Reasons why gnomes are cool?

and you’re a velf hater.

I don’t care if you want to RP as a high elf it’s your fantasy, but you have issues with my and others void elf fantasy.

I think its you who is angry over others enjoying their game suggesting to change an entire race.

Learn to share.


Moritz sir. A nuclear missile is on its way because you talked about “High Elves”.

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Replace all elves with the MOP era puntable marmot model.

Sound effect included.


It’s the Keebler elves I hate, always putting fudge stripes on my cookies

Little bastards


Lol, although I don’t agree because I love elves, I am guilty of still loving that toy. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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I mean, I may not be entirely serious, given my pack of elves. …And that I’m just not always entirely serious, in case that somehow was still a mystery,

But that noise is absolutely hilarious.


Then it’s a good thing that the Silver Covenant is only one of numerous organizations that I mentioned, and the others are explicitly Alliance. :man_shrugging:

It seems like you’re trying to stick to the Silver Covenant issue because doing so might allow you opportunities to try and obfuscate things, to distort the discussion and make it seem like what I’ve stated is somehow reliant on that organization being fully integrated into the Alliance — fortunately for me, everything that was mentioned in my original statement is either a) explicitly confirmed, in-game, by Umbric and/or Allleria or b) implicitly suggested by circumstantial happenings.

The SC doesn’t need to be a fully-fledged Alliance-aligned group for what I wrote to be the truth of the situation, because Void Elves serve that purpose. The Void Elves themselves confirm that what I stated about there being a fundamentally anti-Horde and pro-Alliance sentiment among the High Elves, following the Sacking of Quel’thalas — and the most up-to-date circumstances that we’re able to observe, in-game, demonstrate at the very least that there are High Elves somewhere that self-identify as High Elves and who differentiate themselves from Blood Elves. :man_shrugging:

And now, thanks to Void Elves, High Elves exist outside of the Silver Covenant as a standalone population on the Alliance… so, the argument applies equally to both factions, and both sets of circumstances. :man_shrugging:


have you tried logging in and out of the forums. that might update your forum avatar

oh it updated. nice

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Partly ignored from me due not being part of your kindergarten war with the other group.

The Silver Covenant is a militant faction of high elves founded and led by Vereesa Windrunner in Dalaran City. They rejected the admission of the blood elves into the Kirin Tor, and have taken it upon themselves to serve as a military deterrent for any potential Horde uprising.

This was Archmage Aethas Sunreaver, the blood elf who had struggled as hard to gain admittance into the Kirin Tor as Vereesa had struggled to forbid it.
Jaina knew that Vereesa was leader of the Silver Covenant, a presence the high elf herself had formed as a precaution against possible treachery from the Sunreavers, blood elves who had been granted permission to join the Kirin Tor. As such, Vereesa was vocal and outspoken—but had no formal voice in the Kirin Tor. (p.138)

Shortly before the end of the Fourth War, the Silver Covenant participated in the events of the battle at the Gates of Orgrimmar, as high elven ballistae were present during the conflict to support the Alliance in front of the Horde’s capital.

During the Scourge resurgence, the Silver Covenant was seen defending their pavilion at the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown. Following the death of Herald Dalora, a Silver Covenant Arcanist opened a direct portal to Stormwind City, connecting the pavilion with the Alliance capital.

Most of the high elf mages in the 7th Legion are faction-tagged as part of the Silver Covenant.

Luckily for the Helf-supporters, the Anti Helf-crowd continues to support them here on the US forums by pushing the topic up and up again.

I don’t think is necessary. We all know that the Alliance has a faction-based High Elf militia group and that they are Alliance-only.

They are pretty close to the NPC-model by now but lack the transmog armors and recolors to make it work.

I’m currently playing the Nightborne-campaign again for unlocking a Paladin artifact transmog and they look nowhere close to the withered model.

Given the context of the situation, it was a spit into the face for Alliance-players. Giving them a High Elf-looking leader while they cannot look anything like this, paired with the mocking tone of Hazzikostas and several statements made by the community on the official live streams… shows us that their philosophy of “something unique” failed.

In this regard the “copypaste” would have been the right decision to do.

They lack their actual glowing hands and transmog, perhaps even 1-2 hair styles… but otherwise it’s the actual race which was meant to represent it.

People will always find a way to complain but in reality they aren’t affected by it inGame. The Void Elves and NB are unique cases where the developers disappointed many players.

I think the Paladin heritage quest is a make-up for the lost “uniqueness” some people lament over and given that the majority of belves are Paladins (due TBC), it’s actually a nice gesture coming from Blizzard.

Being vegan isn’t something negative, it’s quite the opposite. We have Asian stars who are in their 50s and 60s and look like 25-30 due a lifelong vegan diet.


Void Elves were a mistake


I am failing to understand how this makes any sense? What, are vegans such a bad thing?

I actually wish Blizzard would look at more customizations for the Void Elves, especially for those who want more towards the Void Elf fantasy.

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Sorry to say Moritz, but the High Elves rebranded themselves. For whatever reason, blizzard seems to find it redundant. I think blue elves is all you’re going to get. At least your models look better than the mana adled elves horde got in legion.


is void and high elf exclusive concepts? can’t we be high elf and master void magic at the same time?

high elves(i like to call them non blood elves to differenciate politics from race), were against sucking creatures’ magic, not against magic.

some non blood elves withered trying to saciate their hunger with artifacts, a high elf still needs magic and having it from the void won’t make him/her less high elf

we are more than blue elves now

Void is a consuming and maddening type of magic.

It is generally worse then mana tapping.

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Still happened with the same generation of people.

Then quite frankly, Blizzard should act on that and either give equal unique features to both (As it stands, Void Elves have more customisable options than Belves) or just have absolute transparency - any & all features up for grabs. ‘Blood Elves wanna look like Void Elves? Go for it.’

Personally I feel an alternative would be to give Blood Elves ‘light’ features (Light flowing through hair / light glowing from hands, etc) as a nose-touch to being in tune with the Sunwell and their ‘new path forward’.

After defeating Nether-Prince Durzaan —

Magister Umbric: “It will take some time for us to adjust to our new forms. We look forward to your return, Lady Windrunner. And {Player}, you have our deepest thanks.”

Additionally - if they were NOT a new race in any capacity or form, then they shouldn’t had introduced them as a new Allied race in the first place.

For Worgen - Sort of, Blizzard have twisted the lore around that a few times. Such example is it being passed down genetically, then being passed down only by bite - then also by blood (Silverpine Questline) - then back to bite.

As for Lightforged Draenie — They are cosmically different though, dubbing them as a new race. :clown_face: That argument is in a sense of what separates the Eredar from the other Draenie, lightforged or otherwise.


yet you see high elf wayfarers in telugros rift, i think they were against killing animals like a form of veganism rather than fear the magic used.

in the end elves are driven by their need of magic.

If we had high elves we’d able to be high elf paladins on alliance. I don’t see that, does anyone? Am I missing it? Alliance doesn’t have high elves, they have void elves.

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Ah yes, they say they have integrity on using the obvious magic source known to drive one crazy and cause curruption to living heing if not consuming them, as well as perform horrendous acts such as porting living beings into a realm where they are violently torn apart and consumed. So much better indeed.

To one with integrity, mana tapping is better of the 2.

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At this point Blizzard, just do it so people stop asking!