Reasons why Dragonflight is boring - Discussion

You make good points, I’ll expand

  • The story is just poor storytelling, full stop. This is below intern level tier. 20 years ago in high school I was in an extra-curricular Writer’s Craft workshop, and those teenagers had much better writing and story-telling ability. 20 years ago. Aren’t the new squirts suppose to learn from what came before them? Blizz getting schooled by my adolescent Writer’s Craft peers TWENTY YEARS AGO.
    Through the leveling experience, the only part worth giving a shot to listen to was Sab and Wrathion. But then at the end they ask you to talk to npcs around the room about how great they are then fly off into the sunset? Like what?
  • Dragonriding is a way to arbitrarily make things take longer and more frustrating if you’re not 100% on your arbitrary special dragon. Sad xpac pillar feature. Oh, and not having a male or masculine version of dracthur being the other main feature of the game. Oh and they are exclusive to one class and race combo. Oh, and it’s just a reused female gargoyle model. Like, how many corners were cut for this “new race”?? Oh, and their lust is a rainbow flag… When you hide that from your marketing until someone pays for the game, then the sub, it’s clear you are not proud of what you’ve destroyed. And you shouldn’t be. What the community ACTUALLY WANTED and asked for, for over a decade was ACTUAL DRAGONS (not scalies) that could shift into ANY of our existing beloved mortal races. That’s it! You’ve sullied the dream, and you’ve lost subs for it. Grats! :upside_down_face: :love_you_gesture:t5:
  • Crafting ‘system’ is an absolute insult to real gamers. This is probably why this game has lost so many subs. I want to get loot from a dungeon, go to AH to get a gem to socket, then go back to dungeons instantly, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER XPAC AND VIDEO GAME EVER TO EVER. I don’t want to screw around waiting for some chud to get around to making my stuff in a Crafting Order, then suddenly oh, the rank 3 mats and the generous tip I left yielded a rank 1 piece of junk. Come off it. Absolutely disgusting.
  • Idk why anyone would say this game is alt friendly unless their idea of alt friendly is leveling to max and logging out forever. Just the ranks of crafting and gearing alone makes it clear this is not an alt-friendly xpac. If you don’t buy enchants and gems all under this atrocious rank crafting system, that means you’re not of use in raiding, pvp, m+, so what exactly is the synergy here?
  • The game is awful, the “talent trees” style is from classic wow, and we moved away from that for a reason… there’s useless talents that can be baked into one another, so now there are useless pre-requisite points AGAIN, like this is the first time ever this new modern wow team has EVER put rando borrowed power on a linear TALENT TREE, EVER., just so at the next revamp they will say (and mark my words) “we wanted to prune some unnecessary talents” :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :rainbow: :+1:t5:
  • And some of the mage tower challenges are far overtuned/overlooked now. Like… please actually develop something new, innovative, creative- just have ONE half decent idea, blizz!

So many people defending this game is really telling that they are high on cope, this game is their personality, they have low standards, and I can’t help but look at everyone who defends their subscription as a much lesser person than me. Just straight up bads.
We should be crying about all of these issues, for 6 months! Since release! Stand up for yourselves. Have some standards! But y’all just trodding along being of no use to me. I’ve been subbed for 1 week with gold and even my distracted butt working and taking classes can see all these glaring problems. Take a look at yourselves.


I thought lore was dead and nobody read quests anymore.

Being much happier than other expansions (Still has threat) is not bad. Not every story has to be extremely dark. We had Legion, BFA and Shadowlands being gloomy.

Granted, the expansion has not kept me playing constantly but I am not sure why is the reason. I know is not the more light hearted story, though. Story seems fine?

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You are absolutely the reason why blizz has grossly lowered it’s quality to meet your low standards. Thanks for nothing.


I miss threads of fate. I like to level multiple alts and I’d rather not keep doing the story over and over. Also there seems to be a shortage of dailies and world quests. Also the new Renown system seems to be way longer than the one in Shadowlands. The black dragon flight area is too hard. No doubt it’s because I’m a casual and don’t have the top level gear. The Maruuk Centaurs are at best obnoxious and the Tuskarr are way too goofy.

That being said, I love the dragon flying and I like the new central city Valdrakken. I also like the Blue Dragon story and their area. I like the Temporal Conflux area with the time travel threads. I get the feeling of flying my own TARDIS.

Over all a good release but I liked BfA and SL better.


We need war. Have to have conflict put back into the game. Doesn’t always have to be Alliance vs Horde as in the past but could take form in smaller factions being formed, divisions, strife, etc…
Y’know, like real life if you’ve ever had to travel through gangland.


the game is boring because our devs think sitting in a m+ instance 24/7 grinding a dumb timer is all a mmorpg needs to offer to be fun.


Yeah, Blizzard and I meet every Sunday to talk about the lore.

In case you didn’t get the sarcasm, when people complained about cow and LFD Warlocks, the entire forum was clapping and parroting the same “Lore is dead anyway” as a way to excuse Blizzard not even bothering to add a compelling reason.

I hope you were not one of those.

I’ve read where some have mentioned Mists/MoP & other expacs, comparing to DF.

I like DF. It’s a calmer, oddly more refreshing expac in that it’s not the gogogo aaaahhhh! kind of expac.
You can relax, play when you want & not feel you’re missing out.
But it is missing the war aspect that WoW is known for. That’s not a bad thing but I think (my opinion here fwiw) it has to be a temporary, somewhat rare thing for the game to survive.
We need the war aspect of WoW. Storywise, questwise, in all aspects of the game.

In remembering Mists, I recall jumping from the Horde airship and parachuting down into a battlefield.
That was exciting, gave some tension and while it was a battlefield, all of Mists was incredibly beautiful so it was really cool in that contradiction.

I never do spoilers, don’t read reviews, just get an expac and try it out so I was really excited & got caught up in MoP.
MoP also had parts of the game, like Jade Forest, where you could explore, still had enemies to watch out for (those disgusting monkey people, etc…) and treasures to run across.
MoP was cool.
I played both my alliance (1st) then horde characters through MoP.
Loved it but loved hordeside most.

Then BfA comes along. In BfA, I think alliance got the better, more intriguing storyline.
The stories were different for horde & alli and that was good. What I mean by that is not the overall story, the universal big bad storyline but the specific faction story lines.
Alliance got a good one imo and I liked it a lot. Horde also got some really good stuff but in a somewhat different way and so to me, BfA was a good expac too but not as good as MoP because it became convoluted to me.
Too many currencies, too much furniture everywhere. Idk how else to describe it but it became somewhat overwhelming to the point where I felt like I couldn’t do everything/try everything out because there was just so much.
Now maybe that’s just a me thing and that doing an expac that way is really smart because it gives most everyone choices in what they want to do so in that sense, it is a smart thing to do.
I just found it overwhelming but I played the hell out of it and I’ve leveled up toons there since then and I found that I really liked BfA more once it was no longer a current expac because they removed some of the furniture.

But that’s me.

Idk what it’d take to get people to play this game, Idk if it’s even possible to get mass amounts of people to return/try it out/stay but I think bringing the war back into Warcraft would be a really good thing and that might do it.

Also, longer lived quests like gathering items for future player housing if they go that way. If they do, it cannot be instanced.
The garrisons were good but they would have been great if they hadn’t have been instanced.
And if we could have gotten groups together to go and pvp the hell out of other garrisons, that would have been wonderful fun.
So pvp options for player housing would be a great addition.

But there can also be other longer lived quests to do that would span several expacs.
Like seeking a specific weapon somewhere out in the world, several places and piecing it together using profs or just getting clues to it’s whereabouts, stuff like that and once you finally get the weapon, having it be upgradable and relevant through a couple more expacs as you go.

Just ideas I had. Didn’t mean to write a novel here. If you’ve actually read this far, then ty and let me know if you have any better ideas or think I’m having some dumb ideas.

Either way, have fun.

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The removal of the game’s core will go down as a huge mistake.

The ONLY reason it was even removed was because a few Alliance players who don’t even do Hall of Fame raiding were upset that there weren’t more Hall of Fame Alliance raiding guilds.


(And hilarious because Hall of Fame was only added to try and get some Horde raiding guilds to flip to Alliance. But it had the opposite effect. Which was also entirely predicted, and warned about. But Blizzard never listens.)

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Been saying this since BFA, the developers are leaning on M+ to carry the game


-gestures at the entire expansion in general-

Good, I am actually glad that World of Warcraft is moving away from horde and alliance war. Dragonflight is just beginning of that momentum because the war concept is getting old and repetitive and not new. Dragonflight is refreshing and more coherent in terms of its narrative.

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I think they could’ve tried a few variations of the war before going full on peace treaties, like for instance faction betrayal (perhaps void elves helping horde sabotage alliance or tauren supporting night elves and leaving the horde to face the alliance on its on. Maybe NE and worgen overiding SW orders and doing their own thing together to recover Gilneas? Or the Undead being kicked out of the horde temporarily for violating the “no poisoning the land with blight” order?)

I’m kinda done reading your drivel, but I can tell you are a flimsy person. You stand for nothing. You’ll take what you can get. You have no standards, and so modern blizzard can cut corners like they have in this xpac; they save cash and you sub for same premium price.

Like I said, you are the problem.


I really don’t know how or why anyone can call DF boring.

While I will admit from a story standpoint, it may pale somewhat in comparison to the spectacle that Legion was.

However gameplay wise, this expansion is fantastic and should be used as a template for design going forward.

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Your reading comprehension is as dead as your character.

Moving on.

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I think its just like any other expansion , better than SL , worst than BFA since BFA had tons of stuff to do besides M+, raids, and pvp

The hall of fame was set for 200 guilds. 162 horde and 38 alliance. Only 10 of the 38 alliance guilds were US. based. This to me is very telling .

Themes become somewhat irrelevant when the general smell of quality is still compared to something one drags out of the sewer.

No one asked for a Sylvanas redemption story, to run ramshod over literally everything else people cared about in Warcrafts IP.

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I would say the reason it seems boring is it has a grind for rep with no reason for it in the quest. If I were to gather 100 cloth from nokuhuds please tell me the reason why i have to kill 100 or more of them for what? Just go do it isn’t a good one.

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