Recent Actions Against Exploitative Accounts – December 2023

Another month, another worthless “we banned X” thread. I don’t know what these threads are meant to accomplish. Not even sycophants stick up for you people anymore. I’d type more but I already said plenty in previous threads. It’s all ignored anyway. You’ll copy/paste this tired old drivel, then vanish until it’s time to copy/paste the next one.


That’s the total number of bots in their ban wave, which they did in December. This simply means they didn’t do any bot bans in November, October, September, and who knows how long they allowed those bots to ruin the game for months on end.

Players are DONE with hearing about their “ban waves.” They need to plop some GMs in the game - especially in BGs and starting areas.

Do a better job, Blizzard.

The damage has already been done. Greens selling for 100g. What a joke.

Blizzard should have a volunteer GM program. I would donate some time each week to hunting these guys down and reporting them.

Is this something to be proud of though? If I was a gaming company and I was able to ban a quarter million bots and cheaters per month, I’d feel like I wasn’t doing enough to prevent it in the first place. Next month, you’ll ban the same quarter million bots and cheaters, they’ll buy another account and just be back the next month. Wake me up when you start taking adequate measures to prevent it. This is nothing but PR work.



Total meaning across all versions.

Permanently ban gold buyers.


and how long are they banned for.

We all seen sodapoppin the streamer just get his gold removed with no ban. Are these perma bans or 3 days?


7 days for normal people

So nothing is happening.

But but but I have kids! I have a job! I am busy!

So, its ok to cheat! I can rationalize my behavior because that’s the world we live in now, there’s always an excuse to do the wrong things and be a weak human. You just minimize what you’re doing and make excuses…

Cheating in video games is low, like bottom of the barrel…if I found out someone that was working for me cheated in Video games I would fire them on the spot.

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Yeah I’ve been banned several times for false reporting of my name by Alliance players I ganked out in the world, at first I was given a free month due to the inconvenience, after that, they started to blame me and basically gave me a copy paste template response. It’s a really messed up system where 5 or more people report you for your name and you auto get banned. For the record, the name is Feardotrun which is no way offensive or against the TOS.


Thank you for helping us keep our minds sane as we run around the world of Azeroth.

Interesting, yet sodapoppin is not one of them.


to encourage people to buy?

I completely agree. It seems that merely appearing suspicious is enough for a ban, without thorough investigation. Add this to the fact that there’s virtually no customer support interface, and you find yourself isolated, facing accusations and penalties without any real sense of justice. I’m in a similar situation, having been banned for “botting/automation.” With GMs overwhelmed by the volume of tickets, it feels like legitimate players are often overlooked. This is particularly disheartening for those of us with long-standing, clean accounts spanning nearly two decades, where you’d expect a more detailed investigation.

I’m also seeking clarity and would appreciate any insights. If anyone can explain if my setup might be mistakenly identified as botting/automation, it would be helpful. I use MAMA and DynamicBoxing addons, along with OpenMultiBoxing screen software to manage my five accounts. This setup allows me to avoid Alt+Tabbing, as the active account is always the one where my cursor is located, meaning only one account is active at a time for key presses. There’s no key broadcasting involved. If there’s something in this setup that’s problematic, I’m open to suggestions, especially since the appeal process hasn’t been clear or helpful. I’m at the point where I have to accept my 6 month ban, but it is what it is.

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Hey, please don’t give up if your ban hasn’t been overturned yet. Mine has finally gotten through to the right person and I’m clear. Just know that you will get unbanned. Don’t worry about the monkeys trying to call you a liar. That goes for Xpnsvhealz and the others that are in the same boat too. I know it feels terrible to be guilty until proven innocent, to come here desperate for advice just to get trolled by the immature crowd of monkeys that thrive on making other people feel bad.

Just keep your head up.


are you doing anything at all to automate and reduce the amount of bots? i feel like you didnt even make a dent.

Just got unbanned yesterday. Where’s my 20 dollars monkey?