Spec identity and Hybrids
Feral druids, why bring them with dual spec? A prot warrior with dual spec dps will be more useful. Hybrid builds like smite priest, Feral druid, restkin, exc. will be unviable because their strength of being flexible is now meaningless.
Gold sinks and why 1k cost WON’T work. You exceed that 1k gold cost in with 20 respecs, which is not difficult to do in a month for many players. Meaning through the life span of tbc classic, you would spend thousands of gold on spec changes and making dual spec cost 1k would not keep up with the gold sink spec changing is supposed to have.
Class design of rock paper scissor goes out the window because a reason to bring a Feral tank was because while their dps wasn’t great, it was still good for a “tank” meaning with dual spec class rebalance would be needed to have any reason to bring a Feral over a prot warrior who could just dual spec to dps. The reason dual spec wasn’t bad for wrath was the classes got much more balanced for their role of choice, example hunters got better sustained aoe, druids got their Feral and boomkin dps buffed. Wrath saw the bring the player not the class mentality where tbc was more focused on chosing classes/specs that compliment each other to be strong. This means being able to freely change specs with dual spec had classes designed for that in wrath, while tbc did not have this type of class design as some classes are reliant on specific talents to have reliable CC or interrupts.
More tanks?
Won’t have a noticeable impact, we saw this in retail when wotlk was live, it didn’t make a noticeable difference and is why blizzard added so many other changes down the line to try and get more tanks.
Lastly it was a Wrath feature, let’s save it for wrath were the game is designed for it instead of trying to force the circle peg of a wrath feature to fit in the triangle hole that is tbc classic. And I chose those shapes on purpose, they represent the class designs of each expansion.
Triangle is the rock paper scissors design on classes that tbc has. Triangke also represents how classes fill in for each other based on spec, example being the caster triangle is ele shaman for their totem, shadow priest for mana battery and arcane mage for raw damage buffed by the other two, this is one example of the triangle benefit classes had with each other in tbc, there’s a lot of other combinations. Circle is the rounded out and homogenized classes that wrath has and was designed around that, because wrath is when the game was designed around bringing the player, not the class comps, evidence of this is a lot of the raid utility each class/spec brought got generalized or put onto multiple other classes.