That makes sense but the issue is a thematic one, imo. The Scarlet Crusade have never had conflict with the worgen in the past, they’ve always been the Forsaken’s enemies. Gilneas’s big cheer moment where they finally get their home back would be better fit narrative-wise if the enemy they took it from was someone actually connected to their narrative, like the Wolf Cult or Sylvanas holdouts or something.
The issue’s not that it doesn’t make logical sense, more it doesn’t have much emotional resonance. It’s like if the Forsaken heritage had been about fighting the Amani; sure they’re an antagonistic force in the area, but where’s the emotional history between Forsaken and Amani?
Have you read The Cursed Old Wolf? It lays out their plan. They wanted to use the worgen to wipe out the Forsaken, and then turn on the worgen and destroy them too.
There are a lot of reasons the living of Lordaeron would turn on Gilneas. Argual literally brought the Worgen curse upon the Gilneans because they thought it would stop the Scourge. So the people of Lorderon had to worry about both the Scourge and the Worgen curse.
Argual was the original boss of Shadowfang Keep before cata.
See as a Worgen fan I’m pro Scarlet’s being the enemy precisely because it lets you;
The undead don’t just have that same visceral satisfaction. Claw out their jugular and it’ll just annoy them. Same goes for dismemberment and disemboweling.
If it had to be Horde my vote would be for Elves as they’re human enough that I can get a sense for the carnage. Orcs would work in a pinch but they’re literally lustful for bloodspill. So there’s the fun of being a razor toothed creature of the night right out the window.
I’m excited either way really. If it HAD to be horde or horde aligned, Sylvanas loyalists would have also made sense.
I’ll give it that Sylvanas loyalists would have made a more impact on the emotional resonance.
However, If I had to take a bird’s eye view, the fact the scarlets showed up not just once but twice in the same general geographic reigon to stir stuff up makes me think that They must have bigger plans for them.
And at the end of the day, if the retaking Gilneas gives them the “Screw you we’re freakin werewolves” hype train, then I’ll check that off as a win
True but kinda limits the fun when you pair the faction with knives for nails against the only possible opponent who isn’t much phased by them being plunged into their stomach cavity.
Chadwick Paxton gets cut the duck in half by scimitar wielding snakemen and he reacts with the sort of mild embarrassment usually reserved for locking your keys in your car.
I think the Worgen have had enough time being the collective boy and his dog for Prince Andy and co. Let them drown out horrified screams with a chorus of howls under the pale glow of a gibbon moon already.
And hey come to think of it given the Scarlet’s color scheme they do kinda pair well with big bad wolves.
Not to quote myself but if they can compact something into retaking gilneas that’s as cool as the last two lines in this Hearthstone trailer, we’re so ducking back.
I forgot how awesome that trailer was. On that note, I would have settle for Hagatha being the final enemy with her trying to summon Baku(I have a special love for Baku because its one of the few references to my country in WoW).
My biggest hope for this is that Gilneas City gets proper city-treatment, complete with bankers, an auction house, and a Trade Chat. It already has a map made for it from Cata, like other cities.
That said, given that Bilgewater Harbor and Booty Bay don’t have city status, I’m not too optimistic that will happen.
Why would I help if I had to kill forsaken? I would sabotage as much of Gilneas as I possibly could before it would be retaken.
Crippling Gilneas and shrinking their borders is just strategy.
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Simple, because these are the same forsaken that Thrall had chained up/fully support a cause that most of the Horde do not care about/actively despise at this point.
I’m happy for you homie.
Sucks it took them so long.
Blizzard keeps acting like we’re all Elrond.
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That final line gives me chills every single time.
Having it be the Scarlet Crusade is a bit of a letdown, but at the same time it is par for the course for being a Worgen Fan. Half measures in all things.
I just hope they give equal attention to being Worgen in this and not try to focus on “Gileans are Humans, not beasts!”.
Still the most bewildering heritage quest.
Like presumably people in the character creation menu clicked on the werewolf option because they wanted to be a kickass werewolf.
And the funniest part is - WTF else does Gilneas have going for it? Bulldogs and tophats? Did Blizz think THAT’S what the fans really wanted and all this worgen buisness was just an unwanted aside?
Well given their track record through BFA and SL, quite possibly.
I’m still struggling to try and figure out exactly what blizz was thinking during Cata and then the heritage armor questline. They half finish the starting zone, forcing you role a forsaken to even see the second half of the worgen starter zone, than the worgen fall off the face of the map, except for a small number here and there.
Then comes the heritage quest and they actually thought we picked the werewolf race to…play humans in a top hat. I guess the alcohol must been flowing really well that month
< joking > wanna fight me?
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It’s like they regret making Worgen playable in the first place and have been actively trying to downplay the wolf/monster part of it from the very beginning.
It has rich lore and ties to Druidism/Night Elves/Goldrinn, you’d think that they’d want to explore that more.
Actually, speaking of Goldrinn, Off the top of my head I know 4 separate times that a Worgen player personally interacts with the Great Wolf ancient. You’d think there would be some connection or reference to it, right? No, it does not acknowledge your existence at all. If anything, its like he’s ashamed you even exist.
- Meet him in Mount Hyjal in Cata,
- Speak to him when Varian dies to console him
- Literally talk to him during the Worgen Heritage questline.
- Recruit him to fight the druids of the flame in the Emerald dream.
But I also understand that not everyone cares about the druidism aspect like I do. I just like exploring those rarely touched bits of a story, seeing all the potential of where it could go.
I challenge you to a pillow fight!
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