in southshore there’s a quest to kill 10 murlocs, followed by a quest to collect 10 murloc heads.
the questgiver says it’s because his boss didn’t believe you actually did it.
in southshore there’s a quest to kill 10 murlocs, followed by a quest to collect 10 murloc heads.
the questgiver says it’s because his boss didn’t believe you actually did it.
Well considing bosses, yeah that’s true, but they could at least combine them would’ve been less of a headache.
I don’t think it was ‘too dark’ at all, I just think the lore was straight-up terrible.
Sylvanas? Good guy now, everything evil she did was an accident, trust me! She only had half her soul, the bad half! It wasn’t her fault!
Jailer? Best villain of all time, did you know he’s responsible for everything since before Warcraft 3? Argus? Jailer did it. What a freaking genius, he’s handsome like Squidward too, sexy, best leader/villain.
Also, the story was extremely jank because it was divided among four different covenants, so unless you played them all, which most people didn’t, you didn’t know wtf was going on the grand scheme of the story. And, even if you did, it was “meh” quality stuff, or downright stupid.
DF stuff hasn’t been too light (a centaur got roasted to death) but I think people are generally saying that because of the cinematics, namely the Chromie one.
Take Abberus for example, lots of terrible, dark stuff happened in there. It’s pretty on-brand for WoW, and namely the Black Dragonflight. It’s BWL 2.0, complete with butchered dragons and awful experiments.
Zero time or effort put into the outdoor zones.
The Jailer was so far removed from our level that he did not need to explain himself to us. Is that why you hate him, because he ignored and neglected you? never recognizing your awesomeness? Never considering you a threat?
Sylvanas was one of the characters that offers a realistic scenario: she thought she was doing the right thing. Not chaotically evil, but chaotically-neutral.
Truly you want each character to be straight-forward and simple and shallow, don’t you?
my biggest complaint to the shadowlands is that the zone flight path mount automatically transforms into the space-travel mount when hitting the stargate. that’s just lazy.
Well, he was also a robot/construct, and also Elune might be a robot too or something?
The burning of Teldrassil didn’t go anywhere, neither did Undercity, we just lost those locations, for reasons?
I just don’t think the story was good from the start, honestly.
They did this intentionally to make dragonriding mandatory.
I do think we’re missing the “cool factor” that Warcraft and most WoW expansions had. The epic feel and spectacle just…isn’t there. Or at least not enough to make a difference. WoD might have sucked, but the cutscenes while leveling are a good example of what I’m talking about here. It just FELT epic. We haven’t really had these sort of moments. It has mostly just been about everyone discussing how they feel in cutscenes resembling FF XIV. Whether that resemblance is intentional or not, I can’t say. But that’s the vibe I’ve gotten from most of them.
So was Mimiron.
We fought many mechanical bosses before.
Yeah, just wasn’t expecting the whole realm of death/afterlife in WoW to be controlled by robots at the top level, but here we are lol.
I wish it remained mysterious.
Also the way they changed Sylvanas’ character feels like a copout, like they don’t want to kill her off or have her face redemption or whatever. She’s too popular (sexy) for that.
Blizzard has their cake and gets to eat it too, lol.
Game has always been aimed at younger players. I was 28 when I started playing back in TBC. And it was cartoony and childish then. Don’t even get me started on MoP. And that farming nonsense, super childish. It made me actually quit playing until WoD. I just didn’t come on the forums and write a goodbye essay. I liked the cloud serpent training, though there’s nothing hardcore about that either.
The content does seem to be short. Though that’s always been a thing. We at least have some new content coming in a couple of weeks. #savtheobserver.
All expansions seem to be like that. Some new stuff. Some updated stuff. Some old stuff. I don’t know what you want. Do you want AP to come back?
It’s pretty alt friendly. You can just pick up an alt and get them LFR ready pretty quickly. I’ve got one with AOTC & KSM, one 8/9 heroic (that though was more of a fluke tbh), one that’s got a Sark kill on LFR, and a couple more in the wings I’m going to use to farm that mount skin. I’ve put forth very little effort in getting them up also. We’re like in week 8, or 9? I’m not quite sure what you want in regards to alt friendly.
Map is big because of Dragon riding. It’s like the whole point of the new flight system. I’m not sure what the issue is here either.
I think it’s a pretty good expansion. But the profession rework doesn’t work for me, as a player who started late.
specialization trees points are fun, but too time gated. Much more than recipe vendors in the past.
crafting quality is fun in isolation, but when it comes to earning gold, everything below highest quality sells for less than reagents, which makes it even bigger gold and time sink to reach profitable levels
And so for me DF is boring when it comes to downtime between doing content, that I usually filled with some crafting and gold making.
Because that’s how it works. T for Teen has to be appropriate for 13 year olds. M is for 18 and up. Almost an identical system is used for movies. It’s not complicated.
-no new battleground since march of 2018 (seething shore)
they r really lazy and could step it up.
wheres the content?
all these “expansions” and none of them have a single battleground? garbage
DF is so boring I leveled four characters on beta…then have leveled 8 characters into DF on live.
Its not boring.
Im not bored.
Im burned out from playing it so much and likely wont even get over the burn out before Im right back to playing for hours a day again.
I did like it to some degree…profession changes…until I realized aint no way in hades Im bothering with it a second time. which sucks for alts.
Where do you get until next spring at? The roadmap for 2023 has 10.2 coming out late 2023.
I bet you love the parrot mounts. squawk!
Can we please stop pretending updates are faster now? All they did was spread out the usual X.1 patch into 3 patches. In patch 9.1 we got new Torghast features (Zskera Vaults), Tazavesh mega dungeon (Dawn of the Infinite coming in 10.1.5), Sanctum of Domination which was a 10 boss raid (Aberrus is even smaller with less interesting bosses). The new rares put into Forbidden Reach combined with Zaralek Cavern are about equal to the new zone and content added to The Maw in 9.1. All they are doing is drip feeding the same amount of content to give the illusion of more content.