You make good points, I’ll expand
- The story is just poor storytelling, full stop. This is below intern level tier. 20 years ago in high school I was in an extra-curricular Writer’s Craft workshop, and those teenagers had much better writing and story-telling ability. 20 years ago. Aren’t the new squirts suppose to learn from what came before them? Blizz getting schooled by my adolescent Writer’s Craft peers TWENTY YEARS AGO.
Through the leveling experience, the only part worth giving a shot to listen to was Sab and Wrathion. But then at the end they ask you to talk to npcs around the room about how great they are then fly off into the sunset? Like what? - Dragonriding is a way to arbitrarily make things take longer and more frustrating if you’re not 100% on your arbitrary special dragon. Sad xpac pillar feature. Oh, and not having a male or masculine version of dracthur being the other main feature of the game. Oh and they are exclusive to one class and race combo. Oh, and it’s just a reused female gargoyle model. Like, how many corners were cut for this “new race”?? Oh, and their lust is a rainbow flag… When you hide that from your marketing until someone pays for the game, then the sub, it’s clear you are not proud of what you’ve destroyed. And you shouldn’t be. What the community ACTUALLY WANTED and asked for, for over a decade was ACTUAL DRAGONS (not scalies) that could shift into ANY of our existing beloved mortal races. That’s it! You’ve sullied the dream, and you’ve lost subs for it. Grats!
- Crafting ‘system’ is an absolute insult to real gamers. This is probably why this game has lost so many subs. I want to get loot from a dungeon, go to AH to get a gem to socket, then go back to dungeons instantly, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER XPAC AND VIDEO GAME EVER TO EVER. I don’t want to screw around waiting for some chud to get around to making my stuff in a Crafting Order, then suddenly oh, the rank 3 mats and the generous tip I left yielded a rank 1 piece of junk. Come off it. Absolutely disgusting.
- Idk why anyone would say this game is alt friendly unless their idea of alt friendly is leveling to max and logging out forever. Just the ranks of crafting and gearing alone makes it clear this is not an alt-friendly xpac. If you don’t buy enchants and gems all under this atrocious rank crafting system, that means you’re not of use in raiding, pvp, m+, so what exactly is the synergy here?
- The game is awful, the “talent trees” style is from classic wow, and we moved away from that for a reason… there’s useless talents that can be baked into one another, so now there are useless pre-requisite points AGAIN, like this is the first time ever this new modern wow team has EVER put rando borrowed power on a linear TALENT TREE, EVER., just so at the next revamp they will say (and mark my words) “we wanted to prune some unnecessary talents”
- And some of the mage tower challenges are far overtuned/overlooked now. Like… please actually develop something new, innovative, creative- just have ONE half decent idea, blizz!
So many people defending this game is really telling that they are high on cope, this game is their personality, they have low standards, and I can’t help but look at everyone who defends their subscription as a much lesser person than me. Just straight up bads.
We should be crying about all of these issues, for 6 months! Since release! Stand up for yourselves. Have some standards! But y’all just trodding along being of no use to me. I’ve been subbed for 1 week with gold and even my distracted butt working and taking classes can see all these glaring problems. Take a look at yourselves.