Receiving Behavior Warnings

Hi there, I received several behavior warnings at once today, and I don’t talk in game very much so I am just curious as to why I got them.
I’d take up the warnings if I actually did something, but I honestly dont recall anything I could’ve done to warrant a warning. Thank you! <3

Behavior warnings mean that players have reported you. Their reports may not be accurate or valid; the warnings are automatically generated and aren’t based on whether the reports are valid or not, only that the reports have been made.

A GM looks at the reports and decides if there is any actual infraction involved. If there isn’t, nothing will happen.


It’s purely quantity of reports, no matter how invalid. You can just ignore the warnings if you cant think of anything you did wrong.

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Blizzard doesn’t see behavioral reports until they reach some threshold where they are reviewed by Blizzard for validity.

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Just to clarify, every report is looked at by Blizzard. There is no “threshold” where they start reviewing reports. A higher concentration of reports can mean it’s looked at sooner than others, though.

But I believe the essence of Nok’s post is that the GM’s cannot see when or why the system sends the automated warning. When reviewing reports, they don’t know if a warning was sent for these reports or not. The message is simply informing you that there have been reports made, and if you are doing something against the rules, it would be prudent to stop.


Yes and no. It depends on the behavior involved. For instances, we won’t usually see every spam report. The system is designed primarily to deal with gold seller ads, and that does require several reports.

I should mention, that we are continuing to develop various systems that help us to address a lot of social behaviors, like toxicity. So while we do not have fully automated systems, we will likely see aspects of that tested and utilized as technology improves. The Behavior Warning system is part of that.


1: Those were squelches, not bans.
2: The streamer was penalized for abusing the system.


1: I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

Kicked offline popup and everything on log in.

2: Many others have seen it too.

That’s why this was a big deal for months and months a year or two ago.

It may not be the case now but blizzard was using automation to ban and silence accounts. They were caught.

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Never happened. The only things automated are the warnings and the squelch (which has been in the game since the right-click report option was first added).


This is correct.

Better organization of issues means quicker response times.

There is no reason for one of our SFAs to lie and I fail to see what you think you’re accomplishing here.


Yes and no. We have various systems in place for different kinds of violations. As I mentioned before, the system in place for dealing with gold sellers has some automated functionality to it.

There isn’t anything that says a real set of eyes has to look at anything. That is the point of exploring advancements in technology, to leverage those developments to help better deal with inappropriate behavior and toxicity in our games. So it can be dealt with a lot faster without having to wait until a Game Master can get to the report.

Mostly, those are misunderstanding about how our squelch system works. Beyond that, I’m not going to provide specifics about any player’s account, nor would I be able to provide much in the way of details about how all of our systems work, as folks have a tendency to try to game them.

Yes, and we eventually had 6 week long response times for tickets and 90+ minute hold queues for the phone (if you could manage to get into the hold queue).

WoW was also a much smaller game at the time with less complex systems and content. We also had fewer games overall. The world of “I remember…” is rarely as ideal when all facts are considered.

We work to make improvements to systems and develop new ones because that is how technology tends to work. We are always looking for better ways of doing things, to provide increased functionality, self-help options, etc… That is how we have the Undelete option for character deletion, the Item Restoration page, the return mail system, etc… Allowing players to seek a resolution almost immediately for many issues that previous required a Game Master, and freeing up those Game Masters for more complicated issues.

That is your choice. I am certainly not going to be 100% transparent. I provide what details I can, but I will always have to be vague on some details.

As these topics tend to quickly devolve into a lot of back and forth I’m going to keep it locked. Thanks, all.