maybe its a personal shrinker/enlarger and the gnomes over think things constantly?
I’ll put a throne room with a throne of skulls over there
A statue in my tyrannical likeness over there
the fungeon down there
and of course what would Silvermoon be without a Void Naaru chained up in the secret cell of the fungeon? Which I totally don’t have …
Well as high as those buff are yeah,but i thought Mortis might be saying a volcano or worse.
it’d be about time for something to ruin stormwind so we use ironforge as the main city again
I sorta like how it’s stuck back in time. Gets me away from the current feeling of retail when I go there.
It is nice for tourism, provided you don’t run into a guard XD…
We wouldn’t be able to rebuild sw ,we just came from the last war it cost too much. Remember how long it took to fix the destruction deathwing did?
its not a fungeon unless its full of Fungi’s.
This was hilarious. Bravo!
You watch your stinky mouth. Forsaken idea of civilisation is an upside down sewer, where the sewage pours into the city. I’d take a peaceful, secure location (with great views!) over a hole in the ground any day!
There was no sewage pouring into the city because there was nobody living on Lordaeron city using their toilets.
Then maybe build something over there lol
That you know of…
The only way silvermoon should be updated is if it is painted with the blood of blood elf traitors.
What’s up with my bro, Ken?
Contrary to popular belief, Blood Elves don’t paint things with blood. They paint things with paint like regular people.
Once you learn the layout of Undercity it is actually the best city in the whole game.
Silvermoon is kinda strange. Half of it is infested with monsters, addicts, and all sorts of undesirable elements. And the other half has a ton of Wretched wandering around!
But there’s already so few Blood Elves! They’re practically an endangered species… meanwhile the Void Elves are labeled an “endangering-species” whatever that means…
Laughed way harder at this than I should have XD…
They dont change it because it is part of the Blood Elf second area and has
quests in that area. If they changed it, they would also have to change the
quests Blood elfs do in that area. Not worth it since everything needed
is in the other side.
Neon lights light up
“Brunden’s Silvermoon Bar and Grill”
“Featuring the dancing Murloc twins!”
Done and done! …hic!