Received Stress test email - no access

haha yeah same

Oh a Double Agent I see, but for which side?

Yep. Had a day off and was OOOH stress test today!

I spent half the day here and the other half trolling Twitter.

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We are the soldiers of the Stress Test Watch, we shall play no betas, we shall watch only streamers, we shall rage on forums, till the day it goes liveā€¦


Yeah, me as well.

After 8 hours of checking the forums I just really feel screwed. I wish they would reschedule the test. If we donā€™t get to play, I donā€™t want anyone to play, straight up.

We were just cannon fodder anyway for the stress test, dont think theyll ever go out of their way for the small numbers we are.

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I donā€™t think theyā€™re going to cancel the stress test for a few dozen of us.

blue typing!!!


I mean thatā€™s a little too much. They made a mistake hopefully they fix it, if not tonight maybe by tomorrow which will give us some time

You are now my new Best Friend. (Glory to the Alliance)

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"I wish " not ā€œi think they willā€

welp guys I hear hell is wonderful this time of year, super hot and very painful.

Hey all,

I know weā€™re only a few minutes away from the start of the test. Iā€™m sorry to say I havenā€™t received any updates yet but as soon as I hear something Iā€™ll let you all know.

It might be that we are out of luck this time around, but Iā€™ll let you know one way or another as soon as I know.


Sums up the 70% selfish people complaining for the past 8 hoursā€¦

we were simply the first to fall.

thanks for the update. going to go do something with my life now

sad :frowning: wow classic is the only reason I have an account anymore :frowning:

this is all so tiresome

We appreciate you hanging around the pity party with usā€¦ and for taking undeserved abuse by a fewā€¦ hands you a beer Cheers!