Reasons why gnomes are cool?

Mmm. Just personal definitions from three years ago?

A lot of this stuff has blown over in the last year because there’s not really a reason to go to the forums to swing for High Elves when the customizations are on Void Elves. There is alot less reason to argue about it with antagonistic people. I think the people really willing to come on and argue is low in the first place.

But like, back in the day you had anti-High-Elf and Pro-High-Elf people that would argue. You just don’t see it as much in the last year.

Yeah, but that’s like an in group definition. Not a WoW definition. When the WoW encyclopedia talks about High Elves they’re talking about the Mages in Stormwind, or the Highvale Elves, or any other group that didn’t change their affilitation.

When Elisande talks about the Quel’dorei, the Sin’dorei and the Shal’dorei, the writers and blizz developers don’t think anybody is gonna be confused when they say Quel’dorei. You know?

It’s really only on the forums that distinction matters. Like yeah, you’re not wrong. The Majority of High Elves are Blood Elves now. The Racial capital is Silvermoon.

But they changed their name.

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See. This actually makes sense and isn’t vilifying anyone.

I’m personally tired of being vilified for liking Blood Elves.


just because someone supports a race such as high elf or void elf doesn’t necessarily make anyone an anti to something else. like anti-blood elf for example.

anti is only applied if someone steps into the discussion and explains that you can’t have something for your own satisfaction and be happy about other people’s misery.


Mmm. It took a long time for them to frame themselves as being about "Visual Uniqueness’ That branding probably happened like… two years ago? Real late BFA.

Mmm. I don’t really think that terminology makes sense? That’s kind of the PR rebranding as they figured out what rhetoric worked.

But maybe thats the changed landscape post Void Elf customizations? Because like… before it was just about stopping High Elf customizations.

People starting to like Void Elves kind of muddied things up. But that didn’t really happen until post skin customizations I think. I mean, there were always outliers… but it wasn’t a group.

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Yeah, it’s just an improvement of PR and rhetoric over time. They’ve figured out how to market themselves.

You can’t win if you’re just against High Elves and I think that’s become pretty obvious in the last year.

But now that Paladins are probably happening it’s kind of all over anyways? They’re still against Paladins.

But also, I guess you’ve gotta find yourself. What do you do if you’re a coalition against High Elves and High Elves happen?

They just do anything to try and ruin others enjoyment. Thing is, it isn’t the Anti part that is annoying me with them, it is the activist part. Treating us as if like we’re members of terrorism or something.

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Mmm. probably time to bury the hatchet. I mean, I guess it matters if Paladins don’t happen…

and entropic embrace toggle or like, race toggle conversations will have some pushback. But it’s kind of over.

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I agree.

Then there are definitely such folk on both sides.

Still given its all opinions anyways that we have no say in, just never sits/sat well with me to call another anti.

Prefer the focus on positives. Worse comes to worse I can always set someone to ignore anyhow. Wish I’d started that so much sooner.

I like all three which is why I’m a Blood Elf supporter that sees the Blood Elves as High Elves which they are and I also love my Void Elf but still want pink hair and permanent glowy skintones for her so I’m a full box on all three. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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So basically High Elves being in Alliance shouldn’t be a no since we all want to focus on positives.

I don’t feel like Fen’s ever been against High Elves. He’s a cool guy.

He just likes Void Elves a ton. Which is rough, cause… well. thats where they dropped High Elves.

This thread is now about gnomes

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This works for me because I also have one of those.

I’m… Not against that? I just don’t have much drive for them anymore… Honestly most of the ones I’ve made have all slipped ever so quickly into void elves proper just cause I love void elves so much.

Don’t conflate understanding my friends desire for keeping their blood elves unique for being against.

Nor my value on distinctions between even similar races.

Or my particular annoyance with getting no void elf story or customizations.

To be fair I was entirely against them for a bit, but I didn’t start that way and I’m not of that opinion currently. More a neutral on it.

Besides I was just angry at a few specific individuals back then and it’s not fair to blame an entire community for that.

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You Summon a Gnome?

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Yeay gnomes.

Gnomes are great, but how about an upgrade!

Edit:… You changed the thread. Lol

Ppl liked void elves long before the skin customizations.

They only gotten louder when they felt their race being trampled on, and rightfully so.

Ah! I am always up to talk about a good ol’rousing talk about the sport of gnome ball!

Gnomes taste like cotton candy yum!

Yeah. You see that where people kind of flip opinion to spite people. That is the nature. I don’t really remember that period. But I also disappear for large periods of time to actually play the game.

I’ve got like 3 characters at 3k io right now. pretty absurd.