Recent Actions Against Exploitative Accounts – September 2023

Oh, sorry, you thought this was about bans on era servers. hahahahaha

HitlerHC is hillarious, just make it an undead and it makes Teldrasil mean more XD

agreed, some of it too much, i get it is a family game but its the internet, people see way worse

We have botters that farm nodes around the clock. They make no real effort to hide the activity, literally posting the flood of ill gotten materials under the exact same name that farms it. When I see characters like this making a mockery of your staff, it means little how many you brag about banning. You give us a number that can say whatever you want it to say. We have no way of confirming that number or doing anything with it. It’s totally meaningless to us. What we need are noticeable results IN the game, and that you do not provide, probably because a number can’t do that. BGs are still loaded with bots, especially at the late hours, often in stacked packs. Zones still have bot farmers running around, literally with a flood of the exact same item in the auction house. They couldn’t be easier to detect. They may as well have “Imbotlol” in the names.

Point was missed.


name’s already taken.

Warden doesn’t work anymore. It cannot look deep enough into your pc to detect whats running.

Why do you think you see a train of fly hackers running stratholme daily. They work off the report system now. 1 single in game GM could wreck the botting and hacking population in a single month.


Is there a source for this? How do you know it doesn’t work? Has someone from Blizzzard indicated that, and if so when and where?

go watch the endless fly hackers at strat? or DM ?

And yes legally they cannot dig deep enough into your pc files to detect what is needed.

Look up their case against the Honorbuddy peeps in germany

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Again, I ask -

If you can’t answer that, everything is an assumption or a guess.

Literal first hand observation. If the thing worked we would not have a near endless volume of botters. The reason you don’t see them in Modern WoW is because they can hide in their own shard rather than being visible like on Era where there is no where to hide.

Here is some of my handwork from a couple weeks ago. I was not even done for the day at that point, just figured to take a screeny.

Near 100% of my honor gains from Rank 10 to Rank 11 was purely harvesting botters.

I have since gone back to AV for the gains because its far less effort, but killing botters was fun for a bit because sometimes the horde would turn up to save them in an effort for world PVP, and other times the botters would take control of their characters to attempt to kill me… These efforts were falures.


Do a little research I am not going to copy paste the legalities of a case out on the forums. It is all there in black and white.

The devs of these bots have program overlays that show the boosters where and when to teleport where to jump down its wild tbh. Like red lines on your screen of exactly how to walk, jump, teleport and iceblock.

The technology obviously surpasses this companies care to fight back.

Not to mention every bot/ booster/ spammer is an active paying account :smiley:

That’s asking too much now days, people want to be spoon fed and then when you feed them the results they ask for then they move the goal posts because facts are not nice and they want to retain their delusion just a little longer.

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Beating that back in d2 days was just as easy as setting up a virtual machine lol.

These guys are surprised that a game running on a crusty old engine with crusty tech and a company that only appears to care about milking $$$$ can’t detect sophisticated botting programs.

Have that not played retail?? this is cray

When you get on a post and say something is definately something (rather than saying “I think” or something similar) its not unreasonable for me or anyone to ask what article or notice put out by the company confirms that thing is no longer in use. Or any sort of technical info provided by someone who is good at checking computer files, which I am not.

It’s not ‘moving the goalpost’ when the original goalpost isn’t even in sight.

If warden was any good, if it actually did what it says on the label, then the botters would get crumped daily and the botters would not be able to operate like they do.

Its kinda nuts how many there are, and if you are on Modern wow and know where to look and are able to worm into their own shard, you can see the horror of it all.


Its my understanding that Blizzard collects information about people using any illegal software over an extended period of time in order to work out how the different methods work so they can do a wide sweep to catch as many cheaters as possible, and they then do a bulk ban (which we have just seen).

If that’s true then they don’t ‘crump’ people daily, because the suppliers of the botting software would garner a lot of information about what attributes of their software are getting noticed and would react to that faster because they would know more precise timestamp info.

I am genuinely curious as to whether the warden software is still used but ultimately its merely a curiosity, not something I want to get into a tussle about.

They don’t collect sheet. WE the players report and once they get enough auto reports to flag someone then they will look into it.

They do collect information on reports but they also track down information themselves. There have been numerous cases of people being suspended or banned when no one had reported them (many of which turned out to be mistakes which had the punishments revoked). I can recall one instance of a player who had that happen and after talking about it to a well known streamer, Blizzard investigated it and apparently it was due to him using some form of app that gave off readings similar to an illegal add on. And that isn’t an isolated case.

I hope so. I see someone’s latest, copied coding for the fly hacking bots at Light’s Hope Chapel on Arugal has a wee glitch. Mounted they arrive back from Stratholme, interact with an NPC then head to the mailbox to dump the rest of their bag content to the free transfer alt. They then try to ride through the mailbox. After 3-5 seconds, they dismount run to another spot, mount and then head off to fly hack through a tree back to Strath.

Funny to watch a crowd of them do it at the same time and on exactly the same path. Sad to watch 100’s of them do it every hour.

Quite a few times a week I report a stack of them hoping to see them start to dwindle. No chance. If anything, their numbers are increasing.

I’m starting to think that every reddit classic post pushing that the best gold farm is gdkp are in fact the gold sellers. Anyone else is unsuspecting victim or a player that just gives in because of the time investment to get the same amount of gold, but prices are artificially inflated… never ending cycle of increasing prices.

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