Reasons NOT to add dual spec

Not once have I mention the word quit or be upset. Those are your words. =)

I’m just saying you do care either way.

That’s actually exactly what you said


That alone is more than enough to make dual a thing… its a waste of gold. It feels awful being forced to drop your gold because your guild/raid wants you to go healer or now they want you to DPS… that’s why dual spec is a good idea. Non-hybrids though it doesn’t effect as much.

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if someone is bringing a smite priest, they gonna bring them to raid even after duel spec. Just make duel spec only be usable in shattrah or major cities, that way you cant change in a dung or raid. This is just a bad excuse for not having duel spec, duel spec would solve a lot of problems that are out there right now, and does people who play the “rare” spec can still play it honestly.

It is meant to remove gold from the economy. Having to spend gold is not a reason to change things to where you don’t spend gold.

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Just make it so you are locked into the spec you chose once you are locked to the raid. You’d still be able to freely swap between 2 specs any other time but the spec you chose at the start of the raid is the one you must use for the entirety of it.

The only way to get around it would be to respec the dual-spec that was locked which would cost the same fee that it always had (or that you had to pay in WoTLK to alter one of the two specs)

This solution would be the best of both worlds as it would still apply incentive for people to not respec per encounter but still allow people their PVP specs or farming specs or even to swap to tank/heal for a dungeon run.

And we have plenty of Gold sinks that already do that. This is a desperate reach on your part.

Why? Just so the small handful of players who think running weird hybrid builds is helping their raid don’t feel forced to actually play a viable spec?

What’s the downside? I literally am giving the dual-spec people everything they want with a small caveat? I can’t understand any possible reason you’d have a problem with this compromise.

Do you despise off-meta specs so much that you want to oppose it just so it removes them? I am asking for very little here and could just be 100% no dual-spec. I am trying to be reasonable but you are unwilling to compromise even the tinniest bit.


That’s not a good thing. This isn’t a job and you aren’t an economist. There is no need for a gold sink… how about you burn a $20 bill and tell me if it makes you feel better.

Good point, epic flying should be free then right?

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aaaaaand the point went several miles over your head…

Oh so you you just want to get rid of the gold sink you don’t like. Got it

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aaaaaaand the point is flying over your head still…

How so? You dont think there should be gold sinks because it’s a game not a job. So why should epic flying cost 5k?

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well ferals are the best tank, bar none, so that argument is out the window. Making it require a rested area to switch, even with a cooldown of a couple hours would also fix this issue.

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You’re free to play however you want but arguing against Dual spec to protect a few snowflakes is ludicrous.

You can still play your garbage spec with Dual spec in the game. If you’re in a Guild that actually lets you play that way then they would still let you play that way Dual spec or not since they obviously don’t care.

This is probably the most bizarre rationale against Dual Spec I’ve read because most Guilds know those “hybrid” builds were shown to be usueless back when TBC came out. You’re always better off bringing a full on DPS.

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I find it funny all these people who don’t want dual spec are the same ones who probably log on, do their dailies, dungeons, then log off and don’t log on again until they have to do the same boring process again. I highly doubt the people who don’t want dual spec PvP at all, let alone consistently.

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But I’m not arguing against it I am trying to allow for dual-spec just with the stipulation of instance locking. You still have not given a single reason why this compromise would be bad other than trying to mock hybrid specs.

You seem to not realize the difference. In one scenario I am swapping between healing and DPS given the fight and my spec is a better healer than a shadow priest but is a better DPS than a holy priest. In the other scenario I am worse DPS than a shadow priest and a worse healer than a Holy Priest. Even if you argue it would be better to just play pure holy or pure shadow the fact that the utility of the build is completely removed by dual-spec still exists. In the current world there is a reason for it to exist, with dual-spec it is not reasonable.

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The utility of the build is not removed if you have to be in a rested area to swap to your secondary spec.

Why is there this assumption that everyone will wait for these mythical hybrid spec players to hearth back to town, have summoning alts parked outside to summon them back, and then have them run back to the boss or be summoned to it multiple times per raid?

It doesn’t happen now. Guilds don’t do this now and they won’t do it with Dual Spec.