More likely you did the quest on autopilot and weren’t paying attention to notice it was different.
There was no quest. I flew over to where the baby gnolls are and the vats, picked one up and tossed it in.
Sure it is. most teens have seen far worse in movies (gore and blood included) and we can’t even say things in game without getting silenced that are a whole lot less offensive than your typical teenager says.
Young kids were playing DOOM and Mortal Kombat back in the day and the world didn’t suddenly collapse around us.
We often joked about Hello Kitty Island Adventure, well surprise surprise, we don’t have to go play it, it came here.
Dragonflight one of my least favorite expansions and I’ve played them all. Zero things to aspire to or work toward. Zero likable characters or plot. Zero systems that are actually fun which give us something to do.
Been standing around in Valdrakken for months. 10.1.5 also coming with zero content that matters (loot is weaker than heroic raids and like 11-16 m+). Zero challenging content with rewards that feel like they matter.
Zeralak Cavern may actually go down as the most failed zone they’ve ever introduced to the game. Rares just standing around not being killed, rep with nothing worth achieving…
People really asked blizzard for everything to be handed to them and as a result they got nothing!
You’re conflating storyline with personal player behavior. They aren’t one in the same.
You mean back before parents had a clue what that stuff was and Doom was rated M? Sure thing. Great example.
No. It didn’t. But keep up the hyperbole.
I clocked out on the story when Raszageth attacked the life pools and Alexstrasza said something stupid like “You will not harm the eggs, I protect the life pools!” I was like what idiot wrote this?
There’s not a single badass moment in DF. Like take the Wrathgate for example, to this day it is still one of the top ten moments for WoW. Or Ga’nar charging the Iron Horde solo. Instead, we got some no name Drakanoid charging and dying to some flame pylons LOL, the Blue dragons are busy with their Vin Diesel family RP, the Black dragons are too busy flip flopping on how they act, I still dont even know what the greens are doing, probably crying or something.
It’s just a bad story even by WoW standards.
Surprised we still haven’t got stickers or emotes. I wouldn’t mind putting up a few thumbs up stickers at the end of a dungeon run or something. Chibi warcraft character or whatever. Anything to make the game more uh… Interesting I guess… kinda like the emotes we have here with the dracthyr
What do you mean?
They knew, you couldn’t escape the Mortal Kombat marketing, it was plastered all over TV commercials, you had Subzero ripping people’s spines out during the commercial.
People were not as clueless as you think.
I grew up back then. Parents were absolutely clueless. How do you think the ESRB started?
You tried to use M rated games as an example and literally the game that started ESRB ratings as an example, because parents didn’t have a clue how bad they were.
At least argue in good faith using equatable examples.
People like Tipper Gore wanting to make a name for themselves.
But the woke cancel culture made world of disneycraft
Or something
You can take that up with the ESRB, but the basic guideline is, T games are for 13 and up, M games for 18 and up.
In other words, you have no idea what you’re talking about.
The stupidity of that is astounding, considering what happened in that expansion.
This is the most cringe aspect I have seen. Be there on day 1 to day 14 at all the times when the “cow feeding bell rings” or expect to not get things done until way later on throughout the expansion.
Hard contrast to legion and bfa. Was starting to see this behavior happen later on in mid SL and onwards. People exhaust the content at launch for rep reasons and then get super lucky with mount drops. Afterwards they never come back.
Consequences of having way fewer people playing these days, even when searching for groups in the finder. No one has things up or want to join your group.
I was one of those people that seen the mist trailer and thought that stuff was garbage and a joke because of the pandas and skipped the entire expansion and boy was I wrong.
Parents always said never to judge a book by its cover.
I never understood how people tried to use kung fu panda as an insult towards that xpac when those movies are all fantastic
Same way people call modern movie dialogue “marvel dialogue”. There’s a reason why those movies sold so much. Because people enjoyed them throughout phases 1 thru 3.
If you hated it, you wouldn’t have bought a ticket or blu-ray after your first purchase.
I don’t understand it either, I’m just saying they existed.
I think the first patch of df was great. Zaralek Caverns blows though.