Reasons NOT to add dual spec

Try being honest just one time. You might like it.

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If you care about your performance so much you can pay the 50g to respec like the rest of us do. For every respec.

Wanting Dual spec doesn’t mean you want to maximize your performance, it means you don’t want the inconvenience of having to pay gold to respec regularly to maximize your performance. Aka you don’t want to pay the gold.

I need you to try and be honest to yourself and everyone else to this next question. Why do you want people to spend so much gold on something that literally doesent have any affect on you or your game play?


OMG you got me. I’ve been hiding that fact this whole time. /rollseyes

I see that Gold Sinks are the new hill you’re ready to die on now that just about every other nonsense reason you’ve given has crumbled.

So far we’ve had…
Spec Identity
Protecting rare oddities who play weird, non viable hybrid specs.
Game design.
and now Gold Sinks.

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Who says someone whos anti dual spec isn’t spending gold on respecs? Having to pay for respecs is part of the game. Whether someone likes it or not is irrelevant. Dual spec comes in WotLK, and should stay that way. I don’t want retail with a BC skin. And if we add every QoL life feature that everyone wants that’s what we’ll have.

BC with dual spec, LFD, LFR, battle pets, merc mode, warmode, no arena teams, reforging, transmog titanforging, azerite gear, multiple raid difficulties, flexible raid sizes and M+ isnt really BC now is it?


Economy has an effect on everyone that even touches the AH or buys/sells anything (including services).

What you just said is like saying
“Why do you care that Gas prices went up when that doesn’t effect how you drive?” (It does effect how you drive, how much you drive, what care you drive, exc)

It does have an effect on gameplay. The economy has an effect on every aspect if the game. Gold being a driving part of many parts of this game, from access to content, raid consumables, gear, exc.

Every aspect of this game runs on gold. You can buy your way to items in a gdkp, you can buy your way to gladiator through paying for a carry, you can buy consumables to get that 1 extra dps to be the big D meter champion for the parsers, you can buy your way into heroics and dungeons by paying tanks and healers, exc. Gold had an underlying effect on EVERY aspect of this game, heck if your being camped on a pvp realm you can BUY protection, or pay the tankers off. In classic we had an alliance player using his second account to advertise “dispell protection” of your world buffs to horde players before cronoboon was added and was charging 25g per day, per character name. I don’t know how well that worked for him, but still.

Bottom line, Gold has an effect (small or large) on basically every aspect of the game. That’s why it’s important to try to have a healthy economy.

Lmao what’s funny is he thinks he’s like an economy wiz or something. Oh no 35k gold into the economy it will inflate and blah blah blah. You really have no idea how it would affect the economy, neither do I but because I know I’m smarter than you, my educated guess would be it would actually only help the economy.

This thread isn’t about anything but dual spec. Quit spouting of non sense. Getting dual spec doesent mean they are adding mythic + or any of the bs you stated. If that’s the case let’s get the old mail box system among the hundred other changes that have already happened. You are the no change classic Andy I get it. But we are talking a very small qol change that benefits literally every single person in the game and hopefully keeps just one more person from quitting because the grind is just crazy. I need as many alliance as possible to farm for pvp so I don’t want any of them quitting or not pvp it because they don’t want to respec for pvp.

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But dual spec is not a QoL feature in BC. It comes in WotLK, and should stay that way. People don’t want any of the QoL features I mentioned from future expacs in BC, why should dual spec be treated differently?

LFD is also a very small QoL life change that affects everyone. Every pro dual spec argument you make could also be used to argue for any QoL feature from any future expac.

The best way to go forward is by adding none of them, including dual spec.

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Dual spec is not a “small qol” change. It will impact the game in so many different ways. It will literally change the culture of the game.


No because if they added dual-spec I’d go holy/shadow so that I was fully optimized. The whole point of the build is to provide flexibility depending on how many healers/dps we need for a fight. Not every fight do you want to run with the same number of healers.

If everyone is just 100% specialized with no ability to hybrid you either have to bench people and constantly swap people or have people go in a really awful spec for what they are being asked to do.

If your raid has never asked an OT to try to DPS for a fight they aren’t needed to tank you’d know how pitiful of a DPS they are. By being in this hybrid build I bring ~90% of a DPS or Healers worth just by swapping my gear. However if dual-spec is added without any sort of spec locking per instance why go 90% when I can go 100% in each?

People say I could still play my hybrid build but in a world of free swapping whenever I want and can be done encounter by encounter with no penalty then making that decision would be asinine. You may THINK going a hybrid build is sub-optimal but it can actually be more optimal than having a person trying to do something in the completely wrong spec (such as the tank DPSing)


first of all you dont talk for the “people”… all you are saying is a personal opinion and nothing else.

There is already a mode that helps with the LFD… maybe you should use it. I have never seen anyone ask for any other QoL feature you have mention. Not one… please point me in the direction of any threads otherwise.

Now stick with me for a sec… I dont do dailies, dont run heroics (only have 3 badges). All I care for is raid nights and pvp. Currently I cant pvp Tues/Wed/Thur. So I am force to raid log those 3 days. Guess, what give me dual spec and I would spend more time in game. I might even do heroics because I would be able to spec for it.

Dual spec will not hurt the community/hybrids at all.

PS. TBCC is not TBC!

Your whole post makes zero sense. So the only reason you want to keep others from having Dual spec is so you don’t feel forced to actually play a real spec and not your sub optimal hybrid build? Talk about selfish.

Pro tip. Your Guild would still be better off with you going full on DPS or full on Heals then your choice to be sub par. If your Guild doesn’t care then they also wouldn’t care if you played your current hybrid thing if Dual spec existed.

Sweaty Guilds are already min/maxing and not bringing non optimal specs.
Casual Guilds take what they can and even then are better off with someone fully specced into their role.

I said people, not all people, or you specifically. But yes there are plenty of people who don’t want those.

Sounds like that’s your problem, not anyone else’s.

That doesn’t mean WotLK QoL features should be added. It sounds like don’t even want to play BC, maybe you should unsub and just wait for WotLK.


How many Priests are doing what you’re doing? It’s not optimal now, it wouldn’t be optimal with Dual Spec.

There’s no difference.

The penalty is your mana pool is completely depleted. If the 2nd spec can only be swapped outside of instances, that’s also not an insignificant penalty at all.

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news flash there are a lot more people that play that same way… some have even posted on this thread. And we all now a whole what? 10% of the game population visit/post on these forums.

I will play the way I want too, thanks. I hope dual spec comes out and those that think like you do just quit over it. “oh, god my game is ruin… /wrists!”

Go for it I don’t care.

Prepare yourself for disappointment.

Funny thing is I wouldn’t actually care. I don’t think it should be added, but I wouldn’t quit or complain if it did.

Stopped reading at your first point. To respond to it, iys because there are not umlimmited classes. Its hard enough sometimes to find one of every class as it is. We have had raids with no boomkim, no priests and no shamans. U take what you have available. So any argument that says replace class a with class b is a silly argument.

Oh, but you do.

Not at all… im playing the game in its current form. If dual spec is release. I would be happy, if not. It’s not forcing me to quit. Just play a bit differently.

Funny thing is you do care and that’s the reason you are posting your displeasure here.

keep telling urself you dont care. It might actually work some day.

Not really. Just because I’d prefer it wasn’t added doesn’t mean I’d quit, or throw a fit if it were. Imo WotLK features should stay in WotLK.

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