Reasons why Dragonflight is boring - Discussion

Definitely bored, it’s a shame blizzard allowed these players dictate how to develop their game. just standing around valdrakken, nothing actually matters, zero consequences for any actions. Everyone just can have everything! What everyone doesn’t realize is when you have everything, nothing has value. Just a truly awful experience.

The funny thing is everyone complained about SYTEMS ARE BAD, SYSTEMS, SYSTEMS, BORROWED POWER BAD

Meanwhile they removed it all and there’s nothing to do. Nothing to look forward to, nothing to aspire to. People pine for Legion and I have literally seen people saying to actually run island expeditions!! LOL


I dunno, it’s looking like the current raid will be 8 or 9 months, I’m sure I could pug clear normal in a day.

Maybe a few weeks to 2 months in heroic, mythic ehhh let’s be real, probably not even with a pretty good guild.

I was more referencing the people who already have a lot of the raid cleared on higher difficulties, what are they going to do in October when they have 5 or 6 more months until the next raid drops?

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with token being 300k gold, you should be busy constantly.

How do you figure that?

Winter doesnt start until late December and lasts through April, I’m guessing the new Raid may drop after the first of the year.


a zone with literally nothing of note to do… a dead zone where rares are up 24/7 and no one actually killing them or doing anything because there is no feasible rewards for doing any of it. People just standing around at this point because there is no reason to do anything.


my main complaint is playing the patch all the time, the lack of meaningful rewards, and that the team has completely lost all touch with class fantasy imo. Legion was the last expansion we got that imo.

there’s nothing cool to chase or go after anymore, cuz everyone gets the same stuff…i hate getting rewards that are on the same level as scrubs…can we see cool stuff for the mythic raiders, maybe 3k players and 0.1%'ers please?

how is a top 100 m+ player getting the same mount as someone that fails 13’s?

why does the special stone you get @ 2500 rating not add challenge mode-esque animations to tier sets, instead of giving you some boring passive effect? it’s just lazy imo

anyways, it’s sad really - cuz these are the types of things that push WoW players away for sure.


Nah, I’m not rich, 1. 4 million gold, and I won’t farm it while token is near 300k, A token only costs like 30 minutes of IRL work, no way I could farm 300k in game in 30 minutes on the regular.

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10.0.7 was March 21st.

10.1 was May 2nd.

10.1.7 is set to hit in Fall. Let’s say that’s end of October. That means beginning of December is 10.2.

10.2 is a major patch. It literally says there’s a raid with it. So this “we won’t see it till spring” makes no sense.

I’d love to hear you describe who you think the casuals are.



I just finished the mole people rep, the rest are maxed, now it’s just the weekly dungeon and LFR and scrape up whatever crafting knowledge I can each week.

I’ll be fine but like I mentioned, I’m not sure what the high end peeps will be doing if they are bored now.


this for sure, they get caught cube crawling so the try and make amends by turning the game into a 7 year old’s standard.


Content is fine, playability is fine, alt friendliness is fine.

Honestly, I think the game is in a great shape. The only missing element is some cool factor. There’s nothing really great to relate to. Enemies are irrelevant and easily replaceable. Who the heck is Sarkareth.


I would but that might negatively impact my account’s permissions.

For my welbeing, i will leave the request unanswered.

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Devs are designing for twitter.


I like the theme of the current expansion, however I don’t like some of the current activities and how they implemented them. Or at least, I did, but the replayability wore out fast for me.

I’m taking a mini break from the game, still popping in at least once a week to do a few things (like get this baller hat I am wearing) but I think it’s fine to take a break every now and then.

There’s other games out that are good, and also the real world if that’s your thing.


Very cool, well I’m just going to guess the casuals are the parents, who probably have enough Pixar in their lives.

I have no idea what you’re assuming they are.

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so…all expansions mustve been boring as well?

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In other words, you just made something up.


From a gameplay perspective, it just feels like there’s nothing to do in the outdoor world. The events aren’t all that interesting in the first place and they grow stale quickly since it’s the same ones every week. World quests, which are usually my go-to filler for situations like that, are fewer in number and don’t refresh often enough to be a reliable way to spend my time. Rewards are pathetic… 50 rep for a quest, or trying to farm drops for like 15 at a time? And most of the renown levels are just cosmetics anyway.

From a story perspective, I just don’t care about the dragons. They’re not epic enough, or… dragon-y enough. They’re just normal quest givers with funky eyes. The supporting cast has gone downhill since SL - we don’t have characters like Sika, Niya, or Theotar, who you like interacting with even if they don’t really drive the plot forward much. There’s Khadgar, lord knows he’s trying, but he’s not enough!

And I know there’s trying to avoid a Warlords-style “everything is about dragons” but what is up with the side factions? Was there someone out there really hoping that we’d have another bland pastoralist tribal fantasy but with centaur? Did they think WoW needed mole people?

Why are there mole people?

You have an island full of dragons, the most majestic and awe-inspiring of all creatures, and you think I want to hang out with the mole people!?

Everyone knows beating up terrorists is great kids’ fun.