Rearranging and Removing Portals

The thing about all these transport toys/etc is that none of them are BoA. All of them require rep to be earned on every character that needs to use them.

Spend months earning kirin tor rep on 20 characters. Right.

Doesn’t that sound like something an out-of-touch dev would think was a positive suggestion?

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can we report a dev post?


Im not commenting on how many of you are here. One poster had like four alts in here tonite. Maybe more. Even you might be them for all I know. Thats not the point.
the point is your side hasnt offered a single good reason why these portals NEED to be removed.
that kinda is the topic here, ya know?

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Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

oh for god sake.
Talked me right out of even looking at them on wowhead.

CoT is a real mount hunters go to place. It has Dragon Soul. I need 2 more mounts from there, one of them being the Blazing Drake, since it is the last mount I need for the Awake the Drakes achievement.

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Sadly, we can’t. I understand why they didn’t offer that option as trolls would do it for the laughs.

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The better question: How does extending my existing 2 minute travel to 10 min improves my gaming experience?

That’s like switching to bus/commuter to work instead driving your own car, which extends the commuting time considerably compared to driving.

At least i can reason that by taking public transport, i’m lessening my financial strain while doing my in-significant part on saving the planet for next generation. But that has zero effect on improving my commuting experience - in fact, i’m enduring a worse commuting experience. I’m still bound to stuck in traffic jams, but now on top of that, i’m also stuck in a confined metal tube with hundreds of people within close proximity of hand-reaching distance.

So, care to explain what benefits i get from spending more time traveling the same distance on Azeroth?

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Ah, that’s fair enough

You’re not the only one asking how it benefits the players. Blizzard of course put up a post that was essentially lawyer double talk and didn’t answer the question of “why?”

Besides saying “well, its tradition!”

Well, sometimes traditions need to be abandoned. Sometimes you need to be willing to change and get with the times.

Gamers have changed. The nature of what is acceptable in games has changed. Blizzard seems to have issues grokking that simple concept.

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So you’re going to put it out this way? What’s on the PTR is 8.1.5? Meaning stealing away useful portals from your paying customers who openly and loudly cried foul? It wasn’t about the portals to cities, it was about the portals to get to opposite ends of Vanilla continents. The ones that have like 5-15 minute flights because we gotta make that loop around Crossroads for some reason.

The very least you could have done was leave the portals from the basement of New Dalaran alone. Caverns of Time and Dalaran Crater were vital to eliminating massively long travel times.

Frankly though, your Quality Control was so half-butt that you forgot some pretty big issues. The Hellfire Peninsula portal you claim we don’t need anymore, you didn’t remove it from Undercity, Thunder Bluff, Ironforge, or Darnassus. So if we don’t need it, why are those still there? It would take just as much work to code out those portals as it would to code them back into Org, SW, Silvermoon and Exodar.

Also, you’re seriously going to put out the Zandalari Druid without a dance for their Moonkin form? How crazy are you? You know Zandalari were a massive selling point to this whole expansion, and that a lot of people even faction changed to grind rep and unlock them, but you’re just gonna put them out incomplete? The Kul Tiran’s have all theirs because the model is just reskinned old druid stuff, but the Zandalari’s doesn’t.

If you’re gonna tell me it’s just raining while you pee all over me, at least have the decency to stand behind me instead of in front. Finish this patch Blizzard, give back the New Dalaran basement portals, Hellfire, and Blasted Lands at the very minimum… and Zandalari Druid Moonkin Form /dance.

Going back to putting my 14+ hours of free time into my Switch, at least Nintendo still strives for quality.



Tradition was something that was made up in a split moment. It is a lie. The real reason why is to upset players.


Didn’t say it was a good excuse. Notice I also said certain traditions need to do.

I mean, I’m sure it used to be tradition to do all sorts of horrible things. And people accepted it because it was tradition! You don’t mean with what we’ve done for generations, that’s just not kosher!

I would like to see Blizzard Explain a 5.1 K post and this one close to 1.4K saying it is a bad move. Blizzard still rolling with it. I’m not playing the game without portals chugging around on horseback was 14 years ago.

Literally no one has ever said “I need to play Mage because portals.”

According to who? Ion?

No one is asking for a portal to every zone, they are asking why you have removed portals that make sense and replaced them with entirely illogical portals.

Why is the Caverns of Time portal gone? Sense of world scale is irrelevant for a cave that at this point is literally only used for farming transmog and mounts. It was a convenient trip to Dala then directly to Caverns to get your weekly farm on.

Now from memory the fastest way is go to SW/ Org, take a portal to Uldum then alt tab out as you auto fly to caverns… how does that make the world seem bigger? You are just adding 5 minutes to my weekly farm.

But thats the point isnt it? The point is it only adds 5 mins, so you can sit there and say “is it really that big of a deal” while you get to turn around and look at your time played metric skyrocket by thousands of hours a day and you get to pretend that people are playing more.

And for anyone who actually agrees “its just 5 mins extra, so what?”

I have 15 characters I used to run through caverns, thats 75 extra mins of literal nothing. No gameplay, no world embiggening, no immersification of the world I inhabit, its just a flat 75 min bump to Blizzards time played metric.

Absolute and utter BS move in Blizzards part. Pure scum bad driven change.


Maybe assuming Blizzard’s intentions is a conspiracy theory, but the practical effects of several changes made for no real benefit have had a disproportionately large effect on collection-focused players, that part is undeniable.

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“It’s a tradition” = “We got away with it before, and these people are so addicted to this game they won’t think twice about playing an extra hour a day to get the same amount done.”

The idea that these people work and plan together is not a “conspiracy theory”.

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I’m sure the folks who made Wildstar used the same kinds of loopy logic. Look where that got them.


If you want the world to “have a meaningful size,” then removing portals isn’t the way to do it. As has been suggested by many of us in the “Stop Removing Portals” thread, Blizzard needs to make the old content relevant again by updating it to the current storylines, having such things as WQs in older zones for players to farm AP, gear, gold as well as fight world bosses and rares. That’s how you make the whole world meaningful again because now players will be able to travel to other zones outside of Kul Tiras and Zandalar to do quests, just as was once done back in the Legion expansion with the Artifact and class hall quests.

I can’t help but to think that Blizzard is concerned more with the time spent playing metrics than it is with making Azeroth feel larger, when it comes to removing some of these portals. We all know that Blizzard has been working over the years to slow down the game for players, and that’s what this whole portal controversy seems to be about. Forcing immersion upon players by taking away conveniences will only hurt the game, in the long run.

With other MMORPGs on the rise in competition for WoW’s subscribers (like FFXIV), I don’t think Blizzard can afford to remove conveniences which have stood in the game for years like the portals under question, lest they continue to decrease subscriptions. Is that really what Blizzard wants, Kaivax?


If this was a one off thing then yeah, I would agree its a tinfoil hat conspiracy yet Blizzard have consistently made illogical changes that make it harder for people who collect things as their end game.

Loot rule changes
Arbitrary “you must be X level to get legacy loot rules” change
Ilvl restrictions on swapping of gear

when you see that pattern and who these changes are supposed to assist you can start make the conclusion that Blizzard does in fact not give a crap about people outside of the core raiding scene.

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