I haven’t read any comments saying that the strength of the Alliance needs to be great.
It’s just annoying because everyone pretty much agrees that a small force is more than adequate to show that the alliance is helping
But repeating that the alliance NEEDS to show up suggests that some want to the alliance to steal the spotlight from the gilneans.
If I come off as a little combative it’s only because I and others been waiting thirteen years for this moment and we just want the worgen to really shine in retaking their own capital
When it comes to “X race needs attention now” it is complicated from a developer standpoint and a player standpoint.
We’re just now finishing the very unnecessary Teldrassil plotline that BfA started, and many have been tired of that night elf centric plotline, not only that, but not every night elf player is pleased, with some wanting more, but, it can’t be overstated how the sooner this plotline ends, the sooner other subjects can be tackled.
Worgens have a very unresolved plotline since their introduction in Cata, but not just them, we have Gnomes with the gnomeragan issue since Vanilla. And Draeneis dont even have a proper capital, they live on a crashed Ship.
So, I am glad they are tackling these issues one by one and I’m sure the factions will be part of that, but worgen content is alliance content by default, there is for much more.
So TL DR playable Race content will always be faction relevant, but Faction content not always is playable race relevant.
It was repeated that the Alliance forces need to appear because it is precisely the right thing to do, for the good development of the faction and also the worgen.
However, I haven’t seen a single comment stating that worgen should be left aside, or that the other Alliance races should overshadow them.
Ok, but like, the Alliance force also need to SHOW UP y’know?
Because if they don’t, if the Alliance doesn’t SHOW UP then what’s even the point?
This is an important moment, and the Alliance? They had better SHOW UP AND SHOW ALL THE WAY UP for this moment, because it is a moment, and moments are important.
So y’all need to stop with this “we need Alliance forces to just like appear” because the Alliance forces need to SHOW UP.
I mean, if we’re being honest. The gilneans are fighting the scarlet crusade and the alliance doesn’t NEED TO APPEAR or SHOW UP for that matter.
The gilneans are more than capable of taking care of a bunch of lunatic zealots by themselves. If the forsaken can, why can’t the worgen?
That’s just me being honest about it though. I honestly don’t want the rest of the allianc there, but I get why some people do.
Gilneas, with the help of the Forsaken, will be the next neutral capital
But Karebear.
If the Alliance doesn’t SHOW UP then how will the Alliance SHOW UP? The Alliance needs to SHOW UP and to SHOW UP!! I know it’s fine if there’s an Alliance presence, but will that presence SHOW UP because I’m just saying they need to SHOW UP or else what even is the Alliance if they do not SHOW UP?
Maybe just a little show and a tad up?
But in seriousness.
I’ve made my feelings clear; the Worgen don’t need the Alliance to, ahem, show up for Gilneas. It’s not some epic campaign to push some rebel Forsaken out of Gilneas, because Blizzard decided not to do the smart thing and put an ending on the story. This isn’t a massive battle of reclamation; it’s clean-up action against squatters.
Having Alliance forces present for that either highlights that the worgen can’t handle the same forces forsaken took out themselves, or that the Alliance will only bother showing up for the Gilneans when there isn’t much fighting left to do. Or the Alliance forces hang back in reserve and look lazy. There aren’t many good options there.
Traditional worgen friends? Totally fine. Some night elves being around makes sense. But that’s really about it.
Reclaiming Gilneas, just like reclaiming Lordaeron, isn’t about the factions. It’s about shining a light on these otherwise underdeveloped and underutilized races. Let them have the spotlight in their own territory.
But still, the Alliance forces need to SHOW UP to SHOW UP and prove that they can SHOW UP WHEN THE UP IS SHOWING!!!
I didn’t see an Orc Warband assembled and ready to help the Desolate Council retake the Capital City, though I very plainly know that had Calia, Voss, or Belmont requested help from Thrall, help would be sent.
It’s fine if the Reclamation of Gilneas is just Genn and his family, Ivar, and the Crowleys. And me, I’ll be there too, hiding under my finest skinned wolf-pelt, grumbling something about “damned rotters” and “Crowley deserved better…” its the perfect disguise you see.
See, I wear mail armor, so I have like… Seventy billion wolf mask helms due to shamanens existing in my sniper archer world. I will blend in perfectly. I am even fluent in worgen!!
“G’day guvna’, care to join me for a spot of tea? Blimey britches, did you see where I put my flea bath powder? Aroooooo!!!”
Perfect disguise…
A wild mocha elf attempting their first infiltration of a foreign territory that doesn’t involve shooting the first 400 things that move all at once
Reminds me of that alliance guy NPC that is really into blood elfs and wears a mask?
On the topic of the questline, since the whole thing will go live unspoiled, what do you think is so secret they aren’t showing?
My joking jovial side wants to say a Forsaken Embassy.
But it’s probably going to be something that has us all wondering for a month why it had to be kept so secret.
Ahem!! No!! Not true!! Not true at all!!!
My very, very first pacifist infiltration was done all the way back in Cataclysm!!
… The RP event said everyone was welcome, so I thought I was welcome…
They should have informed the guards I was welcome.
The guards were not at all very welcoming.
To be fair, Zerde is satisfied with other Alliance members making a cameo appearance to fumble around doing basic raid mechanics:
I show up in time to watch Jaina yelling at the faction heads like an angry raid leader, because somehow it’s not obvious for them to get into the big blue shields without being told to.
The ONLY ones I’d be happy with showing up and that actually make sense showing up are the Kaldorei. To return the favor for the time the gilneans put their lives on the line to retake Darkshore when they didn’t have to and for remaining solid allies with the kaldorei.
Everyone else can bugger off. But that’s my Honest opinion on it.
I can promise at least one dwarf showing up.
It’d be kind of cool to have a strong showing from the Kul’tirans and the other humans against the Scarlets.
But on the other hand, we just had TEAM SPIRIT overload in the conclusion to Amirdrassil, so… Just worgen would be kind of cool. Assuming that Bliz can think of more than 2 worgen at a time, which I’m not entirely convinced of.
Hopefully when the worgen reclaim Gilneas, they will not also have to keep waiting for it to be actually reclaimed like I am still waiting to actually reclaim Undercity so I can go there.
Honestly, I would say this has been an issue with ALL the “retake the various capital city+Amirdrassil” scenarios. Blizzard uses ONLY the players to represent the fact the Alliance/Horde are helping their member states retake/get a new home! We still get told “hey these Alliance guys are swell because they helped/were willing to die for us to get our home back”(See “Cut Short”) but we get zero visuals of said help except from players.
I would have love to see SOME interaction between the leaders. And show how combined arms of Alliance/Horde take our Zalazane/Thermoplugg’s goons.
Part of me cant help but think said decision is driven partially by laziness. Less Alliance/Horde involvement=less NPCs to code.
Or you know she is yelling it for us players because even after all these year some people cant tell the difference between “stand in bad/stand in good” stuff.
I guess you were too busy to notice Velen healing the sick, Jaina turning enemies into icicles, Moira smiting things, Genn just attacking this. There was ALOT more to that final scenario then the final kill of the Prophet
I think it’s ridiculous to make fun of other people, just because they don’t have the same position as you. And this isn’t the first time it’s happened.
I commented here on what I think is important to happen in the recovery of Gilneas, without offending or belittling the opinion of anyone who thinks otherwise.
A worgen in the wild wondering why they need a bunch of clowns to show up to be able to take on religious zealots on their own