Great CS response to how the flagging/ban system works

Very informative, cleared up a lot of my speculation. Appreciated the reply here. I found this interesting. Take a look :

(sorry, would not let me quote it)

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I don’t trust anyone that uses the word “toxicity” unironically. The most overused and distorted term of modern time.

Look at him just standing there with that toxic smile on his face!


I respected the last bit a lot

“I am not going to be 100% transparent”

I definitely think a risk was taken on their part to explain this information in better detail.

Social behavior and toxicity lol sounds like climate change. It can be anything and everything at any time. My question is: who decides and what qualifications does the decider possess ?


I like how people used this to flag me for trolling when I was asking honest questions that I am not the only one that thinks.

This community… I just can’t sometimes. Truly pretty bad.


Because it’s overwhelmingly populated by teens working out their angst, and adults who haven’t figured life out yet.

Add to that, there are twenty-five-year-olds now that have been raised by the internet. No one passed on the advice of counting to ten when you are frustrated, taking a few deep breaths when you’re angry, or using a punching bag or exercise if the preceding didn’t work. It’s been #meandmyproblems since day one. Literally in the crib or playpen; kid cries, parents ignore them, and if the kid can get to social media (you know darn well that two-year-old has a tablet) then they find all the other angry two-year-olds and create a hashtag movement #nomoreparents.

Yeah, that’s hyperbolic, but twenty years ago, two-year-olds being on the Internet was hyperbolic, too. And that’s regular, average life now.

And further, we never really learned as a people how to deal with global connectivity and the diversity of opinions and ideas that brings. Many people simply get angry when confronted with opinions and arguments contrary to their own - sometimes on a daily basis.

If one is old enough to remember pre-internet social interaction, one would remember very few knock-down, drag-'em-out disagreements with their peers. That’s because we directly chose our social groups back then. Today all social groups are open to anyone, and “anyone” brings their opinions with them.

So anyway, the above is the “why” of forum communities on the Internet. Particularly ones centered around youth activities, such as video games. You see far less of this if you’re on a discussion board for, say, medical issues… or financial information… or things that tend to generally be the concern of more mature humans.



Here? Blizzard decides.

In life in general? We all decide. But it’s like voting. You vote for what you want, but that’s positively no guarantee that life will only give you what you vote for.

You behave the way you want to be treated (what a friggin’ concept) and that gives you the knowledge that people you interact with are on the receiving end of kindness and respect (well… hopefully kindness and respect, but I can’t speak for everyone).

We all decide, but all we can do is treat others with kindness. Even when we aren’t treated kindly. Even when we’re wronged. I am a staunch atheist but there is something to “turn the other cheek.”

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this forum is owned and operated by a few guildies who have a buddy mod they hope is on duty when they spam flag anything they dont like.
It’d be pretty easy to find the nest where the back and forth happens when theyre looking at a post in here to flag bomb… if I ever get into the mood to waste some time looking for it.

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I somehow don’t doubt this at all. I’ve read similar things on these forums. Something about a discord as well.

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Lol, 100% modern video gamers. My real life isn’t a bed of roses, but I’ve figured out how to not be a complete clown on the internet.

I got $1000 sitting in a bank account that says the group false flagging so much in here are on a discord literally talking about and coordinating which posts theyre going to flag bomb in here.
sooner or later theyre going to irritate me enough with the false flagging and Im going to go looking so I can show it to an admin here.
edit. I guess I should have said…IF I havent found said discord already.

No, it wasn’t.

Blue refused to actually say anything.

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Naw. It’s much simpler than that.


It strips out the filter people usually have that comes with the knowledge that acting a certain way in person will get you punched in the nose.

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Despite this, I still pretend you all know me. And as such, I speak to everyone with respect

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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i dont deserve respect.

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Yep. Toxicity, woke, problematic, etc….terms that are a vague hand wave at things you don’t like and don’t want to be precise about.

respect is over rated.

you know what else. life. its overrated.

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its mostly just mind numbing cereal filler, lol

i hate ceraal.