and never want a round three, but like there should be realistic reactions from people toward the events in it.
I doubt the Worgen need the Forsaken’s help to handle some Scarlets. Not turning away help does not mean needing it.
If someone kicks me out of my house and then a third party moves in, even if I can get the third guy out on my own I’m not going to accept help from the person who kicked me out in the first place.
pretty much happened in the Napoleonic wars
I think it’s a combination of Calia keeping her word about giving gilneas back, in this case helping to retake it, and the forsaken also chasing down the Scarlet leader who escaped during the forsaken heritage armor quest.
Truthfully, I see it as a win both for both groups. They’re killing a group most people don’t care for anyway, the worgen are retaking their city and the forsaken presumably are helping to get rid of the guy responsible for the crusade even being in gilneas to begin with.
Now, is it stupid that the forsaken are helping? Sure, in some ways it is, but 13 yrs is a long time to hold a grudge over a video game, a younger me would have been flying off the handle right now.
But it is what is is, it’s fine. Because you know what? In the end everyone is getting a little something out of it.
Seeing those screenshots posted of Calia and Voss, with the Forsaken launching blight (really Blizzard? That was the reason the Gilneans had to flee the city to begin with) really kind of pisses me off. Why can’t the worgen just reclaim their home without Horde interference? Like at with the Lordaeron quest you were disguised to look Forsaken so they didn’t know.
This just feels like Blizzard saying the Worgen can’t take their home back alone because we want to force this buddy buddy friendship between the factions.
I’m hoping you’re right though and it’s more the Forsaken happen to be in Gilneas hunting the Scarlets when the Gilneans show up, and that leads to the Gilneans being like, “Aight you can help, but only cause we want our land back then you can GTFO.” That still sucks, but is at least somewhat okay cause it’s more of a reluctant convenience alliance between the two.
The more I mentally stew over this, the less actually offensive it feels.
Genn hates the forsaken, sure. But he did mostly direct his ire at specifically Sylvanas. Calia would be someone he knows in a more positive light, given she’s a Menethil (and they have always turned out to be very, very good people!!!) and has a positive relationship with the Alliance overall.
Genn and his people were given a second chance after effectively abandoning the world pre-WCIII and while just staying out of it all isn’t remotely the same as being part of a genocidal army, I could see him being… More open to the idea of giving Calia a shot to show whether or not the forsaken are, in his eyes, redeemable.
I mean, he can sorta relate to being under the influence of a curse that sometimes makes you act like not your best self.
I don’t like it, but I also don’t entirely hate it.
The throwing blight as artillery is definitely a… choice for sure. I know it’s the default ammo for Forsaken weapons but still, you’d think they would want to change that. shrug
I can see how Tess and Voss would have a connection through the Uncrowned, Tess possibly speaking to her Father on their behalf to allow their help.
It will be interesting to see how everything unfolds, better late than never. Kind of amazing really to track the evolution of Voss’ character from her inception as just a reference to another game to becoming a major leader of a player faction. Wanting nothing to do with the Forsaken or Undead to being their Co-Leader or sorts.
It still feels like a slap in the face that the Gilneans are made to seem weak and that they need the Forsaken to help retake their home. Which is absurd since the Forsaken were the reason they left.
There should be no Horde presence at all.
I’m glad you are because every moment that passes my disdain for Calia and this questline grows. It just reminds me of all the ways they could have better handled the Forsaken over the years.
More than the forsaken helping, this is my biggest hang-up on everything.
Because not only should Genn be against that… Calia and Voss should be against that!! Gilneas has to be cleared of that, yeah, but… So did Lordaeron. And they’re just gonna… Be fine with utilizing Sylvanas’s favorite WMD?
Nah. No thank you. Not even once, not even as a last resort.