Reckoning after 2nd “Hotfix” still BROKEN

Yeah as it stands now, nothing justifies using Reckoning. Not even being dramatic, it is just truly overly useless. It feels like the criteria for losing charges has gone up 10 fold, but none of those criteria were made public.

I suppose that’s another really frustrating aspect to this talent- the tooltip and the way the skill actually works are two very different things, and there is no BlizzardOfficial clarity around how reckoning actually works. Just a bunch of forum posts from 2006 where people spent hours and hours testing the mechanic.

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this is intensely irritating, I completely agree. I don’t understand why it’s so hard to get some clarity here.


MantisBoi’s new video says it all…


“I honestly don’t really know what to do at the moment” basically sums it all up.


Blizzard wants to keep paladins in the trash bin it’s been pretty apparent so much for #nochanges. I loved actually being able to do something other than be a total heal/buff bot I was able to roam solo in the world and stand a chance of killing a mage or warlock but now I’m just a flimsy noodle with no ability to even scratch other classes unless I spec full ret then guess what no raids will even look at me. Thanks blizzard!


Dude I just started lvling a paladin and after reading this I dont want to anymore lol thats sad that blizzard is doing this.

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If you do, just don’t expect to have any kind of fun. Healing or non-raid tanking is what’s up now, unless they revert the reckoning changes.

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Yeah guess I will reroll to warrior as well on allanice side.

The recent fix for reckoning is behaving differently in instanced zones (such as battlegrounds) compared to open world, resulting in no stacks being gained when they otherwise would. Blizard please look into this.


i am not positive that it’s actually behaving differently. The differing factor in BGs is typically multiple people hitting you at the same time and world stuff alot more of the time is 1v1. I have noticed in both that if more than 1 person is giving me proc’s its extremely unreliable and doesn’t work 90% of the time. I haven’t really gotten to test 1v1 in BGs as it virtually never happens. It seems more like the procs delete each other in some weird way if its from multiple targets.

I think what occurs is you are auto attacking the one target and when you are crit by others it detects you are not targeting the person critting you and it erases the stacks. The slim cases where it works is because the procs happen to come from the person you are targeting and actually attacking at the time. Then the other 99% of the time it doesn’t work is because its others providing the procs that you aren’t currently targeting/attacking.

Bottom line is it doesn’t work 99% of the time and is a bad joke though. Needs fixed immediately.


Blizzard hates him! Read this one post to discover how one man earned so much of their disrespect!


Big agree. Reckoning was basically why I rolled paladin in the first place.

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Y’all Paladins act like you’re the only ones that have been #changed. Take a look at these forums. Almost every class is broken in some major way by spell batching. Hunters, rogues, warriors, druids ; They have been complaining about it for months. And now it was discovered that mage Blizzard spell has ZERO EFFECT on players riding through it on mounts, which makes mages completely useless in AV.

“useless in AV”
Jesus christ you really are level 27 aren’t you? Mages just have to dismount and frost nova to freeze half a raid in place. It happens every game.

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I have looked around the forums, and am well aware that other classes have problems as well, all looking for a response to their issue, just as the paladin community is doing here. I don’t suppose you’ve read the title, because it is about a paladin change, hence why all the discussion is about that. This is not to say I don’t support other classes in their fight for a fix for their broken abilities.

Also while browsing the forum I’ve come to find you seem to be notorious for inciting arguments and underwhelming remarks that lead to anything but a beneficial outcome, you seem to spend a vast amount of your day just commenting on any and everything on the forums just to belittle someone else for trying to look for resolution of an issue they might be experiencing, thank you for graceing us with your presence once again.

Do everyone a favor and find a better hobby.

This thread is about Paladin reckoning not performing properly, let’s please keep it as the sole topic in this thread


Not sure what you’re smoking, but it’s clear you haven’t played ANY AV games at all. Mage Frost Nova works on mounted riders, just fine, and I have probably at least 200 AV games under my belt to confirm it.

Think the blues are going to keep ignoring us? I just want my fav spec back :frowning:

Keep submitting those bugs people.

I have made a suggestion in game to blizzard that this reference client they have be made into a reference client public test realm. Having so many more people testing the source game mechanics will expedite issues like these.


But if they did that we would ferret out 900 thousand various bugs and deviations from vanilla game play that they don’t want to fix.

they actually replied here earlier this morning - there’s another hotfix coming next week:

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