Reclaiming Gilneas!

He’s my favorite character for the sheer ??? factor.

I thought the Gilnean stater zone might give some info on to why he’s a necromancer cowboy but, nah that still comes pretty out’ve left field.

Dude yeets himself off a cliff rather than serve a Worgen, gets rezzed, blams shell shocked Forsaken soldiers like a damn 40k Commissar, shoots Sylvanas in the face, takes over SFK, refuses to elaborate and dies.



How I imagine Godfrey whenever he sees a worgen or a forsaken in the vicinity while he was still on two feet :stuck_out_tongue:

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Call me crazy but id rather have blizzard write something actually interesting than the “safe” answer so dorks on the internet can live out their fanatic punching fantasies.


Godfrey was too good for wow its insane.

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The Badlands doesn’t have any iirc. It is the Blasted Lands that does.


The only thing I can guess is Blizzard has plans for the Scarlets to become a big new threat, possibly tied with future storylines in War Within and/or Midnight, which would be cool.

If Blizzard is ONLY using the Scarlets as the easy “safe” route for enemies, then that’s really lame just cause there are so many more interesting story options.


Its just a bit hard to take the Scarlet Crusade seriously when they’ve just been defeated and wiped out at every turn, you know?

  • Wiped at the Scarlet Monastery (Twice)
  • Manipulated by (And then killed and raised as undead) Balnazzar the dreadlord in Statholme
  • Death Knight Starting zone where they deliver a huge blow to the scarlet forces.
  • Northrend Quests where we wipe out their leadership there, etc.

Logically, the Scarlets should be wiped out by now, but they are just that convenient generic ‘evil’ human group to defeat which Blizzard loves to pull out.

Something is better than nothing, obviously so I’ll take it. I can just kind of already see the generic lines we’ll encounter. “Die beast!” or “Your curse must be cleansed from this land!”, that kind of stuff.


Scarlet crusade is like team rocket isn’t it?


Jesse and James would of found a way to defeat the Frosaken with an overly complex plan. They would of accomplished it too, until an adventurer comes by doing some pet battles and defeats them with an overleveled rat with more plot armor than sylvanas.


That doesn’t explain how they’re able to be a threat, that just a theory about why the writers keep using them. Is it safe for the writers if fans are sick and tired of seeing them? There are plenty of other evils out there besides the Third Reich, why don’t people talk about them?

Nice to see someone else acknowledge that.

True - and the writer’s juvenile fanatic punching fantasies. They being cowardly about it too since fanatics in real-life tend to punch back.


That’s fair. The Scarlets haven’t felt like a serious threat since Vanilla, honestly. I was surprised they even got as much presence in Wrath as they had.

It’s safe in terms of backlash. Blizzard’s had a pretty terrible time ever since the workplace abuse and what not. They’ve been under a microscope ever since, every tiny addition to their games analyzed and re-analyzed and cross-analyzed trying to detect the tiniest hint of misogyny, racism, sexism, discrimination, etc…

As a result Blizzard has been aiming to be inclusive and, safe where the story is concerned.

Yes, it does get boring to see the same groups which it is safe to portray as villains get used again and again. Personally, I’ll wait and see what the PTR reveals in terms of the questing experience, but the choice to go with the Scarlets feels odd to begin with. Who knows? Maybe we’ll see a decent story here. I rather doubt it, but at the end of the day, at least Blizzard is tying up loose ends.


There certainly are more relevant threats to the worgen, like the wolf cult or bringing back arugal, they were never going to use sylvanas loyalists cause they are trying to move away from using the opposing faction as villain bait and instead trying to use and create neutral enemies

This is problematic insofar as the entire Worgen narrative is built upon the foundation of faction conflict. Without proper resolution, it’s difficult to move that narrative forward. At the very least some form of catharsis should be necessary.

I think someone else had the right idea. I’d sooner see Godfrey return as the main antagonist, leading Scourge forces as some kind of Lich or Death Knight. At least then the Worgen and Forsaken working together to defeat him and the Scourge feels infinitely more natural to both groups, and would go a long ways towards explaining why cooperation was necessary; the Forsaken’s expertise in fighting the Scourge, and the Worgen’s ferocity and knowledge of the land.

Both sides would have a strong emotional investment in bringing Godfrey and Scourge remnants down.


I never understood why Godfrey would even want to be undead in the first place, given how he hated worgen for being inhuman so much that he opted to kill himself than to keep hanging around them.

Honestly? I personally think it’s not the problematic for the simple reason that Cata was so long ago and blizz has done virtually nothing with the worgen as a whole, I don’t think people care that much about maintaining the conflict between the forsaken and the worgen.

Would it have been nice? On some level sure, but it’s been largely forgotten by most people and gilneas lore as far as who owned it since Cata is such a mess that nobody cares anymore

See, that’s the reason I think it’s problematic.

The Worgen have had virtually no development since Cataclysm, only minor appearances here and there through Genn. So, any player who decides to immerse themselves in Worgen quests gets to play through their starting area, and… that’s where it more or less drops off.

The reclamation of Gilneas is going to more or less pick up the narrative from where it was left. Anyone who makes a worgen and plays through their starting experience is going to strongly want some justice for Gilneas.


Absolutely, I feel they tied too many people to faction conflict and now that its narrative poison those races can’t really continue in that direction, So worgen kinda are forced to settle with stormheim being the end of that story direction.


Oh of course, I was mostly speaking about the average person who isn’t passionate about the worgen and wanting gilneas back. Most players aren’t that invested.

I mean, it sucks the worgen aren’t getting to punch back at their number one enemy, but that’s part for the course of being a worgen fan.

I don’t blame blizz for playing it safe though, but like others mentioned, they could have picked anyone but the Crusade as a believable enemy.

As for me, I’m just happy we’re getting gilneas back finally, so I’m going to enjoy the questline when it goes live. Assuming it’s not tied to anything else and it is it’s own seperate quest like Retaking Lordaeron was during SL

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You’re correct they had a nice little village there named like Surrich or something. And a Belf observation post keeping tabs on them.

As with the rest of the place it was totaled by the Iron Horde. That zone really is due for some updates given it’s lore importance. Plus I figure the Iron Horde remnants not already sorted would either fall in with the Mag’Har ot be easily mopped up by any passing power.

Actually Surwich is still standing in lore. I thought it was leveled but I read somewhere that they were spared the rampage from the Iron Horde despite the town being empty now. Though I assume that was just Blizzard forgetting them when they phased the zone for WoD.