Reasons why Dragonflight is boring - Discussion

Occasionally I ponder how much cooler WoW’s dragons would be if they didn’t always look like something that wasn’t a dragon.


hope a narrative dev sees this post.

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this is false. nice guess though.

Professions were way over engineered. DIdnt need a tree for each specialization and the whole crafting system is over engineered.
New zones are just rep grinds for mediocre rewards. Nothing really fun there
Not being able to fly all mounts like a dragon
Vigor stuff for dragon flying wasnt needed.
PVP balance has been laughable since launch
No new BGs as usual
Too much woke stuff. Disneyification


Last 3 expansions. Legion - Demonic Army invades and mass murders everybody, blows up Varian, tosses Tirion in pit of lava, and impales Voljin. BFA - Race gets genocided, mass death between both factions with the likes of lighting them on fire or attacking innocent villages and impaling them with spears as their children watch. Shadowlands - we go to WoW hell where souls are mass tortured and condemned to eternal torment until the torture is too great and they turn to plasma goo. I think… many WoW players and the devs were right to decide to take a break from this lmfao, even if just for ONE expansion. This need for constant edge in the story doesn’t feel like a plus. Many people felt the same about MoP and MoP was a solid expansion looked back upon fondly.


Your bad assumption sure was. SL was barely a dark storyline and that absolutely wasn’t the reason some had issues with it. This claim of “casuals need rainbows” whatever is complete bull.


and yet the facts speak for themselves.

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You have zero facts.

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So show me these facts that the storyline is now all rainbows and whatnot and that people quit SL because it was too dark for them. I’ll wait.

Oh, I also need facts of these supposed casuals and who they are, too, that only like rainbows and whatnot. And your definition of casual.

see post 34.

All I know is, Hearthstone did a dragon expansion and their dragons were epic. WoW did a dragon expansion and their dragons are lame. :dracthyr_shrug:


World of Warcraft is rated T for Teen. Not really sure what people are expecting.

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Because of your snowflake adults that feel the need to be part of the “woke” community

Slow down then :wink: it’s always been this way (IMO)

Welcome to RPG’s (crafting system offers BiS gear, which is different than the past for a few expansions now)

Gearing, and thus alt-ing, hasn’t been this friendly in a long time.

This is a good thing. I didn’t feel like there was really a lot in the Shadowlands zones. It was big, but it was all empty space for the most part. Plus, it has to be in order to utilize that 800% flying speed. :roll_eyes:

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A non-answer that makes zero sense. Good job outing the trolling.

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Leveling content was great. First month or two most people were still doing things like Dragonsbane keep and Cobalt Assembly because we were progressing slowly and the rewards were still relevant.

But between Forbidden Reach and the new gearing system everything in the open world has been made mostly irrelevant with clearly better and faster ways to gear. And there’s not a lot in the world in terms of rewards. But open world… Without a progression system tied to it it’s hard to give it purpose other then for leveling toons.

And professions. A lot of really good ideas that got buried by bad implementation and being stuck halfway between a template / spread sheet design and a hand crafted design.


18 is still a teen and can vote, go to war, and die for this country, I don’t think everything needs to be aimed at the 13 teen either, which is where we are right now.


Last I checked, throwing baby gnolls into vats of goo to kill them to see what happens, alluding to ponze schemes, murdering centaurs and war, rot gnolls killing tuskarr and watching someone sacrifice themselves with death by fire isn’t all that 13 related to me.

I don’t know why people are hell bent on this “it’s for kids!” bandwagon, but it really isn’t.

Did y’all complain about Mists the same way, too? Vanilla? Wrath? Cata? Warlords? Because those weren’t all out bloody death dark stories either.

This was removed, btw. By The Complaint Brigade.


Then apparently it’s bugged. I just showed it to the hubby a few days ago.

it was not removed just the gnolls was changed over to toys

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