The Horde basically has two cities now, Orgrimmar and Silvermoon. Thunderbluff was never a city, it’s little more than a camp built on a rather dangerous place.
Except it’s 1.5 cities, because half of Silvermoon is ruins.
Except it’s more like 1.25 cities, because half of the working half of Silvermoon is actually cardboard tricking your eyes from the ground angle, that’s why we can’t fly there.
I think it’s time to fix Silvermoon for real. Rebuild the other half and get rid of the cardboard.
Players: “Blizzard, we love our capital cities and want to see them upgraded and improved.” Blizzard: “What’s that? You want us to redo Stormwind and Orgrimmar again? Well, we might be able to squeeze that in, at the cost of a few raid bosses…” Players: “No, we want you to update the other capital cities.” Blizzard: “Oooooh, yeah we can do that.”
One expansion later.
Blizzard: “Well, that went well. Teldrassil and Undercity have been updated. Let us know if you guys have any more suggestions like that, feels good to cut out some of the destination bloat.”
Oh I’d LOVEE to see an update to Silvermoon. Its such a beautiful city and has so much potential. I like going there sometimes for AH stuff instead of Org just for the change of scenery.