Yeah but as some people are super quick to point out, WoW told a story where the forsaken effectively became exactly the monsters everyone thought they were. Not only that, but this is coming right off the heels of Teldrassil AND the dark rangers are those who accepted being raised and stuck with the horde after its worst moments for a time.
They’re more than just undead. They were traitors.
At the same time, the Kaldorei and the alliance were deeply hurt by the war, night elves specially after losing so much would be willing to accept back darkfallen that were at some point following Sylvanas but willing to show regret and rebuild.
Everyone lost too much, that the desire to just move on might be stronger than the anger.
Moving on doesn’t mean forgiveness though, and in the case of undead, it’s specifically supposed to be a condition that affects you forever. Your appearance, the way you see the world, etc. is forever altered. They ought to be a permanently unhealable wound, but now they get their own little alcove in Amirdrassil because of renewal .
Not accusing you specifically of this, but it makes me feel like people are more open to having the forsakens’ identity undermined because they “deserve it” in-universe or something.
Being hated? Yeah. It was their entire sympathetic hook both as a playable race and reinforcement of a larger horde theme of monster races having a found family with each other.
To me, that’s no different than asking if night elves really need to have “protecting nature and their lands” so central to their identity instead of finding a new one in being protected by others, instead.
Bit of a side note, but I’ve recently come to appreciate Voss’s face.
She’s a female leader and seems to be on-track to be the “face” of Forsaken representation. And she’s not pretty.
Undead females have some very pretty face option. All full lips and smooth skin.
Hers is a mess of scars and stitching.
It’s a nice change of pace.
Looking at Sylvanas, and Legion-Nathanos, and even Calia, it does feel like only pretty undead get to be important.
So it’s nice.
Well, one has to do with the development of other races around them, and the other has to do with their own race changing their culthre and ways.
Saying other races can’t come to respect and not hate the forsaken seems a bit wrong IMO, even more when DKs that have done way more morally questionable stuff are already part of the factions full force.
I mean, I’m pretty sure DKs weren’t supposed to be seen that way. The ones running around have specific exemptions from being executed on sight.
Though as was pointed out in another thread, tonally I think it’s really screwed up that night elves of all people officially have some DK representation to show growth but the forsaken of all groups don’t.
This is the perpetual grey area in WoW’s narrative. I agree any Undead Night Elf siding with the Horde should be branded as Traitor because Tyrande, Maieve, Shandris and presumably many others have pretty much begged them to come back with them so they have no excuse to not want to.
But we have to remember that in many instances we’ve been told about the unstable mind state those recently raised experience and usually their first instinct is to attack the ones they are pointed to.
As long as those undead NE are stated to have gone through that period of not knowing what they were doing I can be ok with them being with us as Tyrande willed it. If I see some of them with the Horde I will call for their heads.
The problem is that not only were they not shown with that frenzy, they ALL sided with the horde for a time and only went back after Shadowlands was over. It’s also assuming that characters would have knowledge of a cdev tweet retcon that was trying to explain the discrepancies between a couple of Cata zones.
As many here know I’m not one to defend Blizzard writing but perhaps that broken state of mind took a while to go back to normal and are now just leaving that past behind?
Not ideal but it’s the best I can come up with to justify it in a believable way.
Agreed, tbh I don’t see Worgen tails as lore breaking either.
There’s official art that depicts Worgen with tails (though most of it concept art) and like… Worgen are derived from a Druidic wolf form, so some Worgen having or not having certain wolf traits would make perfect sense.
I’m asking “what are the technical and artistic challenges with adding another variable for worgen characters versus server load/client strain in busy areas as well as adding another bone that needs its own animation for all Worgen animations”. Given that one of the primary purposes of a tail is for balance, I can easily see some artist having an aneurysm about the prospect of just adding a tail onto existing animations. There’s a fair amount of hacky jank that went into making Worgen in the first place, and some of the limitations of that are why Dracthyr Visages work slightly different.
I don’t know what those challenges look like for the WoW team and could be a valid reason to be lower on the priority list. I just don’t think “dev vision” is a good reason to be against the conceit altogether. It’s a much lesser thing as far as vision than darkfallen or man’ari.
Maiev was forgiven and put in leadership position at the Darkshore Warfront. Tyrande commuted the sentence of a dude literally dubbed The Betrayer. The Night Elves have just forgiven some Druids of the Flame just this patch.
Elune literally preaches forgiveness and takes back even Satyr and Twilight’s Hammer cultists.
Plus, better for the Undead Night Elves to be healed at Amirdrassil than with Calia.