Received Stress test email - no access

Thank you for the update.

guess ill just turn on my favorite stream and watch some more things i wont get to do


You owe us an apology. You told people to delete the accounts. Could at least do that to try and save face a little bit here.

And all us died this day. But our memory shall live on in those that are testing.

It would just be amazing to know that we didn’t perma mess ourselves over by being flagged and not participating because of our stupid deletion of PTRs.

Ah well. I’m going to go watch hubby play. At least he got in.

I don’t think he’ll let me steal his account for the day though. Heh.

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Guys dont worry lol 2005 account here cant even participate in a stress test :frowning: boys we are the forgotten. Valar Morghulis

Thanks for keeping us updated :slight_smile:

is it over? have we lost the war?

Thanks for the notice. I know you weren’t looking forward to coming in here with that news.

It’s ok! It’s just a stress test. We’ll survive.

Maybe. :wink:

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Can you at least try and make those of us that got the invites and then got screwed by this have some kind of priority for the next one since we aren’t getting in this one?

lol looks like everyone is having trouble getting into the stress server. RETRIBUTION


What about next stress test? are we even eligible for them because we f’d up

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Glorious godly pay back at 10k folds :smiley:

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secretly hopes the servers crash :joy::rofl::joy:


I would imagine the next email that goes out sets a new flag.

Well it was fun. We were indeed stressed to get into this stress test. Cheers we’ll be luckier next time around!


I do not know about but I’m already dead and at HellCon With “Hell & Brimstone Lava Cakes”. (I will make this a thing)

They probably will. It’s a stress test, after all. :wink:

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