Rearranging and Removing Portals

Thing is… I don’t need to “feel the size of the world” in retail, because your (blizz’s) design has made it such that zones become ghost zones except for the occasional levelers. You made it that way, not the players. So there is no real need to make it more inconvenient for retail players to portal to places, because your own design was flawed.

Classic will solve the “problem” of your now thinking we need to “feel the size of the world.” Leave it at that.

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Know what also does that? Alt-tabbing away because you’ve just set on a flight path or have pointed your face in the direction of where you want to go.

This isn’t going to make the world seem bigger at all because, if anything, people will end up less immersed in it due to, well, alt-tabbing

If you want people to have a big world to experience, do things in said big world. Remember the Legion Invasions? THAT got people out and going around a big world. Making it so Alliance have to go from Ironforge to get to Hillsbrad (Because let’s be honest, the Christmas one is going to be the bad one, and I’m assuming its a week with no Arathi) is just going to have me AFK longer, not interact with anything


Off topic but this reminded me of Taran Zhu speaking to Garrosh " Your father dabbled in powers beyond reckoning… where is he, now?"

And now I made my self sad because I reminded my self of when Blizzard could actually have some really poignant moments with their story.


That reminds me of one of their best story moments during Mists. Battlefield Barrens. You’re sent to a mountain to help an old man climb it. Yeah, we knew he was important.

The top, if you had your speakers off, you missed out on a very well scripted scene. The voice really made the scene awesome.

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since when do warlocks have easy ways to get around? We literally have to go places and summon lazy people. Not only that, but we need 2 other people to be there with us. So if… lets say I’m running Dragon Soul (for any of the three mount, or the achievement, or transmog… (heck Idk if pets drop there, but those too if there are any), I’d have to go to CoT without the portal because it’s gone come tuesday. Now if I’m not running it alone, I’d have to go there with wait only 1 other person because there’s already a summoning stone there. AND LOCKS EXISTING IS NOT A REASON TO GET RID OF SUMMONING STONES SO DON’T GET ANY IDEAS!

You shouldn’t force warlocks (and two others) to go somewhere just to summon people, when a portal that used to exist but for some reason has been removed, got everyone there 10x faster.


If you want the world to feel larger or more populated, or whatever BS you’re spinning… then remove paid boosts. No more $60 to level 110. People outside leveling in the wild will make the world seem more “populated” and “alive”. But, it’s not really about that, is it? No, it’s about making us take longer to travel, so we take longer to complete our goals, so we’ll stay subbed just a little longer.

Please stop. If you and your team cannot manage this game, then let it just fade away gracefully, or sell the rights to someone who actually cares about the players. That minor boost in profit will look great on your Q4 sheet this year.


Funny, I was thinking earlier that if they want the game dead, they can just shut the servers down. No need to drag it out.


And of course, some players have chosen to play as Warlocks or Mages specifically because those classes offer unique means of transport.

Im sorry but…what?

You need 3 people to make a lock portal appear and at least two to summon…so exactly what “unique modes” of travel do I have…when Im alone?


No portals no sub. This is a very very horrible idea. How much feedback do you need? There is people like me that depend on these removed portals. That is like shutting down your airline travel in real life for the sake you don’t want to overuse them.

Your putting a lot of grief here for no reason other then we want to. That isn’t a reason.

Please give a proper explaination as why this portals have to be removed?

And again people are going to spam mages for places which is also bad designing and planning. Did you really think this out?

You take take take but when are you going to let use keep what you give? Why don’t temp stuff have big bold letters saying limited edition? No you just like taking things away to kill the fun of the game.

It isn’t just portals it is transmog sets and transmog items too where you can no longer get. Cause you took that away too.


Makes Dalaran a city of mages, for mages, to display the wonders of magic. Then they take all the portals out.

That’s sort of like not allowing cars in Detroit (aka the Motor City).

Here’s something I do know. If I was playing a belf or tauren, I’d want to make Silvermoon or Thunder Bluff my home: it’s cool, it’s thematic, and it has all the conveniences that Orgrimmar has, minus all the people. It’s just missing a little something: there’s an argument that taking out the portals makes the world larger. It doesn’t - by cutting out convenience of portals out of every city except one, you’ve not only created ONE central travel hub, but you’ve also created ONE central city. As an endgame player, why would I want to set my hearth anywhere except Orgrimmar and Dazaar’Alor? As a questing character, why would I want to quest anywhere except the continent that the central travel hub is located? If I’m Alliance, I’m not going far from Stormwind, and if I’m Horde, I’m not going to bother leaving Kalimdor.

But no, go ahead with this wildly unpopular decision. God only knows it won’t be the first time you knew exactly what you were doing. (How is that Azerite armor thing going, anyway?)


They said they built the portal rooms in such a way they could be easily scaled up in the future, so it’s strange they’re not putting the Caverns of Time, Wyrmrest Temple, or Isle of Thunder portals there already…


Blizzard at it again with “Despite the overwhelming majority that think this change sucks, it fits our dumbass ‘grand scheme’ of arbitrarily making you stay logged in longer. bye felicia”


I assume when they said conspiracy theory they meant the conclusion Blizzard actively wants to make collectors stop collecting, not that Blizzard makes the game as a group.

Nice guild name. Really helps me take you seriously.

Just a quick PSA: When you cancel your subscription, there is a survey with a 500 character long comment section. I think we all know how to make it clear how we feel since a 5,000 post long thread didn’t give them a clue.

For me personally, it isn’t even the portals… it’s Zandalari’s moonkin form not having a /dance. What kinda nonsense is that? Wanna talk about traditions, pretty sure it’s tradition to give all druid forms a dance.


Exactly. And I have a warlock (and have worked with guildies to move other guildies to distant locations, not a fun process).

They’re removing things with the lazy excuse of “It’s tradition!” instead of going “What is best for the game?”

I’d have nothing against them cleaning up the locations of the portals. So long as we still had all the portals we used to have.


Oh, I agree with you. The one I quoted expressed disbelief, though, so I was just saying maybe the conclusion is a conspiracy theory but it doesn’t change the fact that Blizzard’s design has led to that perception amongst collectors. It very much does feel like a concentrated effort to get collectors to stop.


This is why they keep nerfing old content: to make it unappealing enough that people will play new content instead, which will give them better numbers on the new content.

They know full well that a lot of people won’t do new content no matter what, and will quit. But they’re expecting that enough will play more to pull the wool over the investors’ eyes.


:+1: :+1: :+1:

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