Rearranging and Removing Portals

Enter in Jade forest…fly to the other FAR OPPOSITE end of the land mass.
Thats not much time wasted at all :roll_eyes:


Yeah, I call bulldust on that. If Blizzard was actually open and willing to listening to its paying player base it would have at least kept the CoT portal, maybe even a few others.


Assuming you keep your hearth at Gadgetzan. Since with few exceptions all Hearthstones share the same location. Again, pointed out before. Again, ignored.

So unless you set your Hearth to Gadgetzan, your idea doesn’t work. And you’re not going to set your Hearth to a location unless that’s where the majority of your activity is going to be at for awhile.

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And clearly DONT farm 8+ hours a day like SOME of us do.


Okay I have to ask what comes from this place?? Like the 5th person I’ve seen mention it.

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

I also wanted to add that I have things I want to do in the game and things I want to do out of the game. Making getting around that much harder is just more likely to make me log out instead because outside of raiding my cost-benefit ratio for playing is pretty borderline as is. I haven’t been on the “these changes are all for the time played metric” bandwagon, but if that’s true you’re likely to lose a few hours a month on me.

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Which is totally cool. I farm Sha and Galleon on 16 or so alts, this wasn’t a problem up until now. I could do it on each alt in 4-5 mins. Now though, flying from Jade forest will make it take twice that, so I’ll probably just not do it anymore.

This won’t get me to quit wow, I’ll just play less or find something else in game to do.

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Even if you are not farming, I am old and I don’t have time for 10 min flight paths.

I already wait in BG queue that takes 5 weeks to pop.

For what though?

No, I agree.
Just pointing out that anyone who DOES farm a LOT knows exactly how that ‘just 3 more minutes’ adds up to a couple HOURS more travel time when youre making 30 or 50 trips a day


Im sorry…HOW is THAT relevant to the POINT?

They both have the chance to drop cool mounts.

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I’m talking to Unafraid ty

ahh gotcha.

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fun in a game we enjoy?

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We’re all talking to each other.l

Nah I ask a reasonable question to a reasonable poster.

Very little from your side of this discussion has been reasonable.
All Ive seen is joke excuses being made for bad decisions on Blizzards part.

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1400 replies and 20 likes GIGALUL

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My side? I already admitted “my side” was me and one other poster, but you’ve been kind of a douche so I’ll talk to Unafraid

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