Reasons why gnomes are cool?

This messaging here…

It’s so bizarre that the current strategy is to try and be like, “Your thing is also our thing. So, we’ve got our thing and your thing. So you can’t have your thing.”

I mean it is “A Strategy” but it just puts you at such a disadvantage.


If you sacrifice enough of them the RNG GodS smile on you

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Not really, Blood Elves are the High Elves, I explained that to you the other day when you was trying to push the whole Anti High Elf thing because you can’t be Anti High Elf when the Blood Elves are the High Elves, like it or not, like me or not, I am a Blood Elf fan which in turn also makes me a High Elf fan and in addition to that I’m a Void Elf fan that can’t wait until they get the void based customizations they should have already gotten instead of stuff from us.


When you stick a popsickle stick in them, dip them in chocolate and freeze them into a solid block of ice they get very cool. Cold even!

But so yummy on hot days!

About… High Gnomes?



I guess mechagnomes are alright, being a mobile crafting station has its uses. I’m a vending machine so, why not add more to it. Not a fan of the shortness though, I like to have a better perspective of where I’m at in a raid boss fight. Its hard to do with a bunch of people towering over you.

We’re short.

We’re cute (granted, male gnomes have to work harder to at this).

We’re canonically more intelligent than all the other races.

We’re underestimated.

Our faction leader had one of the best official short stories when those were a thing.

And last but not least… when we get druids, Horde will stock up on Pampers before entering battlegrounds. For themselves. :kissing_heart:

they won’t use it deliberately, at leat in their minds they have the power to control it.

it’s was a war, no living were damaged beyond enemies. high elves were brutal against amanies and they were arcane only users.

with manatapping you need to leech on other creatures to survive, with the void the only in danger is you and you assume the risk.

elves in Quel’Lithien decided to absorb artifacs’ magic over manatapping, they all withered now. high elves double standars…

I mean, I can’t attest to ever seeing this, but having “Alliance Slayer” as a title certainly can imply the opposite. I guess Alliance can always purchase depends lol.

paints nails

Mechagnomes are awesome
But they really need some of the new customisation options that normal gnomes got.

And then more choices for their robo limbs

However i really enjoy playing the short races
It feels like you move so fast!

After having played Feral, and other classes/specs with high mobility, anything that doesn’t have at least a 30%-60% boost is ‘slow’ to me. lol.

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Gnome hunter it is then!

Lol yeah, or mage tbh.

I mean sure if you want to die in 2 hits XD

Don’t get hit :smiley: , problem solved lol.

Gnomes are so cute. My Goblin is better but Gnomes are second in adorableness.
(this is Starla/Trikzi)


There is always a failiure rate. And with the void as it is,it is persumably a high one.

War is no excuse to not be humane.

Not at that level.

Like hunting for food. You need to kill animals for substanence, to eat.

You know little of void lore do you?

Very rarely the void only risk the user only.

That artifact was cursed you know, it was a trap that was designed to do that.

Actual high elves don’t have double standards.

risk they took for power, that’s something elves do, they did it when there was magic ban, and they did it again when they resetled in quelthalas, they just made preparations to not be watched by the legion again, high elves can learn from high elves how to control the void whispers.

high elves are not saints, they took an eye from zuljin while he was alive. putting people on the space is not worst than what a rogue would do, stab people to death(what would left a corpse behind)

yet they decide to not leech animals, that demostrate their double standars

any source? all other elves sucked from artifacts and ended the same, wrecked.

we can kill to eat, but not leech
we can’t leech, but we suck from artifacs raw magic and wither…

sounds like double standars to me, Quel’Lithien happened in wotlk-cata, elves were wrecking since the destruction of the sunwell in w3, they did knew the implications of sucking magic from artifacts.

I am not the leader of the discord.

This is the second time this week you’ve dragged me into a conversation with which I am not involved. Please knock it off.

Especially if you’re dragging up posts of mine from 3 years ago.