Reasons NOT to add dual spec

Yes these people should be checked into psychiatric wards and never let out again.

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who does anything more than the pvp and maybe 1 heroic daily? dual spec helps the game alot more than it hurts it. every single person in the game NEEDS dual spec for pvp

You don’t need dual spec. You want dual spec. There’s a big difference. The game is perfectly playable without it

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So Dual spec would also allow for spec swapping during an encounter? News to me.

A big Reason you bring a Bear is because they can go Cat when not actively Tanking during an encounter. That and their amazing Effective Health. None of that is impacted by Dual spec because you can’t change specs in combat.

Your reasons against Dual spec are garbage and filled with false assumptions.


Only people who are terrible at this game say this lmao. It’s like saying you only “want” a tank and heals and dps in Kara instead of 10 holy priests for Kara. Sure bud gl clearing Kara with 10 holy priests

My paladin would quest as Ret, and then swap spec to Prot for dungeons. Had dual spec not been a thing, I would have stayed Ret and many levelling groups would probably still be asking in borean tundra’s general chat for a tank.

Yeah i wonder how EU forums look, i bet if they read how NA refuses dual spec they would cringe hard.

NA is very much in favor of Dual Spec. There’s a small number of very vocal opponents who present a bunch of fictitious claims as “argument” against Dual Spec.

This thread has 3 upvotes, all the Dual Spec positive threads have significantly more. Every single poll shows a majority in favor of Dual Spec in TBC Classic.

Almost Every single argument you’ve proposed is an informal fallacy.

They have nothing to do with dual spec, and the ones that could have an effect are exaggerated.

I would argue dual spec would make people play less in tbc classic because they won’t have to do dailies. Because there would be no consequences for constantly switching specs.

People love to complain about the respec cost yet ignore its designed that way to be an opportunity cost for choosing your spec. Look at aldor and skryer, chosing one has the opportunity cost of the other hating you. Tbc is designed on opportunity costs.

The people complaining about the cost of changing spec aren’t complaining because they have to spend 20 minutes making gold. They are complaining because they don’t want to play the game how it was designed. They want to be cheap and not pay any cost for constant respecs. And many have shown their goal is to have a pvp and pve spec, while staging the lies of how it will “fix” the tank shortage (in other threads, wonder if it will pop up in this one)

Tbc classic is designed around not having dual spec. We see this in class design, the opportunity costs seen in multiple other areas of the game, and in the fact it was not part of tbc.

If you want to constantly respec, use a social solution to that problem. My guild has a donation fund specifically for some of our guild members who constantly respec to help the guild by going heals or tank to get dungeon groups going.

Each member could donate 5g a week, which is VERY easy to get in tbc classic and we would have over 500g in that alone and we aren’t a huge guild, just over 100 unique members. Heck, donate the gold you make from the cooking and fishing daily once a week and that’s over 10g per person (usually closer to 15).

I typically help farm for the guild in terms of cooking consumables, this last week I haven’t had the chance to farm but had just enough time to do the fishing and cooking dailies. I still donated enough consumables from doing and turning in those two daily quests to donate 10 caster food (spell power), 13 healer food (healing power), 21 mana regen food (good for heroics to drink less), 9 tank food (30 Stam) and had 18 agility food for myself as a hunter. This was without actively farming for them, just doing the daily cooking and fishing quest.

If I needed the gold I could have sold the Stam, spell power and healing power foods for another ~50g with their value on my realms AH, with the Stam food being the most expensive at about 3g per.

Now I did just the fishing and cooking dailies for a week I am 150g (got a little lucky on fishing bag vendor trash for an extra 25g) up from that. That means I could respec about 3 times just from doing 2 daily quests for a week that also help me get raid food, and I didn’t sell any of the food I didn’t need but instead donated it to the guild.

You people complaining about the cost are just lazy. If it’s so bad for you wait until there are more dailies in the game instead of the handful we have now and it makes gold farming even easier.

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Your entire post is complete nonsense.


A fight that needs less tanks means you change spec BEFORE the fight starts. Your intentionally trying to be dishonest here by trying to push that narrative of me implying changing spec mid fight… although technically a hunter could do it if we are using wotlk dual spec rules lol.

I read your first argument and ignored the rest. Dual spec wouldn’t stop people from doing dailies that makes no sense. If anything people need badges for both specs and thus they will Grind for both specs.

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So pointing out people not wanting to play the game but want the rewards of playing the game is nonsense… ok.

Look, I’m tired of arguing against your absolutely ridiculous points. Your main concern seems to be wanting to keep people broke or something. It sounds like you have fun doing lame dailies. Cool that’s your choice do what you want play how you want. I’d rather not do any of that lame crap and spend my time playing the game and doing what I want to do which is pvp and some pve. If dual spec was in I could flip flop between the 2 things I like doing with the fairly small amount of time I have to play. Dual spec doesent hurt you or the way you play the game so stop trying to argue against it. You can’t make a single valid point so just stop. Lmao look how ridiculous you sound man. You said” people will play less because they won’t have to do dailies” do you really think ANYONE gives a rats a$$ about other people doing dailies. How does that help me in any way shape or form? I want people to play the game and participate in actual game play like pvp and pve dungeons and raids not dailies lmao you are delusional.

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One of the reasons Blizzard originally implemented Dual Spec was to get people playing more of the game. It’s farcical to claim it would make people play less:

Nethaera: Why are we allowing players to dual spec after all this time?
Ghostcrawler: We really felt like this was a great way to increase the flexibility available to players and encourage them to take part in more aspects of the game. To use just one example, some players like to participate in both raids and Arenas, which is awesome behavior that we want to promote. But, there are some talents which are more useful in one part of the game than another. Currently, players have to pay respec costs and go through the process of setting up the desired talent spec and action bars whenever they switch.


OK, so they do the daily dungeons, what about the other dailies? The people advocating about the “need” for dual spec don’t want to bother doing 4 dailies a day (the non dungeon ones) which would yield about 50g between the quests themselves, drops from doing the quest, exc. I make about 20-25g a day in raw gold doing just the fishing and cooking daily because of having to kill stuff that gets in the way + the quest turn ins. That’s doing TWO daily quests. Next phase there will be over a dozen more available. If no dual spec is such a big deal because of the gold cost that’s people not wanting to PLAY the game. Gold is EASY to get in tbc. I’m not even talking action house gold, but raw gold. Y the end of tbc spending 100g per day on spec changes will be a drop in the bucket for many people as one day of doing dailies can yield 300+gold easily in raw gold.

Make it so you can’t change spec inside of instances. Wow, that was a really hard fix for your imaginary problem of tanks losing their spots because the Warrior can go Arms on a couple bosses for a marginal DPS gain.

Deep Prot Warriors already do comparable DPS to Feral Druids in the right gear, btw.

Why are you still on about the gold making and how easy it is. Your low iq is showing and you are missing the point. Why the hell would I want to keep spending my gold on respeccing instead of epic flying,gear and other stuff. I want to play the game not farm gold to respec and then not have enough time to play the game.

Step outside instance, change spec, get summoned back to boss. The only thing you really change with dual spec with these extra restrictions is.

  1. Warlock doesn’t have to go out of instance with 2 others (or just 2 total if summoning stone is right outside, which it usually is) and summon the tank who hearted or getting hearted out.

  2. Your not paying the gold for the respec.

  3. There are add-ons that will auto fill talents for you to what you preset so dual spec doesn’t even save you time in putting the talent points in…

So the major change with this extra restriction? Costs less gold…

Even requiring being in a rested zone to do it is easy, player hearths, is in an inn changes spec, gets summoned back. Major change? Saved gold…

Gold sinks are important. They help prevent hyper inflation of the economy. You not wanting to spend 20 minutes doing dailies or playing the AH to change spec us your own fault of laziness. Stop trying to pass dual spec off as a need. It’s not needed, it’s your want.

As for it letting people play more? Sure it will let people who didn’t want to play the game anyway play more. Because they won’t have to spend time playing the game to make gold, oh wait…

Let’s say you tank for your daily dungeons, between the gold rewards from the quests vendor trash, raw gold, exc. You make about 50g assuming the group runs smoothly and no massive amount of death. Now do the cooking and fishing daily and your at about 75g, so you need to farm 25g to be able to change spec pvp and change back to your tank spec. That takes maybe 10 minutes… or you could get others to pay that last 25g like my guild does with our donation based system. (Which is up to 2.8k gold from weekly surplus and will be used for guild banks tabs when that comes out). You could do one more heroic/70 normal dungeon and likely make that much gold. You could go play the AH to make that gold.

Making 100g a day with doing just a little more than the daily dungeons and cooking/fishing daily is not hard.

Heck you could sell the reward item for the daily normal dungeon on the AH and likely have hit your 100g, it fluctuates between 15-35g on my server currently.

You want to add dual spec so you don’t have e to play the part of the game you don’t enjoy. That’s fine, wait for wotlk classic where it’s designed that way or go back to retail. But if you can’t stand playing the part of the game that generates gold, aka a grind (in your eyes), then maybe tbc classic isn’t the game for you, because tbc is heavily about grinding things out. Grind rep for heroics/recipes/enchants/gear/exc., grind heroics for badges, crafting items (neather) and gear, grind consumables for pvp, heroics, and raids, grind gold for respecs to pvp or buying consumables, and lastly grinding the weekly raid for gear, rare crafting patters, crafting items, exc.

Tbc is the grind expansion. If you don’t enjoy the grind, this isn’t the game for you.