Reasons why Dragonflight is boring - Discussion

Hello! Feel free to mention down below the reasons why you think DF is boring. Here are some of the reasons I’ve collected in game:

  • Story focus too much on being child-friendly, but the game is mainly played by adults and/or teenagers;

  • Content update vs player progression is still not properly compatible;

  • Other than the new flying system for DF mounts and the overly-complicated-still-not-relevant crafting system, there is nothing really different from other expansions;

  • Although progressing, the game is still not alt-friendly;

  • map is too big and content is too spread apart.


This one says it all-


Yea man, the whole concept of a caste system and civil war, very child friendly

Especially when they had the planned domestic attacks we had to stop, boy thats some good ol child friendly fun right there


Most of the open world stuff requires a group now. No one is doing it.


story was too dark in Shadowlands. They had to go more rainbowy and googly-eyed as it was scaring the casuals away.


Would you say Dragonflight is NOT child-friendly?


the plot of the Transformers is exactly the same. Rated PG-13.


I take it you can’t read?

Literally just talked about stuff there

You think the djaradin are super child friendly? The stories of them wiping out entire family lines is child friendly?

Guess you also missed the prisoner executions and other such fun of tauren being hunted for sport basically

But it’s something besides “the super dark maw” so guess its disney

Games rated T, content we get would be rated T


Are you saying it’s still too slow between updates? Or it’s too fast now?

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Ya’ll pretending this game hasn’t been rated “T” for the past two decades. It’s just edgy at times. You’re getting older and it doesn’t resonate with your preferences as much as it used to.


None of the content you’ve mentioned is necessarily child-unfriendly. Bamby for instance was a story about a mother deer who was murdered by a human and left an orphan child, still, it was a childrens movie


Right, the thing that was off screen is the same as the fronst and center stuff in DF

If you ever considered WoW a dark n edgy game, you clearly never played it before cuz the games been T forever and real mild on everything

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Basically no real content.


I’m really enjoying Dragonflight, but it’s super task saturated. Prioritizing goals is getting a little tricky. I only have about 90 minutes a day to play. So Day 1 it’s fly around and do all the dragon racing. Day 2 it’s do the big gold WQs and bosses. Day 3 it’s farm materials/focus crafting. Day 4 it’s run Mythics. Day 5 it’s either sink time into alts or do LFG raids. Weekends I don’t usually have time to play. So even with all that organized into a pile, I still have to leave tons and tons of content undone.


I didn’t realize the rot gnolls or me throwing baby ones into vats of goo to kill them for experiments was “child-friendly.” I also didn’t realize huge dragons burning things to the ground, centaurs murdering each other and alluding to ponze schemes was “child-friendly.”


What would you like to see?

It’s insanely alt friendly with gear catch ups, rep bonuses, ease of leveling, etc.

… what?


I think the elephant in the room is if you look at the road map they have layed out, this patch we just got is the last major patch (meaning a new zone and raid added) until next spring.

That’s almost a year away.

If you think it’s boring now, give it two months when it really does become M+ or die.


you can always raid. i bet you won’t be done with CE by next patch.

Its the same as the first patch, but actually getting a new dungeon as well

Ill take the .5/.7 patches with some stuff over the old method of heres the patch and wait the same length of time with nothing new

I sort of disagree with all of your points, all except maybe the lores friendliness. Dragonflight is much more happier than other expansions, or could be referred too as childish. The bad guys are much more generic and forgettable than the past, and the only reason we fight them is really because “they bad”. The Primalists intentions are not well formed and rival the twilight hammer except that with the twilight hammer we at least understand they are driven towards insanity by the old gods whispers. Primalists don’t really even have that.

What we are looking at here is like… a family feud?

I still like it more than shadowlands :woozy_face:


Do you think the lack of those epic-style cinematics makes the story less glorious and thus boring ?

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