Reclaiming Gilneas!

To be really fair, WoW isn’t exactly good on player choices (be it your race/class when creating a character or your past history with the game’s quests and characters) affecting dialogue options.

It baffled me when my night elf who leveled up normally trough teldrassil, darkshore, ashenvale and so on got the prompt “who are you?” When talking to malfurion in Dragonflight.

All dialogue choices and options are made considering the player is not aware of the world they are in, and it sucks.

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Just catching up on the chat. I agree with everyone that it lowkey sucks that the enemy in Gilneas is Scarlets…

Really? Theres so many other cool options Blizzard could have done. BUT, with that said, I am 100% down for them going the Scarlet route if the plan is basically Blizzard walking back the heritage quest.

Like if the Scarlets are there trying to hunt worgen and what not, claiming they are monsters like the undead, and the Gilneans are like, “Nah, the curse grants us strength! Its part of us now.”

I’d be down for that.


To be fair they apparently were setting up Dragon Flight to be the new leveling experience from the start. Though once again it demonstrates how little Blizzard regards their own lore as they didn’t even add in basic checks to see if you’d done the old quest content.

I’d love a game in the Warcraft setting that had bioware levels of choices and consequences, as demonstrated with their SWToR MMO it can be made to work… even if the current Dev’s over there are doing their best to ignore your ability to make choices.

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There’s plenty of other living enemies who fit better than the Scarlet Crusade if you want some werewolf-themed torture/gore p*rn.

Kinda grasping at straws to justify using the Scarlet Crusade. They’re not even the only faction to have red in their faction colors.

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Maybe if one of these new Scourge subfactions becomes a threat to that region? That would be the only thing i could think of.

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Potentially some good stuff. But Bliz has wasted the potential of the Worgen so much…

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Seriously. When I first rolled one I was shocked at how hard I had to look for Worgen content. I’d just sorta assumed there was some Alliance questline running concurrently to the Horde one in Silverpine.

It even sets it up. With the Forsaken you keep running in to the aftermath of some daring Worgen commando attack. I just sorta assumed Alliance players were responsible for these events and I just hadn’t run into any of them as I didn’t see Cata content until Legion when I started playing again after quitting after Wrath.

Seriously the Horde had more Goblin content before they were playable than the Alliance has Worgen content, even over a decade after their inclusion. And in Cata there’s just a sprinkling of it in Duskwood, the Badlands, Feralas and bizarrely Felwood.

I originally rolled a Worgen outlaw rogue and after the well ran dry in the EK I said duck it and went to do the neutral Booty Bay questline I hadn’t seen yet, as I had this pirate thing going for me too.

Only to discover there’s a kickass plotline about worgen pirates that actually continues the small Vanillia detail of a lot of pirates happening to be from Gilneas.

I had to trip and stumble into the Worgen content I was looking for.


Speaking of titles now seems like a perfect time to add “of Gilneas” for any Alliance player who does this questline!


Of Gilneas and Harvest Witch are my dream titles truthfully


Honestly, i would have liked if the this new Scarlet Crusade was at least a bit different if they insist on using them. Imagine them being the ones to join the Wolfcult and trying to justify it as their way to purge their enemies? Could have even had them trying to delve into Necromancy to dominate and control one of these rogue Scourge factions to carry out their own agenda. It would at least be different and new.


It is one of the only things I think ESO did better, there NPCs actually acnowledge meeting you before, specially if you do the content in order.


The Old Republic (Star Wars MMO) is also really good at that too


Scarlets again? Why could they have not just used a splinter group of sylvannas loyalists or something? Such garbage. Let worgen beat their actual enemies, not loser randoms lmao


I’m okay with it being Scarlets. I’m waiting until I can actually play the scenario/event to judge it. Would have been preferable to have some splinter forsaken group who wanted to keep Gilneas for security reasons, but like I said, I’m waiting to see it myself before judging it :smiley:


Please do not respond to my posts.

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I’ll respond to whoever I like


Blizzard is trying to unite the factions now, regardless of past events and villainbats. We are all friends and in love. Hurray.

I know this and dislike this. But it is what it is. Thats why i was suggesting a splinter group or something. Keep the werewolves vs zombies vibe which was so much cooler and something intrinsic to worgen. Not boring af scarlets.


I would love for a splinter group and a real answer to what happened to all the loyalists that were arrested.
But Blizzard is playing it safe now, if we start killing blight happy forsaken its going to piss off the Horde players that like the Forsaken.
So we ain’t getting that. It sucks I know but its the poop sandwhich we got to eat.

While a splinter group of Forsaken who were loyal to Sylvanas and disapprove of the Desolate Council would have been better than Scarlets it isn’t much better. Outside of it giving Worgen a win against the Forsaken (which they technically got in Stormheim with Genn destroying the lamp so no more Forsaken can be made in theory) having a splinter group of Forsaken really does nothing.

I think having the questline revolve around worgen would have been better. Have the Wolf Cult back, and maybe they are siding with the Heartsbane coven. To me that would have been way better.

Or even have Gilneas overrun with Scourge who are trying to turn Gilneas into an undead stronghold. That would have been better.