Well it’s vacant in game.
And at this point I don’t care what happened until WoW revamps the map. They’ve shown zero fealty to the lore books so until I can visit whatever they’re talking about in their main product I could care less.
Personally in terms of resettlement I’d love to see the Forsaken and Worgen competeting for parts of the Plagueland. Established Necromancer slayer Voss pulling this with a Frostsyrm with Tess sounds fun;
Just out’ve curiosity, strict Worgen fans, how would you react if the storyline was about pushing the Scarlets out’ve Gilneas.
And as you march on their new fortified base in Pyrewood, this happens;
The Deathstalkers and Dark Rangers, replete with a company of Deathguard and Dark Clerics for support completely slaughter their counterattack and drive the Scarlets to SFK.
I think it could lead to some lovely monster bonding, essentially;
I am too.
Tewdee seems incredibly offended at anything not deeply tied to the starting zone experience, but this is the story actually moving forward in a believable direction.
Scarlets are racists. They hate everyone who isn’t purely human. Even if they hadn’t holed up in Gilneas, there is no way they wouldn’t try to kill Worgen, too.
one of my main hopes is that this sequence introduces other major Worgen characters.
Worgen should have a more prominent role instead of being pushed to the sides. There’s a lot of narrative potential
The Worgen really would have been a better addition to add to the Alliance during WOTLK where you could have had their main enemy be the Scourge rather than the Forsaken because that was never going to end well with a player faction, especially on the Horde being their main enemy. If i could redo adding them to the game that’s how i would do it.
They would have fit so well in WOTLK and could have been the Alliance’s shock troops against the Scourge given they were pretty much immune to undeath. And you even had the story of the Wolfcult in Grizzly Hills that they could have been tied into.
wtf is going on halfway down this thread
furry zionism?
I loved the whole cursed cowboy thing Godfrey had going on. In fact I think that should have been the dark ranger equivalent for the standard undead opposed to their darkfallen counterparts.
This this this!
Worgen desperately need more prominent characters. We have Genn and that’s it… and basically since BfA he’s been licking Anduin’s boots. I woukd love for Darius nd Lorna Crowley to get more story. Make Tess a worgen!
I owuld love to see Halford Ramsey from the Curse of the Worgen comic show up too.
I think the Scarlets are a good choice. Sure they’re the safe bet, and no it doesn’t exactly advance the story Worgen’s story with the Forsaken. I think it opens up the possibility for neat new story beats for the Worgen though, the Scarlet’s just seem like such natural enemies for them.
Sure, you’ve got your orcs and your trolls and don’t even get me started on ELVES, but Worgen are “corrupted” humans just like the undead are. I bet the Scarlet’s can’t stand that.
Well I can also see the narrative irony of the Forsaken doing to another city what was done to them.
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Worgen bites Scarlet to make him go crazy, like biological warfare. Causes a resurgence of insane worgen, one of which ends up biting Tess.
Helps highlight the danger of the curse without making the character look flip-floppy about it. And it gives her a sympathy point in having to learn how to handle something she previously felt she couldn’t.
I genuinely like this idea.
To add to it, have it where the Scarlets are killong worgen and giving the whole, “You are no longer human, you’re a monster!” And the Gilneans push back by accepting the curse as part of who they are.
The Scarlets work in the sense of they can help reinforce the whole “Our Curse grants us Strength.” angle.
These are unabashed racists who view things like the Undead as abominations and I have zero doubts they won’t exactly look too kindly on what are effectively beast men that can spread their curse with a simple ‘bite’.
That’s of course if Blizzard let’s Worgen BE Worgen let our cool werewolves be werewolves, let their curse be the reason they achieve victory. I can even see why the Scarlets would choose Gilneas as their ‘Base’ so to speak a massive cathedral lies in the center of the ruined city and it works for their purposes.
The Scarlets have already made their dislike of Worgen known on paper.
The “Cursed Old Wolf” pamphlet that was added describes how they want to use Genn and the Worgen to help exterminate the Undead, and afterwards they’ll turn around and exterminate the Worgen.
It’s the one reason the Scarlets being the enemies doesn’t come completely out of left field.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole scenario begins with the Scarlets meeting Genn in “peace” to offer an alliance, only to turn hostile when Genn tells em to get lost.
I think Scarlets are an overall safe choice. Kind of a boring choice, and I think there were better choices out there.
But kicking scarlets is a classic past time, if a bit overdone.
One route I would have like to see this go is an invasion of the Syndicate. They’re just a zone or two away, and as an army of disgraced and displaced nobility, the freshly empty kingdom would make a tempting prize.
Since they’re pretty much an organization of rogues, their whole bit would be stalking the shadows and alleyways of a section of Gilneas City. But because the worgen are wolf-men and thus presumably have super senses, they would sus them out almost immediately and initiate counter-stealth tactics, making use of their famed ambush maneuvers and showing the terror of facing a TRUE predator.
Sometimes I wish for the Scarlets to like be allies to the Alliance because of Turalyon or something but I guess they are back being the bad guys again. Old Grudges just continues with the Scarlet Crusade still.
And I want them all dead. They are the very antithesis of the Alliance,
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I’ve never really understood this take nor why people want it.
It doesn’t make Turalyon interesting and the Scarlet Crusade has always been an enemy of The Alliance. All the way back in Vanilla were quite literally told by a Paladin that “These guys are wacko insane.”
why did the crusade even go down there? wouldnt they focus on lordaeron since they are like male human ret paladins on forums
Given Turalyon’s characterization, I can’t see him wanting anything to do with the Scarlet Crusade. At most he might want to redeem them by showing them that blind devotion to the Light is not the path, but a redemption for the Scarlets would make them into the red-colored Silver Hand, rather than the Scarlets. They’d be the Scarlet Crusade in name only, their racism and bigotry chastised and seen as a point of extreme shame by the redeemed Scarlets.
Do you want to see the Scarlet Crusade helping the Forsaken rebuild Lordaeron so the Forsaken can resettle it? Because that’s all you’d get if Turalyon took in the Scarlets as allies.