Recent Actions Against Exploitative Accounts – December 2023

Most of the people I have seen asking about it in CS or other places got perma closures, not 6 months. So, you might be off on how prevalent the full bans were.

I swear these bans are 90% retail bans. Bots in WoTLK/SoD are beyond blatant. 50+ in SFK/Stockades at once all times of day.


An out of context number is completely worthless. You took that many actions, okay fine. Out of how many reports of exploitative activity? 270970 out of 3,000,000+ is nothing.

Anyone can see there are bots EVERYWHERE. This is pathetic. Do better!

$20 says you totally botted. Enjoy the ban


Not necessarily. BGs are swimming with bots. Players are asking for in game GMs, not automated nonsense that allows the game to be ruined for weeks and months.

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even better.

i think even with a perma, the gold cant always be fully extracted from the economy.

They always deny and cry, nobody ever takes their medicine. Weak people, they cheat and then cry like losers.


thank you blizzard

If you guys are really banning this large number of accounts maybe it’s time to step back and look at why people bot/buy gold and make it easier to achieve those things without botting/buying gold. It really looks like a game design flaw with a number that high, but I guess that would cost Blizzard $4,064,550 (270970x$15) dollars in account subscriptions from those accounts.

Step by Step Guide

  1. Identify the botters/buyers
  2. Identify what they are botting/spending gold on
  3. Make it easier to obtain these items (DEincentivizes the botting/cheating)
  4. Less people bot/buy gold

Wow, this is extremely unfortunate. I’m sorry to hear it, your case isn’t the only one where one ban affects multiple people’s will to play. I have a few friends that know I’ve done nothing and are pretty much ready to put the game down over this. Why invest time into something that can be taken away for no reason at any time. It sucks. I got some of the best advice for my ticket via the forums, and I’ve also met more monkeys saying the same things like “cry cheater, haha” etc, than I’d have expected. But I guess that one’s on me.


If only you’d hold up your end of the bargain, I’ll take a free 20 dollars lmao.


What are you thanking them for? You know they’ve been making these posts for months now, and the botting situation has only gotten worse. It’s all nonsense.


Well, at least based on the comments you know they’re banning people, right? :slight_smile:

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Ehhhh please no. This game is so frickin easy it’s unreal. The only real challenge anymore is high end content (ie mythic dungeons and mythic raids). People are buying gold and exploiting the game because they can. That’s it. You won’t fix it by making every single aspect of this game so easy there’s no need for bots. You’ll tank subscribers cuz we’re not all here to play hello Kitty online adventures.

Thank god for the /who function.

The situation has definitely made it feel unsafe to invest time or money in another account.


?? The auction house auto bot still active, selling dire maul herb and potion

The bots in ERA finally got banned. All the other ban waves didn’t impact them. But if you /who Dire Maul, you will not see any bots anymore. Very nice. Finally…

Yes yes, I know they will be back soon on new accounts.

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Start giving HWID bans. Problem solved. If they want a new account they have to buy new hardware. If they try spoofing the HWID number, ban multiple HWIDs of their computer.

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You forgot to perma ban Soda