Reasons why gnomes are cool?

False. Void elves have A LOT less customizations than Blood Elves. I’ll start by saying Void Elves have 15 hairstyles less than Blood elves. Yes the additions for Void elves were more impactful to them, but ultimately Blood elves still have more options. Not saying they shouldn’t get more, everyone deserves more, but this needed correcting.

Yes, they are a new race, not a different species. There’s a big difference. That’s like saying Mag’Har are not Orcs, and HMT are not Tauren, and LFD are not Draenei, lel. Or that KTs are not Humans. Yes Void Elves are infused with Void magic, but it’s an infusion, not a complete alteration. Many Void Elves have learned to harness Void magic, these are the Void elves we can play. They are sane and in control, just like Magister Umbric. I think when people start to drop the Void Elf spite with the whole diff species and are monsters nonsense, then we can start having a balanced conversation.

Slated to arrive in the near future. Every race will get every class. Their first step is to make priest and rogue available for every race.

They have both, otherwise most of the other subraces (like the new Dark Rangers) make no sense on both sides.


Race Female Male
Blood Elf 115 90
Void Elf 83 86
Numbers from Patch 9.1.5 of options available

Yeah, nothing here about “Void Elves” having more options.

That is not saying a difference race, is it? Umbric is talking about how the Etherals transformed them. The original group of Void Elves, which include Umbric, were the only group of Void Elves transformed. What about future Void Elves, or the Void Elves who joined after the founding of the Ren’dorei?



This is a you problem. LOTR is a completely different universe. I think there’s an LOTR game or at least second life RP sims if you want to play in that world.

This is Warcraft.

I’m reminded of my nieces and nephews.

This is a weird projection. I’d say high elf fans are vegans. They’re so angry that the Blood Elves didn’t go to the “right” faction and that people enjoy them that they’ve had sustained tantrums demanding pUrE organic elves on alliance until they have practically gotten a full clone at the expense of both Blood Elf and Void Elf fans. Still the tantrum continues demanding everything that makes Blood Elves distinct including our capital city.

I don’t want to be a high elf. I want to be a Blood Elf.

High Elves are bland, boring, and basic.

Blood Elves are actually interesting and deeply flawed zombie apocalypse survivors trying to survive while suffering the trauma of losing 9 out of 10 people they knew.

There’s no lore to support high elf paladins. In fact, prior to Warcraft 2, high elves didn’t even know what they were. This was mentioned in the Sylvanas book.

They’ll just move on to the next thing to carry on about. Paladins. Demon Hunters. Silvermoon and its neighboring zones. Deletion of Blood Elves and forcing all Blood Elf player characters to race or faction change.

This isn’t just about people who don’t understand that World of Warcraft isn’t Lord of the Rings, this is about punishing people who play Horde Blood Elves too.


what? if blood elves are high elves then… so your race/class combo is just made up out of thin air with nothing to support it?

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They already have it. They’re a subrace of Velfs, just like Jungle Trolls are a subrace of Darkspear, just like Wildhammers are a subrace of Bronzebeards.

Everyone needs to stop with the elf crap already.


And actually, elves are gnomes.


You’re conflating species and political group names, as Anti-Blood Elf Activists love to do.

There is High Elf (Species) and High Elf (Political group).

Anti-Blood Elf Activists want High Elves (Species) on Alliance (which they consider High Elves, but are a political group).

During Warcraft 3, High Elves (species and political group) changed their (political group name) to Blood Elves to honor the 90% of their population that was massacred but a handful missed the memo. Then some went militant vegan and didn’t accept the teachings Rommath brought back from outland. They got yeeted from the Sin’dorei and decided to poopoo on the memory of the dead, change their political name to High Elves, and go elsewhere.

It wasn’t until after the political split that Blood Elves (political faction, species High Elf) started their paladin order.

There’s no lore indication that there was a paladin faction for elves before that time. In fact, in the Sylvanas book they didn’t even know what paladins were.

So paladin is not a cultural thing for the exiles.


Ugh, starting to get sick of the level of harassment coming from you Zandrae, and others. The High Elf community are not Anti-Blood Elf activist. And despite that, you continue to call everyone that.

I’m starting to get sick of this level of harassment from you.

Harassing or Defamatory

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
  • Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Harassment takes many forms, and is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but the intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment can lead to more severe action. The idea behind this is to prevent any one player from consistently being uncomfortable in the forums.


They argue that because, they say, there were no Alliance High Elven Paladins in the past, it’s 100% impossible to have them in the future.

We have Kul Tiran Monks, Lightforged Draenei Death Knights and even Void Elf Dark Rangers, but High Elf Paladins is a stretch apparently.


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Imagine thinking that Vereesa Windrunner, the leader of the Silver Covenant, is neutral.

Outside of trolling people I guess a large thing I don’t understand is what the point of these conversations are?

Like, everybody knows what a High Elf is. If you say High Elf, people are gonna think of the Mage Elves in Stormwind. Or the Silver Covenant, or the Highvale Elves.

If WoW drops a “High Elf Shieldbearer” into the Class Hall, like they did, Then you know exactly what they mean. You know it’s not a Blood Elf.

and it’s the same thing with Dalaran’s nuetrality. Dalaran is neutral as a gameplay mechanic. They’ve literally kicked the Horde out of the city.

So there are really two situations where there is an argument of a technicality on the forums and it doesn’t make much sense if it’s not just trying to upset people on the forums?

Like, it doesn’t change the game and it doesn’t change the developers decision making processes.

Like in the art direction interview with Ely Canon they’re literally like, “Oh we added customization options so you could look like a High Elf.” Everyones language acknowledges this but this forum.



Rulen Lightsreap - NPC - World of Warcraft (

Silver Hand Shieldbearer - NPC - World of Warcraft (

See above post.

It’s a weird effort to reframe the conversation. Obviously, nobody is against Blood Elves. But they’ve always been in a situation where they have to punch down. The original attempt was to make it sound like the pro-high elf forum posters were anti-void elf.

But, while some people express Void Elves not having any lore, I feel like pro-High-Elf Posters are pretty pro void elf too typically.

I mean, it’s just a losing proposition. The position you’re arguing from is that you don’t want the other side to have stuff that their faction has. The Alliance has got High Elves all over. People want that.

If I was anti I’d go for the only bet for success… which would be an active effort to help High Elf players get something they liked. But that ship has already sailed. But they didn’t do that anyways, they were like, “A different, worse model.”

So instead they’re just kind of stuck with gaslighting people over what a High Elf is and trying to make it sound like people who want to play High Elves are bad. But that doesn’t make any sense either. If Blizzard is developing and there is a large group of cannibals paying the bills that want something then eventually they’re gonna give the cannibals what they want. That’s not the situation that’s happening. But instead they’ve just kind of built a culture of harassment. But it’s not an effective strategy to get what you want.

I guess the plan is, if you can harass people enough that they won’t ask for High Elf stuff maybe you can stop the High Elf requests and that is the major MO. But there are other routes to request features and at the end of the day people are gonna ask for what they want. You’re not gonna easily stop them and a trolling harassment strategy isn’t going to succeed either.

Honestly, that trolling harassment strategy is probably the reason Dark Rangers are on both sides. I imagine that it’s cost them what they wanted in the long run.


Isnt Liadrin a paladin?

She is also a blood elf, matraich of the blood knights whom temporarily joined the silver hand.

Wait… Darkspear are Jungle Trolls.

Did you mean Sand Trolls?

Isnt she a high elf? I remember all these high elf complainers saying she was.

Formally before the race renamed themselves.

She is apart of the blood elf military.

She was a priest when zombies ate everyone.