Reasons why gnomes are cool?

Hmm maybe im thinking of another elf. I remember people in here saying this certain elf had a sword and board and blue eyes, so she was a high elf paladin.

Rulen Lightsreap has been around since Wrathā€¦ and there are the Silver Hand Shieldbearers also.

The name isnt ringing a bell. But one i was talking about has blue eyes and light abilities. Iā€™ll have to look for her sometime.

Rulen Lightsreap - NPC - World of Warcraft (

Silver Covenant Paladin trainer.

Iā€™m pretty sure calling out someone who isnā€™t even talking to you is considered harassment.
Maybe do some self reflection.


:28 sec is who i was thinking about.

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Vereesa. She leads the Silver Covenant.

Thanks for bringing this up. I hadnā€™t thought about her talking about High Elves for awhile.

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Ha wow i got the names mixed up lol. Its been so long.

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Iā€™ve been talking for awhile about how like, in game and in general outside of the forums everybody knows what youā€™re talking about when you say High Elves and here people are like, ā€œBut actually.ā€

And so just kind of another good reference of like, WoW has a language and High Elves are really defined.

You have to be in this specific place where people are trying to antagonize you for there to be any confusion over what a High Elf is.


Cool. Thanks for the false flags. I guess it is alright for you though, always happy to support others harassing an entire groupā€¦

I usually have you on ignore but happy I could point out where you were accusing others of what youā€™re doing.


I always value and love the way you try to keep the convo civil myself :hugs: itā€™s important in these threads imo.


Youā€™re such a sweety, Lann. TY :hugs:


I think at this point in time we all do, like for me, most of this threads replies are hidden because of how many of them I have ignored now because I donā€™t want to interact with them at all anymore so maybe they should take the hint instead of always trying to interact with us.


So let me get this straight.

Itā€™s a-ok for high elf for alliance people to vilify Blood Elf fans as being, ā€œantiā€ for the horrible crime of wanting to keep what little Blood Elves have thatā€™s distinct as distinct and want more distinct customization.

But itā€™s not okay for Blood Elf fans to refer to high elf for alliance fans as being, ā€œantiā€ for having goals that are detrimental to our goals of having distinction, such as a total carbon copy, deletion and replacement of Blood Elves in favor of faction neutral ā€œhigh elves,ā€ :face_vomiting: and as many have demanded, Silvermoon and its surrounding zones.

Iā€™m sorry, but itā€™s either okay in every case to brand others as ā€œantiā€ for not agreeing, or itā€™s harassment in every case. This okay for thee but not for me stuff is nonsense.


Mmm. I mean like, itā€™s just the personal definitions of the forums. You had Pro-High-Elfers and Anti-High-Elfers.

Youā€™re sort of asking why you canā€™t start calling Republicans Democrats.

You can say whatever you want. But if you call all dogs ā€œGoatsā€ there are going to be conversations about it.

Itā€™s always been known people who are Pro Blood Elf are Pro High Elf because Blood Elves are High Elves.

People who wanted a Horde core race on the Alliance were anti Blood Elf in stance because their stance aligned w things that worked as a detriment to Blood Elves visual uniqueness Horde, and often denied like you often do Blood Elves status as the continuation of High Elf story in its truest form reflected in our heritage quests, control of the kingdom and Sunwell, and continuation of our culture.

In the end thatā€™s what the terms have always meant so I am a bit confused by your recent newer take on things I suppose.

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Man, they just want to hide themselves under as ā€œProā€, despite the leader of there discord called it an ā€œAnti High Elf discordā€

Basically, theyā€™d called themselves Anti High Elves because theyā€™re against Alliance High Elves. Now theyā€™re calling us Anti Blood Elves because they think weā€™re against Blood Elves, despite weā€™re not.


This, Iā€™ll never understand how people can say that Pro Blood Elf people are Anti High Elf people when Blood Elves are the High Elves itā€™s literally our lore.

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Honestly never felt right to me to call anyone anti.

Always preferred pro-belf, pro-helf and pro-velf.

Though I also feel like folk overlap either entirely or in part as wellā€¦ Soā€¦